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Japan Earthquake And Tsunami


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radation at 10000 times the safe lvls

Where are you getting your figures? - no other sites or people are quoting figures like this that I can find. Got any links?

was reported on NHK.

something like 8,217 micro sievert per hour, 3 times the amount a person would get in a year

when the normal does is like 22 micro sievert per hour.

Isn't this what it is really about at the moment and where our thoughts should be?


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Isn't this what it is really about at the moment and where our thoughts should be?




There are thousands of people in Japan who have an immediate and basic need. I am not a member of Rotary, but I am very impressed by what they achieve quickly with Shelterboxes. I have seen a ShelterBox demonstration and it provides a simple, direct, short term solution for homeless families. Read about ShelterBoxes here:



Make a donation, online, or anyone wishing to raise funds should contact international committee chairman John Quaye by emailing John@mic.co.im

Any donations can be sent to treasurer Peter Vanderpump at 1 Bradda Glen Close, Port Erin, IM9 6PG.

(I have picked up that last piece of information from the Haiti Appeal, so hope that it remains valid)

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radation at 10000 times the safe lvls

Where are you getting your figures? - no other sites or people are quoting figures like this that I can find. Got any links?

was reported on NHK.

something like 8,217 micro sievert per hour, 3 times the amount a person would get in a year

when the normal does is like 22 micro sievert per hour.

Isn't this what it is really about at the moment and where our thoughts should be?


well yes and no.


while that is a horrfic thing,

the plants could be a whole lot worse,

in 10 years time all will be fixed, people will still remember it and never forget,

but if these plants do a chnynoble then it be 50-100 years and it still wont be fixed.


if they cant contain the fuel rods in the pools and the wind blows over japan, then many million of people in the next 50 years will have health problems

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Isn't this what it is really about at the moment and where our thoughts should be?




There are thousands of people in Japan who have an immediate and basic need. I am not a member of Rotary, but I am very impressed by what they achieve quickly with Shelterboxes. I have seen a ShelterBox demonstration and it provides a simple, direct, short term solution for homeless families. Read about ShelterBoxes here:



Make a donation, online, or anyone wishing to raise funds should contact international committee chairman John Quaye by emailing John@mic.co.im

Any donations can be sent to treasurer Peter Vanderpump at 1 Bradda Glen Close, Port Erin, IM9 6PG.

(I have picked up that last piece of information from the Haiti Appeal, so hope that it remains valid)


Awesome piece of simple kit that can make a big difference to people in need.


This sort of idea was bounced around by the military/aid relief agencies years ago, and I seem to remeber these guys appearing Dragons Den a few years ago.


Definately a Ronseal piece of kit.

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Reminds me of the religious fruit cakes who came out of the wood work when Katrina hit.


All this God is punishing people rubbish gets real tired, real quick.


You'd think the CHRISTIAN thing to do would be to do something helpful, not tell the Japanese that this is all their fault and they got what was coming to them.


I hate the religious community and the venom it spouts.

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Isn't this what it is really about at the moment and where our thoughts should be?




There are thousands of people in Japan who have an immediate and basic need. I am not a member of Rotary, but I am very impressed by what they achieve quickly with Shelterboxes. I have seen a ShelterBox demonstration and it provides a simple, direct, short term solution for homeless families. Read about ShelterBoxes here:



Make a donation, online, or anyone wishing to raise funds should contact international committee chairman John Quaye by emailing John@mic.co.im

Any donations can be sent to treasurer Peter Vanderpump at 1 Bradda Glen Close, Port Erin, IM9 6PG.

(I have picked up that last piece of information from the Haiti Appeal, so hope that it remains valid)


Awesome piece of simple kit that can make a big difference to people in need.


This sort of idea was bounced around by the military/aid relief agencies years ago, and I seem to remeber these guys appearing Dragons Den a few years ago.


Definately a Ronseal piece of kit.


I saw the mobilisation of these on the telly when the first ones were being packed.

My immediate thought was if we have them on stand-by for poorer countries disasters, then at least we are prepared ourselves for any national disaster here.

But if Japan acknowledge it was only a matter of time until 'the next one' why were they not prepared to the level we are themselves; they are hardly a third world country.

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Reminds me of the religious fruit cakes who came out of the wood work when Katrina hit.


All this God is punishing people rubbish gets real tired, real quick.


You'd think the CHRISTIAN thing to do would be to do something helpful, not tell the Japanese that this is all their fault and they got what was coming to them.


I hate the religious community and the venom it spouts.


Apparently it was all a joke - she was trolling and here's her video to admit it:


I liked someones comment though: "She may be trolling, but she's still a cunt."

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Reminds me of the religious fruit cakes who came out of the wood work when Katrina hit.


All this God is punishing people rubbish gets real tired, real quick.


You'd think the CHRISTIAN thing to do would be to do something helpful, not tell the Japanese that this is all their fault and they got what was coming to them.


I hate the religious community and the venom it spouts.


Apparently it was all a joke - she was trolling and here's her video to admit it:


I liked someones comment though: "She may be trolling, but she's still a cunt."


My guess is that a fair proportion of the internet turned nasty on her and this is her way of trying to get out of the clag.


"Oh what a jolly caper. All a massive misunderstanding you see. It was all meant as a jolly joke. Please dont burn my house down."

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Just wanted to point out that these plants CANNOT Chernobyl. It's physically impossible due to their design, and the fact that they were shut down. These problems were caused by a gigantic wave hitting the plants, Chernobyl was caused by performing the stupidest experiment in human history.

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