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We Can Take Down Governments


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its a commen fact to be honest


He says that the memo described a plan to "take out 7 countries in 5 years starting with Iraq and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finishing off, Iran." And that this plan was in place within weeks of the attacks on New York.


You are saying that this is common knowledge ?


Tell me what else I have missed :)

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I'm surprised (though pleased) that he's not subject to some US version of the Official Secrets Act which precludes fired 4* generals telling the truth!


The older I get, the more I see warped logic and likely truth in the conspiracy theories that pals forward on to me. Looking forward to the Kennedy series on Sky: 'back and to the left'...

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What sort of theories? I wonder whether many references of the public to conspiracy theories are really theories at all or rather just information that is not made readily available (but not hidden) to the public. And much can be inferred from the forms of economic systems, economic interests, and power structures that exist in the world, as interests will dictate much about how the elites in the western world conduct foreign policy.

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Oh, just the usual! Who really killed JFK, Marilyn and Diana, the truth behind 9/11 (controlled demolition?, necessary prelude to a crusade?), was it an airliner hit the Pentagon, is man-made global warming/climate change a con, does the Bilderberg Group really control everything, are there already alternatives to petrol/diesel that the oil companies are hushing up?


You know, usual conspiracy stuff, and that's without UFO's...

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Oh I see. Yes, I would them the proper conspiracy theories. I think it is important that significant issues (not Diana's or JFK's deaths long after they are dead or 9/11) are scrutined, but the problem with many theories is that people come up with them with little evidence and then unfortunately believe them wholeheartedly, rather than continuing to seek further evidence.

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Oh I see. Yes, I would them the proper conspiracy theories. I think it is important that significant issues (not Diana's or JFK's deaths long after they are dead or 9/11) are scrutined, but the problem with many theories is that people come up with them with little evidence and then unfortunately believe them wholeheartedly, rather than continuing to seek further evidence.


Biggest one surely is the existence of god?!

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Not really incredible,


Anyone with half a brain full well knows why the west is in the middle east,

why iraq had to go, etc etc.


it all about the oil

If that's true they should let China go in and do the hard work since they take much of the middle east oil nowadays.

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Not really incredible,


Anyone with half a brain full well knows why the west is in the middle east,

why iraq had to go, etc etc.


it all about the oil

If that's true they should let China go in and do the hard work since they take much of the middle east oil nowadays.


No, they will wait for the West to do it, then take it from us.

It has always been said that they will rule the world, if only because of their sheer numbers

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Oh, just the usual! Who really killed JFK, Marilyn and Diana, the truth behind 9/11 (controlled demolition?, necessary prelude to a crusade?), was it an airliner hit the Pentagon, is man-made global warming/climate change a con, does the Bilderberg Group really control everything, are there already alternatives to petrol/diesel that the oil companies are hushing up?


You know, usual conspiracy stuff, and that's without UFO's...



Here's a conspiracy theory, it's said the Manx media is in the control of right wing morons.


What say you tory boy?

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