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Don't be deliberately obtuse.


Thank you :rolleyes:


I meant trying to prove deliberate intent to go outside rules of engagement is pretty much impossible. War is not nice you see...


I knew what you meant.


Firstly, there is a difference between 'balance of probability' and 'beyond all reasonable doubt'. Both are "proof". However, the authorities will never 'prove' anything if they refuse to investigate alleged atrocities. If 'we' attack ambulances with impunity 'we' are are terrorising the people and we reap what we sow. If 'we' deliberately target an ambulance, 'we' should at least robustly investigate it to learn whether it was a 'genuine mistake' or an 'intentional mistake'. How can we ever expect to 'win'?

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As for “don't go to war against anyone and they won't go to war against you” that is garbage. There are things in this world that simply must be confronted.




No its not garbage at all, its called worldwide peace!


War leads to more wars, if no one went to war in the first place then there would be no wars!


Of course things need confronting in life, but there are other more peacefull ways and methods other than with wars which kill innocent people.


All life is sacred, you shouldent do, or even think, unto others that which u would not like back in return!

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As for “don't go to war against anyone and they won't go to war against you” that is garbage. There are things in this world that simply must be confronted.




No its not garbage at all, its called worldwide peace!


War leads to more wars, if no one went to war in the first place then there would be no wars!


Of course things need confronting in life, but there are other more peacefull ways and methods other than with wars which kill innocent people.


All life is sacred, you shouldent do, or even think, unto others that which u would not like back in return!


All life is not sacred.


Man has been given free will and when man turns away from the Lord that is his choice though his life remains sacred with the expectation that there hopefully will come a time when he seeks salvation in Jesus. But when man turns to evil then his life is no longer sacred until he turns away from that evil.


So when confronted by an enemy who is intent on destruction then the decision must be taken as to which path to take. War or acquiescence. If there is common ground and the confrontation is in respect of property or control then war should be avoided, but once the enemy is intent on genocide be it genocide of a race or cultural genocide then a different approach must be at least considered and in necessary adopted. This is scripturally sound as even Jesus refused to negotiate with the evil one.


Evil, and it does exist, must be faced down, and if that evil is so dreadful that it represents a real danger to mankind then it must be fought because to not do so would be to engender an even greater evil.

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Man has been given free will...
Oh, do you not believe your God knows what the future will hold?
when man turns away from the Lord that is his choice though his life remains sacred with the expectation that there hopefully will come a time when he seeks salvation in Jesus. But when man turns to evil then his life is no longer sacred until he turns away from that evil.
So for those who take these threats seriously, there is no free will.


Evil, and it does exist, must be faced down, and if that evil is so dreadful that it represents a real danger to mankind then it must be fought because to not do so would be to engender an even greater evil.
But what evil are you talking about. You mention Muslims, but who exactly?
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Oh, do you not believe your God knows what the future will hold?


Not “my” God, just “God”.


We all know what the future will hold, at least those of us who are conversant with The Bible do. What is unknown is the fate of any individual because of the gift of free will given to us by our Creator as part of his love for us. Any loving parent will do his best to provide an environment for his children to grow in freedom and any parent will teach his children right from wrong, what is good and what is not, and what is dangerous and what is not.


Any loving parent will guide and at times even chastise his children when they stray, and any loving parent will, as does The Lord forgive and continue to forgive when the kids do make mistakes and "miss the target" especially when they accept they have done so, and resolve to try not to repeat the error.


But the most loving of parents can not know what the outcome for each child will be, that depends on choices that the child makes for themselves. The Lord has created us all with free will. For those who love The Lord and follow his guidance and offer of salvation, even though we may make mistake after mistake in our lives, the outcome is certain. For those who do not the outcome is equally certain, which is which is entirely down to us.


So for those who take these threats seriously, there is no free will.


There is the free will to fear The Lord and accept his offer of salvation through Christ, or not to. There is the freedom to make the wrong choices, repent, and return to The Saved through the absolution of our mistakes by Jesus on our behalf. That amounts to more free will and freedom that one will get anywhere in the world of man.


But what evil are you talking about. You mention Muslims, but who exactly?


Evil covers all those things, thoughts and acts which are detrimental to the wellbeing of mankind and the living of a life as instructed and exemplified by Jesus.

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All life is not sacred.


Man has been given free will and when man turns away from the Lord that is his choice though his life remains sacred with the expectation that there hopefully will come a time when he seeks salvation in Jesus. But when man turns to evil then his life is no longer sacred until he turns away from that evil.

Bullshit, propaganda and downright lies!

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Human beings, by our very nature, are just aggressive, angry and territorial animals. We just learned how to kill each other better over the generations.


"To secure peace, we prepare for war."


To think that if we disolved our ability to wage war (whether offensively or defensively) the world would be a happier place is naievity of the most dangerous kind.


We may dress fancy and have shiney technology, but at the end of the day it will come down to resources like it always has. They have it, we want it. They want it, we have it. No different when we used to fight over who got to live in what cave millions of years ago.


We as a nation (well the UK as a whole anyway) are lucky that we have men and women who are willing to step and be our guardians, protectors and warriors. Better an a force of volunteers than a force of conscripts forced into the position against their will.

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The war that we are presently engaged in is a hearts and minds war, one that is now global in scope as a result of all but uncontrolled immigration, the stupidity of believing that a multicultural society is even possible let alone desirable, and the erosion of the principles that were the back bone of our society and its values and the detestable principle of Socialism.


Add to that the widely believed nonsense of “equality” between people, races, and societies, and throw in the “Human Rights” stupidity and we could have all the bright and shiny bits and bobs that go bang but without understanding the enemy and the armaments that he uses we'll lose this one. Right now we're outgunned, outnumbered, and invaded, more so in the UK but increasingly so here.


We'll lose because it's a war being fought between ideologies that are so far removed from each other as to make the Cold War confrontation between Capitalism and Communism seem like bedfellows.


Most people in the civilised world have lost belief in the basics that saw our civilisation emerge. Our very compassion and desire to live in an integrated society is leading to us simply failing to understand that when facing an ideology that is fundamentally opposed to taking on board the very values we abide by we are allowing it to prosper, and in many respects encouraging it.


As a society we are acting like a person with a destroyed immune system, unable to defend against an infection that it is unable to even recognise for the ideological pathogen that it is, and will eventually cause its demise.

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Most people in the civilised world have lost belief in the basics that saw our civilisation emerge.

Not true. Greed, corruption and an overwhelming belief in our own superiority are very much still with us.

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