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The Burning Of The Koran


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No, spook. The Evil One knows everything. I just choose to be selective in revealing it.


My arse you do. Did you know;


Every rose has it's thorn


Every day has it's dawn


and more importantly, every cowboy sings a sad sad song?


Did you? Did you?


I rest my case, Jebus lives until the next round!

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Generally speaking the burning of books represents an attempt at the destruction of an idea, and in general terms that is wrong. But there is a point where it is NOT wrong, and that is when the idea being promulgated is obscene or will incite acts of inhumanity and genocide (in its widest meaning).

You've just described the content of your bible perfectly.


You have so much to learn.




The Bible has "incited acts of inhumanity and genocide", and the stories within even celebrate these acts.


The Bible is a history, a series of lessons, and prophecy.


The history describes the creation of everything and the emergence of the Chosen race, the series of lessons are the teaching of Christ, and the prophecy concerns the End of Days.


If you examine the horrific events that were undertaken by supposedly Christian people what you will find is that in EVERY case these ran counter to the teaching of Christ and in the vast majority of cases were attributable to the direction of Roman Catholic priests and the really terrible things down to the direction of various popes.


Take the conquest of The Americas. A series of Papal Bulls starting with the Dum Diversas and culminating in the horrendous Inter Caetara “granting” the kings of Spain and Portugal authority to do as they saw fit to spread the Roman Catholic religion across South America by in effect giving them dominance over the lands, and the people.


That is about as un-Christian as it could be, but then again the same charge can be justifiably laid against the Roman Catholic church. Remember, the RC church forbade The Bible to be printed in anything but Latin (the Latin Vulgate) and further actually forbade the congregations from reading The bible, instead they had to rely on what they were told by their priest who in turn was instructed from Rome. Although various translation of parts of the Bible had been done earlier the first translation into English from original sources was that done by Tyndale and that caused such a fuss in England that Tyndale had to move to Germany.


There's a whole lot more, a WHOLE lot more, to be found by examining the history of The Bible and how it came to be made accessible to ordinary people. Even as recently as 1930 the RC church was prohibiting versions of The Bible that didn't line up with it's wishes.

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No, spook. The Evil One knows everything. I just choose to be selective in revealing it.


My arse you do. Did you know;


Every rose has it's thorn


Every day has it's dawn


and more importantly, every cowboy sings a sad sad song?


Did you? Did you?


I rest my case, Jebus lives until the next round!

You silly person! Who do you think inspired Bobby Dall, Bret Michaels et al to write it?

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If you examine the horrific events that were undertaken by supposedly Christian people what you will find is that in EVERY case these ran counter to the teaching of Christ and in the vast majority of cases were attributable to the direction of Roman Catholic priests and the really terrible things down to the direction of various popes.

How about we just consider the acts supposedly condoned or incited by the Christian God as stated in Deuteronomy? The Amelikites for one.
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The Bible is a history, a series of lessons, and prophecy.


As history is inaccurate and unreliable. As a series of lessons it is no more valuable than Aesop's fables, or the parables found in Plato's Republic or those of Ignacy Krasick.

As for the 'prophecies' the only ones that appear to have come to fruition are those where the Christian church has shifted the goalposts sufficiently - even the ludicrous 'prophecies' of Nostradamus can match any claim for those recorded in the Bible.

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The Bible is a history, a series of lessons, and prophecy.


The history describes the creation of everything and the emergence of the Chosen race, the series of lessons are the teaching of Christ, and the prophecy concerns the End of Days.


I'm pretty sure Mien Kampf also details the emergence of a "Chosen race" and the author of that book is less well regarded than your "God" even though in total he killed fewer people.


If you examine the horrific events that were undertaken by supposedly Christian people what you will find is that in EVERY case these ran counter to the teaching of Christ and in the vast majority of cases were attributable to the direction of Roman Catholic priests and the really terrible things down to the direction of various popes.


Take the conquest of The Americas. A series of Papal Bulls starting with the Dum Diversas and culminating in the horrendous Inter Caetara “granting” the kings of Spain and Portugal authority to do as they saw fit to spread the Roman Catholic religion across South America by in effect giving them dominance over the lands, and the people.


It really doesn't matter if the actions of the people were "un-Christian" if the actions were done in the name of the Bible/God then the Bible/God have incited inhumanity and genocide and by your own admission an idea should be destroyed if it incites "inhumanity and genocide"

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I'm pretty sure Mien Kampf also details the emergence of a "Chosen race" and the author of that book is less well regarded than your "God" even though in total he killed fewer people.

The result of all racial crossing is therefore in brief always the following:


Lowering of the level of the higher race;


Physical and intellectual regression and hence the beginning of a slowly but surely progressing sickness.


To bring about such a development is, then, nothing else but to sin against the will of the eternal creator.

And as a sin this act is rewarded.


Volume I Chapter XI - Spook would approve!

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@ spook


The Lord tells us that we must not make any craven image and worship it.

And you think Muslims worship images? Where do you see that?


Yet in spite of the FALSE claim that Islam is an Abrahamic religion Muslims are murdering people totally unconnected with the Qur'an burning that recently took place in the US.

Islam is an Abrahimic religion whether you accept it or not. Now, that "some people" who are Muslims did something wrong, How does that make Islam false?

For example, we all know that humans are supposed to be sane and intelligent, Yet "some people" talk ( or post ) nonsense most of the time.. Well, shame on these "some people", not on the whole human race!


Burning a book that is in any case only “one of n” (where n is exceeding large) is utterly immaterial to anything, it doesn't in any way affect what is written in the Qur'an so how can the destruction of a few copies be of any significance?

Really? Well then.. Why don't you try visiting a foreign country ( that has laws against flag desecration ) and burn that country's flag? Surely, when they come to arrest you, you can simply tell them: "How can the destruction of one flag be of any significance?".. You can also explain your theory on how burning the flag "the symbol" doesn't burn the land "the content".. Good luck in that.


That apart the Qur'an in question is only one of a number of versions since despite the claims to the contrary there are a number of versions of the Qur'an with changes between them.

Can you tell me what are these different versions of Qur'an?


But then, unlike Muslims, we obey the commandments of the Lord, and The Lord is not Mohammed, the inventor of Islam, and certainly not its “Allah”.

Muslims don't worship Mohammed! They know him as a prophet, a normal man, who's not different than us, and who were chosen to deliver God's message to mankind.


I find that claim of yours really funny cause It's "other people" you know very well, who chose another prophet of God and called him the son of God and worshiped him.



Finally i need to add that, I don't support violent reactions to such offending manners - burning holy books etc -.. There must be more talking, less violence. Actually I think the best reaction to such stupid ignorant people ( like the Florida pastor ) is to ignore them, and not give them the attention they seek.


Just as the Qur'an says about true believers: "And when they hear ill speech, they turn away from it and say, "For us are our deeds, and for you are your deeds. Peace will be upon you; we seek not the ignorant."



Peace and greetings

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You have to admire the way Spook can seamlessly move from saying that if a person who describes themselves as "Christian" but does 'bad things' then they aren't Christian because to actually be a Christian you have to do Christian things. But all the billions of Muslims are evil because some Muslims do bad things. Individual bad Christian equals individually bad Christian but individual bad Muslim equals entire population of Muslims are bad?

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Yup Keith. I suspect Spook is of the same religion as G W Bush. That Christian fella who killed 10's of thousands of people. And maybe even that other fella, Mr Blair, who had a high profile conversion to the Roman Church.


I wonder what they used to pray about............. "Oh Lord, please let our Bombs land only on the wicked, or at least who we think are wicked"


Most religious people, of whatever religion, would not care about a book burning. It's the Radicals such as Spook who are dangerous.

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You have to admire the way Spook can seamlessly move from saying that if a person who describes themselves as "Christian" but does 'bad things' then they aren't Christian because to actually be a Christian you have to do Christian things. But all the billions of Muslims are evil because some Muslims do bad things. Individual bad Christian equals individually bad Christian but individual bad Muslim equals entire population of Muslims are bad?


I couldn't agree more :thumbsup:

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How the hell did atheism get its dirty way in to the Isle of Man.

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The Isle of Man was a Christian nation for about 1700 years. We would be far better of remaining a Christian nation. So sad to see how the nation is rapidly declining.

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Are you for real? Why do you think the fact that people were deluding themselves or 'got it wrong' for so long a time merits any value on the basis of this length of time?


The Island has also been a undemocratic place for the past 800 years or more and that's only changing now. Do you lament the fact that democracy is more important today?


You'll have to spend some time explaining why people should throw any idea of rationality out of the window and embrace your superstitions to make a case for others needing to believe.

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