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They were underpaid, so the army were sent in to act as scabs. The effect of this would be to frustrate such industrial action.


And saves lives your fricking idiot.


The forces weren't doing it for their health. Although they were doing it on alot less money, worse work conditions and less time off.


Boohoo for the poor hard done by firemen.

I don't believe either party was conscripted?

Those who wanted to save lives joined the fire service; those who wanted to take lives joined the army.

The firemen had the right to strike as long as they obeyed the unnecessarily stringent rules introduced by Thatchercow, whilst the army didn't have that right.

But I'm pretty sure they all knew the conditions before joining.

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Not “my” God, just “God”.


Not my god either, therefore 'your god' is correct.


The war that we are presently engaged in is a hearts and minds war, one that is now global in scope as a result of all but uncontrolled immigration, the stupidity of believing that a multicultural society is even possible let alone desirable, and the erosion of the principles that were the back bone of our society and its values and the detestable principle of Socialism.


Add to that the widely believed nonsense of “equality” between people, races, and societies, and throw in the “Human Rights” stupidity and we could have all the bright and shiny bits and bobs that go bang but without understanding the enemy and the armaments that he uses we'll lose this one. Right now we're outgunned, outnumbered, and invaded, more so in the UK but increasingly so here.


We'll lose because it's a war being fought between ideologies that are so far removed from each other as to make the Cold War confrontation between Capitalism and Communism seem like bedfellows.


Most people in the civilised world have lost belief in the basics that saw our civilisation emerge. Our very compassion and desire to live in an integrated society is leading to us simply failing to understand that when facing an ideology that is fundamentally opposed to taking on board the very values we abide by we are allowing it to prosper, and in many respects encouraging it.


As a society we are acting like a person with a destroyed immune system, unable to defend against an infection that it is unable to even recognise for the ideological pathogen that it is, and will eventually cause its demise.


I thought you said elsewhere that yours was a peaceful religion? (I may have been mistaken, I can't be bothered reading back through the rest of the bile ridden nonsense). Am I right that with your dislike of multiculturalism, if your Jesus was alive today, you would object to him coming to the UK, what with him being slightly dark in colour and certainly not of the same culture as you?


“Human Rights” stupidity? A yes, damn those "human rights"! How dare we suggest that humans should have rights. Just out of curiosity, which of the Human Rights do you object to? Is your objection to Human Rights based upon your dislike of other cultures or as a part of your beliefs in a 'higher being'?


Absolute Rights:

* Article 2: The right to life

* Article 3: The right not to be tortured or treated in an inhuman or degrading way

* Article 4 (1) The right to be free from slavery

* Article 7: No punishment without law


Non-Absolute Rights:

* Article 4 (2): The right to be free from forced labour

* Article 5: The right to liberty (limited)

* Article 6: The right to a fair trial

* Article 8: The right to respect for private and family life, home and correspondence (qualified)

* Article 9: The right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion (qualified)

* Article 10: The right to freedom of expression (qualified)

* Article 11: The right to freedom of assembly and association (qualified)

* Article 12: The right to marry and found a family (qualified)

* Article 1, Protocol 1: The right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions (qualified)

* Article 2, Protocol 2: The right to education

* Article 3, Protocol 2: The right to free and fair elections


By the way, I even support Article 9.


The definition of a religious war? Two groups of people fighting over who has the best imaginary friend.

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The war that we are presently engaged in is a hearts and minds war, one that is now global in scope as a result of all but uncontrolled immigration, the stupidity of believing that a multicultural society is even possible let alone desirable, and the erosion of the principles that were the back bone of our society and its values and the detestable principle of Socialism.

I completely missed this. What are you on? I think you better reason to belief in your God than this sort of nonsense about the wars being undertaken because of uncontrolled immigration, socialism, and multiculturalism.


And yet ...... they are.


Most people in the civilised world have lost belief in the basics that saw our civilisation emerge. Our very compassion and desire to live in an integrated society is leading to us simply failing to understand that when facing an ideology that is fundamentally opposed to taking on board the very values we abide by we are allowing it to prosper, and in many respects encouraging it.
What ideology is that?


Any that runs counter to our own, our western civilised society and the ideology that is its foundation and that allows people like us to comment freely on it.


As a society we are acting like a person with a destroyed immune system, unable to defend against an infection that it is unable to even recognise for the ideological pathogen that it is, and will eventually cause its demise.
What, what, what?


Anything that is setremental to our society. The very decency and freedoms of our society are the open would that lets pathogens enter, the very freedoms that we have earned are now allowing these social pathogens to flourish and spread their infections and once infected will then close our freedoms for us all unless we clue up pretty soon.

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Do you have ANY explanation (in details) as to how socialism, multiculturalism, and immigration are causing wars?




You are very woolly about what you mean. Which ideologies of western civilised society? Liberalism? Democracy? Consumerism? Capitalism?


The ideologies that have Christian principles as their foundation.

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If you can't be ****** actually being specific and offering good explanation for your view there is no point paying attention to them.


If YOU can't ask the question that you want answered, you can't object to getting the answer to the question that you did ask.

YOU asked “Do you have ANY explanation (in details) as to how socialism, multiculturalism, and immigration are causing wars?

The answer to that question was either yes, or no. I answered accordingly.

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You're being evasive. You know that I looking for explanations from you and really looking for a yes or no answer.


So ask a question that is not a closed question. You're not very good at this are you? As an example read what you wrote. You will see you got precisely what you are demanding, a yes or no answer. You got a yes.

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If people believe that salvation depends upon obeying God's commands irrespective of the moral value of those commands, then they are apt to behave in a way that most other people would regard as immoral. Thus for example Jesus' injunction to resist not evil has led to Christians being willing to accept without opposition evils perpetrated by their fellow believers, such as forcible conversions, the Crusades, persecutions and genocide.

The more recently Churches have been founded, the more they have been constrained by secular opinion. If the Methodists had been allowed to, they might well have burned as many people in the eighteenth century as Protestants did in the seventeenth, or the Roman Church did in the sixteenth century.

It is fair to say that, with the possible exception of Unitarians and Quakers, all large denominations have engaged in persecution precisely to the extent that they have been able to.

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What are your explanations for the claims that you have made about the cause of wars?


STILL imprecise not to mention poor grammar. Never mind, I'll put up the question that I THINK you want to ask and answer it.


I THINK you mean “please explain what is behind your assertion that socialism, multiculturalism, and immigration are causing wars”


Socialism, apart from being an ideology based on theft and ignoring human nature and especially when it appears in the form of Communism is a thing that is incompatible with human nature. It not only contains the seeds of its own destruction but in addition creates confrontation with free societies that favour the individual and rule by democratic choice and the principle of self sufficiency tempered by charity and consideration of those in need by citizens and government and not by legislation.


Multiculturalism is actually a nonsense word just as the principle is based upon a nonsense concept.


A country can never be multicultural for the simple reason that the culture of a country is the ethos of that country. To try to enforce a society with separate communities having their own culture that not only have no commonality with others but in addition the refusal to fully integrate into a new culture that is an amalgam of other cultures based on total equality is bound not only to fail but collapse destructively as one culture attempts to oppress and dominate all others.


Immigration? Immigration is the case of wars when immigrants come looking for what they can scrounge or steal (often the two go hand in hand) and the indigenous population eventually kick back. That then spills over into conflict In other lands as we see happening in Afghanistan today and even the Ivory Coast mess where illegal immigrants into the North of the country have been able to unseat the president that the majority of the real citizens of the IC voted for. Immigration is also the cause of wars when immigrants come to colonize. It is a bad thing when handled carelessly, and only a positive thing when an immigrant brings a much needed skill and even then only when all attempts to use the existing population as a pool to draw a resource from. As for immogration by Asylum seekers, far far too many people are accepted into Europe and the UK in particular for the wrong reasons. How much bettter it would be if those who don't like how it is at home were sent back home with the message “you don't like it? FIX IT.”

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Immigration? Immigration is the case of wars when immigrants come looking for what they can scrounge or steal (often the two go hand in hand) and the indigenous population eventually kick back. That then spills over into conflict In other lands as we see happening in Afghanistan today and even the Ivory Coast mess where illegal immigrants into the North of the country have been able to unseat the president that the majority of the real citizens of the IC voted for. Immigration is also the cause of wars when immigrants come to colonize. It is a bad thing when handled carelessly, and only a positive thing when an immigrant brings a much needed skill and even then only when all attempts to use the existing population as a pool to draw a resource from. As for immogration by Asylum seekers, far far too many people are accepted into Europe and the UK in particular for the wrong reasons. How much bettter it would be if those who don't like how it is at home were sent back home with the message “you don't like it? FIX IT.”

Quite right! Britain has never been the same since the Celts Romans Angles Jutes Saxons Vikings Normans arrived and imposed their cultures on us!

British people spent years conquering the world and stealing its resources - and now they're upset because the natives followed them home!

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STILL imprecise not to mention poor grammar. Never mind, I'll put up the question that I THINK you want to ask and answer it.

Do you require good grammar and the utmost clarity to understand what it is I am asking? I think you may have a learning disability, if so.


I THINK you mean please explain what is behind your assertion that socialism, multiculturalism, and immigration are causing wars
Well, you got there in the end!


Socialism, apart from being an ideology based on theft and ignoring human nature [which is?] and especially when it appears in the form of Communism is a thing that is incompatible with human nature. It not only contains the seeds of its own destruction but in addition creates confrontation with free societies [And which societies do you consider 'free'? Liberal democracies? that favour the individual [How does socialism favour the individual? And do you think capitalism favours the 'community' or 'groups'?] and rule by democratic choice and the principle of self sufficiency [i think you mean statist socialism and not socialism in general] tempered by charity and consideration of those in need [Presumably, you mean the many who are in need because they live in a quasi-capitalist society? by citizens and government and not by legislation.
I still need to ask how you think socialism is a cause of wars. You have only described what you think it bad about a particular form of socialism.


A country can never be multicultural for the simple reason that the culture of a country is the ethos of that country. To try to enforce a society with separate communities having their own culture that not only have no commonality with others but in addition the refusal to fully integrate into a new culture that is an amalgam of other cultures based on total equality is bound not only to fail but collapse destructively as one culture attempts to oppress and dominate all others.
But how has multiculturalism been a cause of wars? You haven't answered the question.


Immigration? Immigration is the case of wars when immigrants come looking for what they can scrounge or steal (often the two go hand in hand) and the indigenous population eventually kick back. That then spills over into conflict.
Firstly, the vast majority of immigrants are not scroungers and cheats.

But what is this kick-back?


In other lands as we see happening in Afghanistan today
Not been much immigration into Afghanistan. Not massive levels. But how has this caused the wars the West is fighting?


...and even the Ivory Coast mess where illegal immigrants into the North of the country have been able to unseat the president that the majority of the real citizens of the IC voted for.
This isn't a war the West has been fighting, except for French intervention, which is performed largely to maintain influence and play their part in peacekeeping. But the issues surrounding Ivory Coast are far more complicated than a matter of immigrants upsetting a democratic process.

Were this not to be the case and it was down to immigration, it would be a peculiar instance of immigration having a profound effect on constitutional matters of this type.

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You're being evasive. You know that I looking for explanations from you and really looking for a yes or no answer.


So ask a question that is not a closed question. You're not very good at this are you? As an example read what you wrote. You will see you got precisely what you are demanding, a yes or no answer. You got a yes.


Well I asked three straight forward questions and didn't get any answers.


Am I right that with your dislike of multiculturalism, if your Jesus was alive today, you would object to him coming to the UK, what with him being slightly dark in colour and certainly not of the same culture as you?


Just out of curiosity, which of the Human Rights do you object to?

Is your objection to Human Rights based upon your dislike of other cultures or as a part of your beliefs in a 'higher being'?

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All life is not sacred.


Man has been given free will and when man turns away from the Lord that is his choice though his life remains sacred with the expectation that there hopefully will come a time when he seeks salvation in Jesus. But when man turns to evil then his life is no longer sacred until he turns away from that evil.


So when confronted by an enemy who is intent on destruction then the decision must be taken as to which path to take. War or acquiescence. If there is common ground and the confrontation is in respect of property or control then war should be avoided, but once the enemy is intent on genocide be it genocide of a race or cultural genocide then a different approach must be at least considered and in necessary adopted. This is scripturally sound as even Jesus refused to negotiate with the evil one.


Evil, and it does exist, must be faced down, and if that evil is so dreadful that it represents a real danger to mankind then it must be fought because to not do so would be to engender an even greater evil.


Well I think I will believe the teachings of my personal teacher who teaches me and explains to me with empathy, that all life is indeed sacred and has the right to live its life free from pain and suffering ect !

Although I do get the general idea of whats being said !


The giant hornet that attacks and kills honey bees, wiv just a few hornets being capable wiping out an entire hive of 30,000 bees in a matter of a few hours , MUST NOT BE KILLED (by humans who do so out of greed and Ignorance! ), the hornet is a beautiful and innocent species! It has the right to live!!!!!!!!


You should just remove the hornet WITHOUT KILLING IT and take it out of harms way!


Jesus does not preach humility and compassion because modesty is becoming, he teaches it because its the only cure for the deadly pride and arrogance that makes us want to kill each other, weather the murder is of our friends or the nailing of a stranger to a tree, the only cure is to recognize each other as brother and sister.


But Im going to say this one FINAL TME, im beginning to sound like a broken record! to confront evil ect you DONT have to go to war!


You DONT have to go out of your way to drop atomic bombs on places like Hiroshima and nakasaki in japan ( the Americans again! :( ) an estimated 70,000 innocent people, were murdered !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry:


But anyways the evil Im referring to on this topic, and which CAN be opposed , is not nessacerily that of and from human beings in origin ! although humans are the puppets !


I have to say I find the thoughts and desire that these American “soldiers” had about throwing out sweets to children and when the children merrily skip to collect the sweets, shoot the children DEAD just for the fun of it, to be simply evil !!! :(


I just cant even imagine even imagining such thoughts, what kind of “people” are these American soldiers ?????


Its irrevelant as to wether they carried out there thoughts of murdering innocent children, they thought about doing it which is just as bad, there is little difference between thinking and doing! In fact there the same!


Thought and intention is one of the powerfull principles of how spells and magic work! And indeed its how prayer works too!

Unfortunatly as these soldiers had evil thoughts intentions and desires ect so there practice is that of black magic and black witch craft!


In summary the attitude that most seem to have which is to sumhow try and “excuse” war as being acceptable is the very reason why you will continue to have wars! Its not acceptable, its wrong in EVERY situation and circumstance!


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