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Japan Earthquake And Tsunami


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Some more information on the plutonium leak - the amounts found are very low levels - equivilent to what landed on Japan as a result of atmospheric bomb tests in the pacific and US in the 1950s etc.


It'll be a long process getting things sorted.

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That should of been done weeks ago. remember the us said it should be 50miles and anu of its citizens living within 50 miles should leave.


seen a report today that radation in the soild is double what chenoble readings were at the time

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That should of been done weeks ago. remember the US said it should be 50 miles and any of its citizens living within 50 miles should leave.


saw a report today that radiation in the soil is double what chernobyl readings were at the time




There is no doubt this will be the world's worst nuclear disaster, despite the best efforts to cover the extent of the damage up.


We all saw the reactor buildings explode on screen, there were hundreds of thousands of spent fuel rods stored in tanks above the reactors (who's the fucking genius responsible for that one?) - all this went sky high and is strewn across the site amongst the debris.


When the first reactor building went up the BBC newsreader said "oh, it looks as though a roof has collapsed and 'steam' is now coming out" - er, no the reactor building just blew up you lying tosser!


Next they'll be telling us that radiation is good for you!

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I find it fascinating that people are more interested in the nuclear issue than in an earthquake and a tsunami that has so far been recorded as killing 28,000 people and leaving more than 550,000 displaced !


Certainly the problems at the Fukushima power station are significant but frankly somewhat trivial compared with the actual death toll and the destruction of industry, towns, and homes and posessions wrought by mother nature.


The terrifying thing is that the tsunami in particular demonstrated how vulnerable people are to nature's power - but so did the Christchurch earthquake, the Haiti earthquake and the Indian Ocean tsunami etc...etc...


The really big issue for Japan is not the Fukushima power station but how to rebuild whole communities, businesses and homes. There is no doubt that they will achieve this. So far the Japanese people have pulled together in an exemplary manner despite the awful human tragedy they face.


Talking to friends in Japan they are more concerned with how to help people in the Tohoku region who face several years of living without homes and who are currently without the items, the services and the utilities that make normal day to day life acceptable to us all in advanced societies .


A simple example of this that has come to light is that there are massive numbers of elderly people on medication whose records have been obliterated by the tsunami when it destroyed doctors' surgeries and computers. All these people will have to go through the diagnostic process over again. Because of their conditions this will have to be handled as a priority. Not something I had thougt of when I saw all the TV footage.


I suspect that it is easier to focus on technical issues than human ones.

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I find it fascinating that people are more interested in the nuclear issue than in an earthquake and a tsunami that has so far been recorded as killing 28,000 people and leaving more than 550,000 displaced !

Why? The tsunami and earthquake were dreadful and thoughts and sympathies to the victim, but that doesn't mean everyone has to find it interesting. The tsunami and earthquake have relatively local effects, whilst the nuclear issue has caused a massive perception change in an industry that was just about to receive a large boost with carbon emission reduction targets looming.


I suspect that it is easier to focus on technical issues than human ones.

This comes across as trolling - forums engage people because they can discuss topics that are interesting or need investigating, not because people have to carry on with small talk about 'how bad' the human consequences of a disaster may have been.

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I find it fascinating that people are more interested in the nuclear issue than in an earthquake and a tsunami that has so far been recorded as killing 28,000 people and leaving more than 550,000 displaced !




Because the nuclear one can effect us, who knows if it will thats why.

then again the knock on effect of the rest that happin i think will start to show in a couple of months when parts from japan start to get thin on the ground, which will effect us even more

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I suspect that it is easier to focus on technical issues than human ones.

This comes across as trolling - forums engage people because they can discuss topics that are interesting or need investigating, not because people have to carry on with small talk about 'how bad' the human consequences of a disaster may have been.


I guess the difference is that I have lived in Japan and have many Japanese friends - so I think the human issues are more important than technobabble. Far more imprtant is how Japan will recover.


BTW I assume Alias that you don't really mean that 28,000 people dying is 'small talk'...particularly as nobody has died from the Fukushima nuclear plant as yet.

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That should of been done weeks ago. remember the us said it should be 50miles and anu of its citizens living within 50 miles should leave.


seen a report today that radation in the soild is double what chenoble readings were at the time


bit more on that soil radation,

2 million per sq meter of radation 25miles from the plant,

chynoble had 500,000 per sq meter,


just shows the scale of the it





And worlds largest concrete pump is being shipped to japan from the us, will arrive next week


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