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Manx Gamers hijacked by WOW people :)


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I have got some free webspace for Manx Gamers so have decided to put it back up.


The site will hopefully be completed in a few weeks.




I have asked on the site for anyone interested in writing articles and reviews and generally helping out with the administration to give me an e-mail or post in the comments.



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It completely rocks. Loads of manxies signed up to our guild on runetotem, which is ace. Not finding any lag since the last patch, thankfully.


I'm quite close to lvl 40 now, so am desparately saving to get a mount, which is bloody hard work.


Loving it though.


If anyones been after a copy, now might be the time to pre-order:


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Lvl 40!!! Man thats some serious time spent...am floundering at Lvl 19 onthe Azeroth server which was lagging like a badun last night...have to admit though I just love it. Mrs WSAG thinks Im a complete nerd for getting overly excited about being able to harvest a new herb but what does she know!!!

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The levelling slows down quite a bit, but is pretty quick compared to the likes of everquest. 30-40 takes about as long as 1-30.


It helps having a good guild, we play together regularly and run through the instances a lot, which is fast xp.

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Depends on how you play really. I level quite slowly, spending time doing tradeskills and just wandering around exploring, being social and helping out lower levelled guild members. I'd say on average though, if you didn't try too hard you'd get to 30 in 4 or so days play (around 96 hours). You could do it much faster if you were a real saddo like, and didn't want to enjoy it.

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The levelling slows down quite a bit, but is pretty quick compared to the likes of everquest. 30-40 takes about as long as 1-30.


It helps having a good guild, we play together regularly and run through the instances a lot, which is fast xp.


Yeah I guess it doesnt help being bill no mates..and theres no way I am starting from scratch again on a new server! If anyone else is on the azeroth server and see someone getting the arse kicked down on the shoreline of lakeshire stop by and lend a hand!!


Light be with you!

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