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Louis Theroux And The Phelps Family

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Best clip I have seen of this particular bunch of nutters (I believe his first visit was last year - I also think I started a thread about it) is when they tried to "picket" the funeral of a serviceman killed overseas, only to be blocked by the Hells Angels chapter that had ties to the serviceman.


Odd how they didn't mess with the Chapter, hard to sue someone when you've been fed to pigs.

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There is something quite tapped about the Westboro Baptist Church. Very strange people. I do hope they all get run over accidentally when standing by the roadside.


Just as The Lord is real, so is the evil one. There is no doubt that the evil one is at work in society and across the world today. One way that the father of lies works is to defile what is good in the eyes of people who know no better and there is no doubt that the Phelps family church is an example of the evil one in action.


William Shakespeare knew this well when he wrote in The Merchant of Venice “The devil can site scripture for his own purpose! An evil soul producing holy witness is like a villain with a smiling cheek.”


Be careful about what you ascribe to Christianity, especially things done in its name that are foul such as the obscenities of the Phelps. Far from promoting Christianity they achieve a disgust for Christianity amongst people who know no better and think what they come out with in some way has some Christian basis.


It does NOT. Nor even in Judaism.


Phelps and his entourage are the tools of the evil one. They will be the ones who burn in the eternal fires of hell, of that there is no question, and moreover by having committed the one unpardonable sin for old man Phelps especially there can be no salvation.


(For anyone interested that line is based on the temptation of Christ when the evil one in attempting to corrupt Jesus by quoting from Psalm 91.)

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There is something quite tapped about the Westboro Baptist Church. Very strange people. I do hope they all get run over accidentally when standing by the roadside.


Just as The Lord is real, so is the evil one. There is no doubt that the evil one is at work in society and across the world today. One way that the father of lies works is to defile what is good in the eyes of people who know no better and there is no doubt that the Phelps family church is an example of the evil one in action.


William Shakespeare knew this well when he wrote in The Merchant of Venice “The devil can site scripture for his own purpose! An evil soul producing holy witness is like a villain with a smiling cheek.”


Be careful about what you ascribe to Christianity, especially things done in its name that are foul such as the obscenities of the Phelps. Far from promoting Christianity they achieve a disgust for Christianity amongst people who know no better and think what they come out with in some way has some Christian basis.


It does NOT. Nor even in Judaism.


Phelps and his entourage are the tools of the evil one. They will be the ones who burn in the eternal fires of hell, of that there is no question, and moreover by having committed the one unpardonable sin for old man Phelps especially there can be no salvation.


(For anyone interested that line is based on the temptation of Christ when the evil one in attempting to corrupt Jesus by quoting from Psalm 91.)


Yeah, gotta watch out for the evil one. Him a sly old bugger...

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Spook - Maybe Satan is the one who influenced the content of the Bible. Maybe Satan is your God and he is pulling the wool over your eyes.


Yup. Good point, and one I have thought about often...


But who knows......


Louis Theroux makes excellent TV. But I think the Phelps have it sussed.... there is a lot of money in being weird and having TV crews visit you. Erm, our license money actually.


Is it ethical for the BBC to financially support self proclaimed extreamists?

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.... there is a lot of money in being weird and having TV crews visit you. Erm, our license money actually.


Is it ethical for the BBC to financially support self proclaimed extreamists?


I seriously doubt the BBC paid them for the interviews. What makes you say they did? They'll have loved the free publicity.

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.... there is a lot of money in being weird and having TV crews visit you. Erm, our license money actually.


Is it ethical for the BBC to financially support self proclaimed extreamists?


I seriously doubt the BBC paid them for the interviews. What makes you say they did? They'll have loved the free publicity.


There was a converted movie maker on the program.


I would suspect the BBC crew would have to "rent" facilities from the family.


Possibly, in the same way that film crews "maybe rent" Langness cottages.


Totally unfounded. just speculation.

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Spook - Maybe Satan is the one who influenced the content of the Bible. Maybe Satan is your God and he is pulling the wool over your eyes.


Come on LDV - Barack Obama wasn't even born when the bible was made up.

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There is something quite tapped about the Westboro Baptist Church. Very strange people. I do hope they all get run over accidentally when standing by the roadside.


Just as The Lord is real, so is the evil one. There is no doubt that the evil one is at work in society and across the world today. One way that the father of lies works is to defile what is good in the eyes of people who know no better and there is no doubt that the Phelps family church is an example of the evil one in action.


William Shakespeare knew this well when he wrote in The Merchant of Venice “The devil can site scripture for his own purpose! An evil soul producing holy witness is like a villain with a smiling cheek.”


Be careful about what you ascribe to Christianity, especially things done in its name that are foul such as the obscenities of the Phelps. Far from promoting Christianity they achieve a disgust for Christianity amongst people who know no better and think what they come out with in some way has some Christian basis.


It does NOT. Nor even in Judaism.


Phelps and his entourage are the tools of the evil one. They will be the ones who burn in the eternal fires of hell, of that there is no question, and moreover by having committed the one unpardonable sin for old man Phelps especially there can be no salvation.


(For anyone interested that line is based on the temptation of Christ when the evil one in attempting to corrupt Jesus by quoting from Psalm 91.)


The Phelps are so extreme and ridiculous that only fellow nutters could give any credence to their views. Pity you can't achieve some enlightenment as to your own distorted views - the lord and the evil one for example. They might be real to you but that doesn't say a lot about the state of your mental health either.

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Spook - Maybe Satan is the one who influenced the content of the Bible. Maybe Satan is your God and he is pulling the wool over your eyes.

Let's look at that proposition.


Mankind has progressed from a nomadic lifestyle, a life that was short and brutal, to the Western civilisation that you and I enjoy today.


That civilisation and most of its laws are based on Biblical principles of prohibition of certain acts which, if they were not prohibited, would see our civilisation collapse.


Imagine if there had been no prohibition on theft, on killing, on lying, on sexual immorality. Imagine if there was no command to not be covetous of what others had, and I deliberately use the word covetous because it goes so far beyond being a bit envious or jealous. Imagine of there was not a commandment to take heed of your parents and look after them in their old age. What would our civilisation look like today?


Yet the evil one pushed people to do all the things that The Lord told us we should not do.


The Lord has led us to a great civilisation one that, even with all its faults, sees us living a life that lets us enjoy our time on this earth in spite of the influence of the evil one increasing as much as anything because of the inaction of so many church leaders to instruct, guide, and lead people in the true path of Jesus.


No, LDV, The Lord is good because when his will is followed and the teaching of Jesus is heeded society benefits. THAT is the proof that The Lord is good.


@ Snaipyr Just curious. Would you walk up to your local vicar or parish priest and tell him “Pity you can't achieve some enlightenment as to your own distorted views - The Lord and the evil one for example. They might be real to you but that doesn't say a lot about the state of your mental health either.”


As I say, just curious.

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@ Snaipyr Just curious. Would you walk up to your local vicar or parish priest and tell him “Pity you can't achieve some enlightenment as to your own distorted views - The Lord and the evil one for example. They might be real to you but that doesn't say a lot about the state of your mental health either.”


As I say, just curious.


Do you walk up to people in the street and tell them they're going to hell? Just curious.

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@ Snaipyr Just curious. Would you walk up to your local vicar or parish priest and tell him “Pity you can't achieve some enlightenment as to your own distorted views - The Lord and the evil one for example. They might be real to you but that doesn't say a lot about the state of your mental health either.”


As I say, just curious.


Do you walk up to people in the street and tell them they're going to hell? Just curious.



On occasions since 1979 I have engaged with “Spring Harvest” which as part of its program in effect does just that thing.


Many thousands of people have been Saved as a result of the great work done by the public declarations of faith, and for many following on from their first exposure to Christianity.


So, in direct answer to your question, on occasions, yes.

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So you're no different to the Phelps family.



If you can't see the difference then I could spend from now 'till doomsday explaining where the difference is and you still wouldn't see it because you wouldn't WANT to see it.

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I'd say that it's you who WANTS to see a difference.


I'm indifferent. I don't WANT so see anything. But I do see people trying to control others by spreading fear. I see people telling strangers in the street that they're going to hell unless they're just like them.


You're not different, you're just not as creative at sign making.

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