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The Pope


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Funny old world.


I see the pope is having (or probably by now has had) a 'feeding tube' inserted.


Why the doctors don't withdraw medical intervention beyond palliative care and let that doddering old man simply slither off into oblivion as he so obviously now should defeats me.

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If you can't see the difference Rog there's no hope for you.


Difference between what?


I’m not drawing parallels between the murder of Terri, I am simply raising the question of when medical intervention should be limited to providing pain relief and allowing nature to take its course.


In the same way that doctors will often hold back from prescribing antibiotics when a profoundly ill old person contracts pneumonia preferring rather to let nature take its course. Not for nothing is pneumonia also known as ‘The Old Mans Friend’.


And as for the pope, he IS a doddering old man. Not a cheap shot, a statement of fact. Is he a poor old sod? Not an unfair assertion and not my words but I would be comfortable using them as I happen to feel pity for him.


It seems to me that like Brezhnev after his last stroke and being kept on life support long after brain death was pronounced as Andropov was engaged in his struggle that he eventually won, the pope may well be being kept alive as a policy using methods that are not in the best interests of the man whilst power battles rage within the Vatican.


These things DO happen.

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Strange country, America.  They kill prisoners more humanely than their hospital patients  :angry:


Well said.


Back on thread.


I am not a Roman Catholic but I feel sorry for the Pope. I hope he is not being allowed to suffer pain and discomfort against his will for "a few breaths more" for whatever the hidden politics that goes on in the Vatican.

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