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Alcohol Linked To Cancer


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Drinking more than a pint of beer a day can substantially increase the risk of some cancers, research shows.


A large Europe-wide study in the British Medical Journal found that one-in-10 of all cancers in men and one-in-33 of all cancers in women are caused by past or current alcohol intake.


For alcohol-related cancers, one-in-three in men and one-in-20 in women are caused by any excessive drinking.


The Department of Health said it was taking action to target drinking


So we can probably expect huge increases on duty, a ban on advertising and graphic pictures of damaged livers on wine labels?

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So that is smoking, drinking and driving all linked to cancer and the 3 biggest taxable items the government gets income from.


Sounds like an excuse to raise taxes to me as well; scamming twunts.

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Sounds like an excuse to raise taxes to me

Got it in one


The results that have been published are the result of work done by a girl working towards a degree at some uni in uk. She has spent how ever long looking through loads of statistics from various European countries going back decades and drawn this conclusion (according to the UK press). However, it does not take into account people who smoke and drink. These two often go hand in hand (well, until the last couple of years). It also does not take into account the possible effects of passive smoking.


Obviously, the government love it because they can use it as PROOF that alcohol causes cancer, so they can raise taxes.

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Sounds like an excuse to raise taxes to me

Got it in one


The results that have been published are the result of work done by a girl working towards a degree at some uni in uk.



The authors, from universities and hospitals across Europe, said: "Our data show that many cancer cases could have been avoided if alcohol consumption is limited to two alcoholic drinks per day in men and one alcoholic drink per day in women, which are the recommendations of many health organisations.

"And even more cancer cases would be prevented if people reduced their alcohol intake to below recommended guidelines or stopped drinking alcohol at all."

Cancer Research UK, which helped fund the study, said the findings showed that alcohol causes at least 13,000 cases of cancer a year in the UK.

More than 6,000 of cancers of the mouth, oesophagus, voice box and pharynx are caused by drinking.

Alcohol also causes more than 3,000 bowel cancers and about 2,500 breast cancers per year, according to the charity.

The research is part of the European Prospective Investigation of Cancer (EPIC), one of the largest-ever studies into the links between diet and cancer.

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So that is smoking, drinking and driving all linked to cancer and the 3 biggest taxable items the government gets income from.


Sounds like an excuse to raise taxes to me as well; scamming twunts.



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Yes but everything is linked to cancer these days.


funny how things like H-bombs going off from the 50s to the early 90s around the world power stastions exploding . or coal plants or dirty industrys never get the blame

but good old alcho or drugs or smoking or a loaf of bread can give you cancer.


to be honest i allways view theses studys with a vary large pinch of salt.


and how on earth can thay tell that drinking 2 pints of larger gave you cancer, over say something eles, does the cancer pop up and say "hi i am caused by drink"


live your life becuase to live in fear is not living at all ;)

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Yes but everything is linked to cancer these days.


funny how things like H-bombs going off from the 50s to the early 90s around the world power stastions exploding . or coal plants or dirty industrys never get the blame

but good old alcho or drugs or smoking or a loaf of bread can give you cancer.


to be honest i allways view theses studys with a vary large pinch of salt.


and how on earth can thay tell that drinking 2 pints of larger gave you cancer, over say something eles, does the cancer pop up and say "hi i am caused by drink"


live your life becuase to live in fear is not living at all ;)


Tsk, science eh?

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The best thing to do is to become a dry country. You would see a reduction in assaults, violent crime, a reduction of cancers and illnesses, longer life expectancies, much lowers costs to the hospital, police, prison service, society would overall be better off

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