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The Burning Of The Koran


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Are you for real? Why do you think the fact that people were deluding themselves or 'got it wrong' for so long a time merits any value on the basis of this length of time?


The Island has also been a undemocratic place for the past 800 years or more and that's only changing now. Do you lament the fact that democracy is more important today?


You'll have to spend some time explaining why people should throw any idea of rationality out of the window and embrace your superstitions to make a case for others needing to believe.


I'm not saying that it should continue to be Christian nation based on the past but just that it is sad that it is coming to and end and as it comes to an end so does the Isle of Man. For all this democracy we apparently have we don't have a lot to show for it.

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No, we don't have a lot to show for it. Very little. But there was even less some decades ago.


The Manx people have been superstitious in believing in little people, bugganes, etc. They don't anymore. The Island hasn't come to an end.


Anyway, people have never had a good reason to believe the stuff you do. In the past, they forced to. Now they are not people have the opportunity to think in a more intelligent manner.

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No, we don't have a lot to show for it. Very little. But there was even less some decades ago.


The Manx people have been superstitious in believing in little people, bugganes, etc. They don't anymore. The Island hasn't come to an end.


Anyway, people have never had a good reason to believe the stuff you do. In the past, they forced to. Now they are not people have the opportunity to think in a more intelligent manner.


Of course it has, there aren't any Manx people left, out of the 80,000 that live here how many are going to be Manx? About 20k? The farming industry is getting screwed over continually by the Government, the fishing industry is nothing more than a shadow of its former self, the MHKs care more about what dick heads in Europe say than their own people. Lets face it, in a 100-200 years the last Manx people will probably be dying off. I wish I was wrong, I wish the Isle of Man would be around till the time ends but it isn't happening.

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I agree there is a lot about the Island that has unfortunately changed and much that stinks about the place.


I don't know what you're talking about in terms of Manx people. The definition of being Manx, as with any other nationalisty, is a bit woolly.


Erm...what does Christianity have to do with any of this?

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Yup Keith. I suspect Spook is of the same religion as G W Bush. That Christian fella who killed 10's of thousands of people. And maybe even that other fella, Mr Blair, who had a high profile conversion to the Roman Church.


I wonder what they used to pray about............. "Oh Lord, please let our Bombs land only on the wicked, or at least who we think are wicked"

I agree! All the extremists in the world follow the same religion, That is Extremism!

When G W Bush stupidly used the "crusade" to refer to the war against "terrorism", I believe he didn't represent Christianity at all ! He represented extremism, injustice and racism ( well.. those and of course, stupidity! ).


Most religious people, of whatever religion, would not care about a book burning. It's the Radicals such as Spook who are dangerous.

I am a religious person, when such things happen, I would still care.. I just wouldn't act before i think.. and no matter what i think of, violence wouldn't be among the solutions.


Peace and greetings

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How the hell did atheism get its dirty way in to the Isle of Man.


Why is it "dirty"? I'm quite happy for you to have your beliefs. I'm happy that Spook has his belief. What I find so distasteful is those people who believe that their belief makes them superior to those who don't share that exact same belief.


I've no argument with &roid who has expressed that they have a spiritual belief but appear to be happy to accept that other people have differing beliefs.


When all people of spiritual belief are able to accept those who have a different belief, or no spiritual belief at all, as equals, then we'll see an end to religious killing.


The Isle of Man was a Christian nation for about 1700 years. We would be far better of remaining a Christian nation. So sad to see how the nation is rapidly declining.


And just over 300 years ago Galileo Galilei was convicted of grave suspicion of heresy for "following the position of Copernicus, which is contrary to the true sense and authority of Holy Scripture". As a result, he spent the rest of his life under house arrest. I'm presuming that you no longer believe that the earth is flat, as the Christian church once taught, and punished dissent for?

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I agree there is a lot about the Island that has unfortunately changed and much that stinks about the place.


I don't know what you're talking about in terms of Manx people. The definition of being Manx, as with any other nationalisty, is a bit woolly.


Erm...what does Christianity have to do with any of this?


Manx as in Manx blood line. I don't believe in nationality by birth alone. I believe you should have to have a blood line somewhere in there as well. Something that connects you to the Manx people.


As Christianity goes out the window the Isle of Man will morally decline further and further has it has begun to already. The Isle of Man will end up being a terrible place to raise a child like in England.

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How the hell did atheism get its dirty way in to the Isle of Man.


Why is it "dirty"? I'm quite happy for you to have your beliefs. I'm happy that Spook has his belief. What I find so distasteful is those people who believe that their belief makes them superior to those who don't share that exact same belief.


I've no argument with &roid who has expressed that they have a spiritual belief but appear to be happy to accept that other people have differing beliefs.


When all people of spiritual belief are able to accept those who have a different belief, or no spiritual belief at all, as equals, then we'll see an end to religious killing.


The Isle of Man was a Christian nation for about 1700 years. We would be far better of remaining a Christian nation. So sad to see how the nation is rapidly declining.


And just over 300 years ago Galileo Galilei was convicted of grave suspicion of heresy for "following the position of Copernicus, which is contrary to the true sense and authority of Holy Scripture". As a result, he spent the rest of his life under house arrest. I'm presuming that you no longer believe that the earth is flat, as the Christian church once taught, and punished dissent for?


Atheism is in itself a religion that is about the individual, what the individual wants no matter what. Atheism has resulted in the mass murder of million of unborn baby boys and girls, atheism is trying to legalise suicide, atheism is trying to force the homosexual agenda on everyone in society including children, atheism is just plain wrong. When all these atheists die and go before God in judgement they are going to have a massive shock. As for religious killing, the Bible is more than clear on the issue on killing. Any "Christian" who kills in the name of Christianity is in no way furthering its cause or the cause of the Lord. As for the Earth being flat I know it is not flat. As for the Catholic Church putting Galileo in prison it didn't make any sense and wasn't based on Biblical teachings.

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Atheism is in itself a religion...


Except of course, it isn't. It is a belief in the non-existence of gods. That is, by definition, the complete opposite of "religion".


...that is about the individual, what the individual wants no matter what. Atheism has resulted in the mass murder of million of unborn baby boys and girls, atheism is trying to legalise suicide,


Individuals who have choices. Yes, I'll accept that. Euthanasia, based upon informed choice? Yes, I support that. I've sat with many people as they died. Some would have preferred to die earlier, in a manner of their choice, with their family members with them. But they weren't allowed to because of other people's religious beliefs. It should be up to the individual, as long as they are making an informed choice (which rules out people who have dementia, mental health issues or learning disabilities).


atheism is trying to force the homosexual agenda on everyone in society including children


That's just nonsense. On so many different levels.


atheism is just plain wrong. When all these atheists die and go before God in judgement they are going to have a massive shock.


Too right it would be a massive shock! On the flip side, all the idiots who die in the name of religion won't get any shock at all when they find out that there isn't a god, because they'll be dead... so they won't find out.


Now the *REAL* shock would be if there actually is a 'loving god' because he'll probably not be too happy with the hate filled bigots who have claimed that their hate and intolerance is based upon their love for him. Now that would be a judgement worth witnessing!


As for religious killing, the Bible is more than clear on the issue on killing. Any "Christian" who kills in the name of Christianity is in no way furthering its cause or the cause of the Lord. As for the Earth being flat I know it is not flat. As for the Catholic Church putting Galileo in prison it didn't make any sense and wasn't based on Biblical teachings.


It doesn't stop you hating though. And it doesn't stop some people killing in the name of Christianity (or some other religion).

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And just over 300 years ago Galileo Galilei was convicted of grave suspicion of heresy for "following the position of Copernicus, which is contrary to the true sense and authority of Holy Scripture". As a result, he spent the rest of his life under house arrest. I'm presuming that you no longer believe that the earth is flat, as the Christian church once taught, and punished dissent for?


Galileo was charged with heresy, a charge that amounted to denying the dogma of the Roman Catholic church which was based on the Aristotelian theory of the universe and a number of poorly translated verses mostly from the Psalms.


The REAL “sin” of Galileo was to argue that the RC church might not be infallible as it made out. To prove such was the case would have the potential of opening up a Can of Worms (you'll either get that or you won't).


Much as the manner in which the disgrace of paedophile priests, and abuses by other members of the RC staff such as the infamous Magdalene Sisters incidents in recent years had to be hushed up in order to protect the good (?) name of the organisation so Galileo had to be hushed up. Arguments that what he proposed were scripturally wrong were beyond weak, they were ludicrous if for no other reason that the Latin Vulgate translation from the Greek sources mistranslated all over the show and in the case of The World remaining fixed is certainly a good example. It is wrong in translation and out of context when translated in the way that it is.


So it's not Christianity that is at fault here, instead it's the Roman Catholic organisation which uses bits of Christianity that suit its needs attempting to retain credibility by maintaining the lie of infallibility.

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It is a belief in the non-existence of gods. That is, by definition, the complete opposite of "religion".


Wrong. Look up the meaning of the word and its roots.



It doesn't stop you hating though.


Wrong. A Christian, even someone who has only recently come to Christ, very soon finds that hatred is an emotion they lose without even trying. It just happens.


And it doesn't stop some people killing in the name of Christianity (or some other religion).


Christianity does not ever support injuring another person in its name.

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Manx as in Manx blood line. I don't believe in nationality by birth alone.

Which makes your definition of nationality rather uncommon in that most people who consider themselves to be of a nationality do not have such an identity rest on primarily on their bloodline. Besides, the vast majority of Manx today have English, Irish, and Scottish blood.


Besides, I think if you have non-Celtic lineage on your paternal side then this polluted blood of Scandinavians definitely makes you less Manx than those who don't.


I believe you should have to have a blood line somewhere in there as well. Something that connects you to the Manx people.
You need to have a blood line that connects you to people who have to have a bloodline that connects to certain people, etc.?


As Christianity goes out the window the Isle of Man will morally decline further and further has it has begun to already. The Isle of Man will end up being a terrible place to raise a child like in England.
Christianity is not required to be moral. Prove it if you think so. And there is no evidence to show that non-Christian societies are less moral, in terms of theft, violence, murder, rape, etc.


Atheism is in itself a religion that is about the individual, what the individual wants no matter what.
You don't understand what atheism is.
Atheism has resulted in the mass murder of million of unborn baby boys and girls, atheism is trying to legalise suicide, atheism is trying to force the homosexual agenda on everyone in society including children, atheism is just plain wrong.
These opinions only further confirm your lack of understanding of what atheism is and probably what liberalism is. A perfect example though of how religion shapes an understanding that is so detached from reality.

How long have you wasted your time on Christianity?



Atheism is most certainly not a religion though. It has no dogma, no rules, no code, etc. It is just a reference to disbelief.

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It is a belief in the non-existence of gods. That is, by definition, the complete opposite of "religion".


Wrong. Look up the meaning of the word and its roots.


Okay I will...

back in a moment...

just going to the Oxford English Dictionary...

here it is...


R... Re.. Rel..Relig... oh, here it is


the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power , especially a personal God or gods


a particular system of faith and worship


a pursuit or interest followed with great devotion


Okay, I looked up the meaning of the word and it hasn't made me change my mind.


It doesn't stop you hating though.


Wrong. A Christian, even someone who has only recently come to Christ, very soon finds that hatred is an emotion they lose without even trying. It just happens.


Really? Yet you frequently write about your dislike for other people. People from other cultures or religions.


And it doesn't stop some people killing in the name of Christianity (or some other religion).


Christianity does not ever support injuring another person in its name.


9 “‘Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death. Because they have cursed their father or mother, their blood will be on their own head.


10 “‘If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife—with the wife of his neighbor—both the adulterer and the adulteress are to be put to death.


11 “‘If a man has sexual relations with his father’s wife, he has dishonored his father. Both the man and the woman are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.


12 “‘If a man has sexual relations with his daughter-in-law, both of them are to be put to death. What they have done is a perversion; their blood will be on their own heads.


13 “‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.


14 “‘If a man marries both a woman and her mother, it is wicked. Both he and they must be burned in the fire, so that no wickedness will be among you.


15 “‘If a man has sexual relations with an animal, he is to be put to death, and you must kill the animal.


16 “‘If a woman approaches an animal to have sexual relations with it, kill both the woman and the animal. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.


If you say so.

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It seems to me, there are more moderate Muslims in the world than moderate Christians...


There are less extreme Muslims in the world than extreme Christrians.


Just a subjective observation....


إلا إله واحد

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