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Japan Earthquake And Tsunami


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Just wanted to point out that these plants CANNOT Chernobyl. It's physically impossible due to their design, and the fact that they were shut down. These problems were caused by a gigantic wave hitting the plants, Chernobyl was caused by performing the stupidest experiment in human history.

well they cant do a cernobyl as such, so the thorys say,

but then a thory is just that, can allways be changed.


If the molten fuel rods happin to burn out of the reactor and in to the ground, (once again this is a thory as what happins in a meltdown) but say it did, if it hits water, it will cause a huge explosion vary simaler to chernobly,


while the explosion sent a hell of a lot of radation into the air at the time,

the worst part of the radation was cause by the fuel rod burning for 3 odd days,


Now if you take 20 years woth of fuel rods in one pool, add in the mox fuel rods that are on fire, then you something a hell of a lot scary then chernoble and something a lot worse,

and the fact that there are 6 reactors with fuel rods stored in them, then really chernobyl would be a walk in the park.


Look up plutonium and see how deadly that stuff is, because that is the stuff that is buring

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“We’ve watched Exxon Valdez, the BP oil spill, numerous coal mining accidents, Chernobyl, TMI, now Fukushima, slag ponds, TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) reactors giving way,” Tom Cochran told CNN. “You have got to ask yourself, how many wake-up calls do you need before you get serious about building a safe, renewable-energy economy?”

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Just wanted to point out that these plants CANNOT Chernobyl. It's physically impossible due to their design, and the fact that they were shut down. These problems were caused by a gigantic wave hitting the plants, Chernobyl was caused by performing the stupidest experiment in human history.

well they cant do a cernobyl as such, so the thorys say,

but then a thory is just that, can allways be changed.


If the molten fuel rods happin to burn out of the reactor and in to the ground, (once again this is a thory as what happins in a meltdown) but say it did, if it hits water, it will cause a huge explosion vary simaler to chernobly,


while the explosion sent a hell of a lot of radation into the air at the time,

the worst part of the radation was cause by the fuel rod burning for 3 odd days,


Now if you take 20 years woth of fuel rods in one pool, add in the mox fuel rods that are on fire, then you something a hell of a lot scary then chernoble and something a lot worse,

and the fact that there are 6 reactors with fuel rods stored in them, then really chernobyl would be a walk in the park.


Look up plutonium and see how deadly that stuff is, because that is the stuff that is buring


Nice night at the pub? :-)

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Just wanted to point out that these plants CANNOT Chernobyl. It's physically impossible due to their design, and the fact that they were shut down. These problems were caused by a gigantic wave hitting the plants, Chernobyl was caused by performing the stupidest experiment in human history.

well they cant do a cernobyl as such, so the thorys say,

but then a thory is just that, can allways be changed.


If the molten fuel rods happin to burn out of the reactor and in to the ground, (once again this is a thory as what happins in a meltdown) but say it did, if it hits water, it will cause a huge explosion vary simaler to chernobly,


while the explosion sent a hell of a lot of radation into the air at the time,

the worst part of the radation was cause by the fuel rod burning for 3 odd days,


Now if you take 20 years woth of fuel rods in one pool, add in the mox fuel rods that are on fire, then you something a hell of a lot scary then chernoble and something a lot worse,

and the fact that there are 6 reactors with fuel rods stored in them, then really chernobyl would be a walk in the park.


Look up plutonium and see how deadly that stuff is, because that is the stuff that is buring


Nice night at the pub? :-)


no i dont drink.

but you carry on listerning to the news,


as i guess everything i said is made up is it

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well yes and no.


while that is a horrfic thing,

the plants could be a whole lot worse,

in 10 years time all will be fixed, people will still remember it and never forget,

but if these plants do a chnynoble then it be 50-100 years and it still wont be fixed.


if they cant contain the fuel rods in the pools and the wind blows over japan, then many million of people in the next 50 years will have health problems

It may be worth thinking about the power of nature versus the power of a nuclear plant. Never in my life did I expect to see footage of such a tsunami as the Sendai/Tohoku one which truly showed the powerlessness of humans faced by natural destruction at its peak and the utter destructiveness of nature over large areas.


I am not doubting the problems that the Fukushima plants may cause but the reality is that as of now a wave hit the East coast of Japan that was powerful enough to wipe out whole large communities, destroyed commerce, destroyed agriculture, placed ships and cars on top of buildings, and caused and continues to cause, the most heart rending human sorrow and misery. My friends in Japan are still of the opinion that the ultimate death toll may reach well into 6 figures as nobody knows how many people are actually missing from the highly populated east coast. And the impact of the situation on the living is already into the millions without taking Fukushima into account.


My concern is that reporting has swung to focus more on technical discussions of Fukushima than the destruction and human impact of the earthquake and the tsunami.

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“We’ve watched Exxon Valdez, the BP oil spill, numerous coal mining accidents, Chernobyl, TMI, now Fukushima, slag ponds, TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) reactors giving way,” Tom Cochran told CNN. “You have got to ask yourself, how many wake-up calls do you need before you get serious about building a safe, renewable-energy economy?”


well all i can say is,

watch all the figures for CO2 reduction be kicked out the window for the next 20-30 years, because nuck plants were the only way the uk euro usa etc could meet there targets for CO2 reduction

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US and UK search teams out of japan,

all cilvians on US bases to be flown out as of 2mro, then cilvians from japan,


radation detacted in luggage from tokyo to the USA,


even topco are finaly admitting the TSHTF.



using water cannons to try and cool pools down,

say they will have power on by 2mro which they say will cure the problem, not sure if i belive that to be honest lets hope it does

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A lot of this is sensationalist reporting. yes this is a major nuclear event, but the press are not helping.


Radioactivity is an energy that travels at the speed of light. It does not stick to you. It passes through you. Unfortunately, if a lot passes through, the energy it leaves as it bounces from atom to atom is not good.


It's the radioactive particles that do the real damage. Because they emit the radiation....


But what strikes me, as we watch events unfold in Japan, is, hundreds of nuclear bomb tests have been conducted in the pacific. the place is potentially awash with radioactive particles already. If our governments care so much for the pacific, why did they test their bombs there?

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A lot of this is sensationalist reporting. yes this is a major nuclear event, but the press are not helping.


Radioactivity is an energy that travels at the speed of light. It does not stick to you. It passes through you. Unfortunately, if a lot passes through, the energy it leaves as it bounces from atom to atom is not good.


It's the radioactive particles that do the real damage. Because they emit the radiation....


But what strikes me, as we watch events unfold in Japan, is, hundreds of nuclear bomb tests have been conducted in the pacific. the place is potentially awash with radioactive particles already. If our governments care so much for the pacific, why did they test their bombs there?


Thing is what the press have said, well maybe not the press, but the experts they have had on have said that make the sensationlist reports, have normaly been right to be honest.

Like today topco have finaly come out and said its worse then they let on, funny how it was today just after the libya thing, good day to give bad news.

if saying that the plant could go crictal again is over hyped when there only saying what is true



radation does stick to things dust that has been in contact with radation will stick to you, trees hair grass, you name it, radation does stick so to speck


While i will agree that any type of nuclear bomb test is bad, and there have been many reports of links with cancer from these places because of it, but buring spent fuel rods give out a total diffrent type of radation, ones that last 100,000 of years.

An A bombs radation is only vary short lived in radation terms

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A lot of this is sensationalist reporting. yes this is a major nuclear event, but the press are not helping.


Radioactivity is an energy that travels at the speed of light. It does not stick to you. It passes through you. Unfortunately, if a lot passes through, the energy it leaves as it bounces from atom to atom is not good.


It's the radioactive particles that do the real damage. Because they emit the radiation....


But what strikes me, as we watch events unfold in Japan, is, hundreds of nuclear bomb tests have been conducted in the pacific. the place is potentially awash with radioactive particles already. If our governments care so much for the pacific, why did they test their bombs there?


Thing is what the press have said, well maybe not the press, but the experts they have had on have said that make the sensationlist reports, have normaly been right to be honest.

Like today topco have finaly come out and said its worse then they let on, funny how it was today just after the libya thing, good day to give bad news.

if saying that the plant could go crictal again is over hyped when there only saying what is true



radation does stick to things dust that has been in contact with radation will stick to you, trees hair grass, you name it, radation does stick so to speck


While i will agree that any type of nuclear bomb test is bad, and there have been many reports of links with cancer from these places because of it, but buring spent fuel rods give out a total diffrent type of radation, ones that last 100,000 of years.

An A bombs radation is only vary short lived in radation terms


Nop. Nuclear bombs create radioactive materials with half lives in the thousands of years timescale.

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