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Japan Earthquake And Tsunami


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Just to add some more detail to the above - this pdf gives radiation levels close to the plant and are much more sobering. Link for more details.


The maximum yearly dose for a general member of the public is meant to be 1000 microSieverts per year. In the areas close to the plant they are recording readings around 100 microsieverts per HOUR - ie 10 hours worth = a years dose!




But the International Commission on Radiological Protection says the recommended limit for volunteers averting major nuclear escalation is 500 mSv.


To get that dose a volunteer would have to remain in these areas for 277 days - ie in the grand scheme of things it is serious, but for dealing with an emergency situation the levels allow people to work in the area for a long time.


Obviously the closer you get to the plants the higher the doses and the greater the risk.


Unless thinks really escallate the nuclear accident will kill far far fewer people over the next 30 years than the tsunami killed in moments.


sorry bit confussed there china,


if the limit is 500msv, do you mean 500sv limit. because 500msv is half the legal limit to the genreal public,

think u made a typo maybe.

also you said the risk of cancers will be lower than the tsunami killed.


funny thing is that them readings show the value in usv value, and shows quite small in most readings apart from the ones close to the plant.

but i found this.


On Sunday, one measurement 58 km from Fukushima registered 5.7 microsieverts per hour, the IAEA said in data provided to reporters.


At that rate, people would be exposed to the IAEA's annual recommended maximum radiation of one millisievert within about seven days.


The IAEA assumes that receiving more than one millisieverts per year, in addition to the dose from naturally occurring radiation, raises long-term cancer risk.


IAEA radiation expert Gerhard Proehl also mentioned one site more than 30 km from the nuclear plant where 100 microsieverts per hour are being measured.


Authorities have evacuated people living within 20 km of Fukushima's six reactors, and have told people within 30 km to stay indoors.


In addition, the IAEA said it seeks more information about radioactivity across Japan. So far, above-limit doses have been found in vegetables and milk in several regions around Fukushima.


so yes that maybe only 5.7msv but only 7 days and you have a high does, its been 11 days or so now, just think what it be like in 7 more days,


but still they say its all fine and not harmfull to your health at all. same with the food, its above the limits so dont eat it, but you be ok if you do eat it. same with the water.


Radiation 1,600 times higher than normal levels has been detected in an area about 20 kilometers from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, International Atomic Energy Agency officials said Monday.


Data collected by an IAEA team show that radiation levels of 161 microsievert per hour have been detected in the town of Namie, Fukushima Prefecture, the officials said.


And along with the missleading headlines off all 6 reactors hooked up, you would think everything is back to normal its all over, But they only have the cables there, all the pumps have to be checked or changed, all connections changed etc etc, they know at least one of the plants the pumps have to be changed,

its all smoke and mirrors,


And they evaced the whole plant yesterday because reactor number 3 went on fire again, saying they dont know what the fire was but it was not the fuel rods, hmmm last time i looked steel and concrete dont go on fire!!!!!.


Some experts even think that eben if they have everything working again in 2 days, that they may still not be able to cool things down in time, as there has been that much damage to the plants the rods etc in the pools and in the reactors themselfs.


But one things for sure, japan are not telling the whole truth about it

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Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Wednesday it has observed a neutron beam, a kind of radioactive ray, 13 times on the premises of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant after it was crippled by the massive March 11 quake-tsunami disaster.


TEPCO, the operator of the nuclear plant, said the neutron beam measured about 1.5 kilometers southwest of the plant's No. 1 and 2 reactors over three days from March 13

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... TEPCO, the operator of the nuclear plant, said the neutron beam measured about 1.5 kilometers southwest of the plant's No. 1 and 2 reactors over three days from March 13 and is equivalent to 0.01 to 0.02 microsieverts per hour and that this is not a dangerous level.


May I ask why you edited out the last part of the sentence you part quoted?

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The TEPCO web site has some information on it: LINK


While the Kyodo news agency is an independent nonprofit cooperative news agency so shouldn't be too badly spun!


Have to say the news is still pretty concerning. Touch wood the return of power will help start to bring it under control. I wonder if we are approaching the "end of the beginning" of this crisis, as Churchil put it?

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because i just copyed and pasted the headline,

so did not edited out the last part.


thats not a bad site that china hand to be honest.


then again if you belive the readings they say go ahead,

but everything they said so far has been lies and bull,

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The TEPCO web site has some information on it: LINK


While the Kyodo news agency is an independent nonprofit cooperative news agency so shouldn't be too badly spun!


Have to say the news is still pretty concerning. Touch wood the return of power will help start to bring it under control. I wonder if we are approaching the "end of the beginning" of this crisis, as Churchil put it?


the beams of light mean only one thing, and that is that rods have become critcal and have undergone nuclear fusion or nuclear fission,

now im taking it has come from the rods in the spent fuel pool not the reactor, (edit. looking more into this, the beam could only have come from the reactors)

but even so, it shows that some nasty stuff is in the air.

and with number 3 on fire again today


The Austrian Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG), which is advising the International Atomic Energy Agency, reports that releases of radioactive Cesium (hazardous life: 300-600 years) from Fukushima now are 20-60% those of Chernobyl; releases of Iodine-131 are at 20% Chernobyl releases


return of power is a long way away at the moment

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the beams of light mean only one thing, and that is that rods have become critcal and have undergone nuclear fusion or nuclear fission,

Oops, big blow to the credibility there, fella. Nuclear fusion, indeed!


sorry please explain

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the beams of light mean only one thing, and that is that rods have become critcal and have undergone nuclear fusion or nuclear fission,

Oops, big blow to the credibility there, fella. Nuclear fusion, indeed!

sorry please explain

No thanks, it would be much more entertaining watching you try to explain how fuel rods could undergo nuclear fusion.

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I still think nuclear power stations are safer for the environment (and us) than coal powered stations.


we see if that stays the same when this is all over.


In half a century of nuclear energy, we have had 4 major incidents. Only one of which was big and very bad.


I would say that is a good track record compared to coal fueled energy generation. Especially if we consider how many coal miners die worldwide each year just getting the black stuff out of the ground.

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the beams of light mean only one thing, and that is that rods have become critcal and have undergone nuclear fusion or nuclear fission,

Oops, big blow to the credibility there, fella. Nuclear fusion, indeed!

sorry please explain

No thanks, it would be much more entertaining watching you try to explain how fuel rods could undergo nuclear fusion.


o i see, one of them that knows it all but cant say, i see.

normaly means knows fook all then.


what can i say i diden study nuclear phsics,

but as you seam to have and what is going on in the plant and what reactions are happining in the plant and what all the atoms and Neutron are doing in japan then maybe you like to give them a call and explain to them whats going on.

you could be a hero make there day

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I still think nuclear power stations are safer for the environment (and us) than coal powered stations.


we see if that stays the same when this is all over.


In half a century of nuclear energy, we have had 4 major incidents. Only one of which was big and very bad.


I would say that is a good track record compared to coal fueled energy generation. Especially if we consider how many coal miners die worldwide each year just getting the black stuff out of the ground.




Link explaining figures.

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