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Louis Theroux And The Phelps Family

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It is a right and proper way to live because you have learned this as a result of being nurtured from birth in the society that you have.


If you had been nurtured from birth in a society in which theft from other tribes, ritual murder, sexual immorality and all the things found particular;y in African tribal life then theft, murder, sexual immorality and many other things that are prohibited by our Christian founded society then your values would be very different from those that you have today.


Yeah Spook, here is a recent article that illustrates the sort of thing you're talking about in Africa.

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Beware of Baptists. The Phelps aren't the only ones spreading their poison.


The baptists and westboro baptists are completely different and nothing to do with each other fella

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Beware of Baptists. The Phelps aren't the only ones spreading their poison.


The baptists and westboro baptists are completely different and nothing to do with each other fella


I'm not a fella and they're all deluded.

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The baptists and westboro baptists are completely different and nothing to do with each other fella


Can you explain the difference? It seems to me the only difference between you and Westboro is that they use soundbites and placards on TV to gets their point across, whereas you use an internet forum.


Westboro : "America is Doomed'.

Keigmeister: "The Beginning of The End of The Manx People".


Westboro: "Faginazis!".

Keigmeister: "Homosexuals are the most depraved and oppressive movement sweeping the west at the moment".


Westboro: "God Hates Fags!"

Keigmeister: "We were created man and woman. Two men is just wrong and goes against our very being. ""

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