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Beaten To Death For Swearing In Dubai.


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What was a single man doing staying in a very expensive hotel in Dubai (£1,000 per room per night) in the first place? There's a whole lot more behind this than appears at first sight. Dubai is famous for a number of things, prostitution both male and female being one of them. Judging by a) the much lower cost of prostitutes in other lands (so I'm led to believe!) compared to )b the high costs of male prostitutes in Dubai (so I'm led to believe) certain questions could be raised.


Then there is the matter of his being beaten. Even quite marked misbehaviour in public in places such as Dubai would at best result in a few days in jail and being deported.


That being said the fact remains that if you lay with dogs at the very least you'll get fleas.

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What was a single man doing staying in a very expensive hotel in Dubai (£1,000 per room per night) in the first place? There's a whole lot more behind this than appears at first sight. Dubai is famous for a number of things, prostitution both male and female being one of them. Judging by a) the much lower cost of prostitutes in other lands (so I'm led to believe!) compared to )b the high costs of male prostitutes in Dubai (so I'm led to believe) certain questions could be raised.


Then there is the matter of his being beaten. Even quite marked misbehaviour in public in places such as Dubai would at best result in a few days in jail and being deported.


That being said the fact remains that if you lay with dogs at the very least you'll get fleas.


How very Christian of you.

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What was a single man doing staying in a very expensive hotel in Dubai (£1,000 per room per night) in the first place? There's a whole lot more behind this than appears at first sight. Dubai is famous for a number of things, prostitution both male and female being one of them. Judging by a) the much lower cost of prostitutes in other lands (so I'm led to believe!) compared to )b the high costs of male prostitutes in Dubai (so I'm led to believe) certain questions could be raised.


Then there is the matter of his being beaten. Even quite marked misbehaviour in public in places such as Dubai would at best result in a few days in jail and being deported.


That being said the fact remains that if you lay with dogs at the very least you'll get fleas.


How very Christian of you.



Where is anything that I wrote in that un-Christian?

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What was a single man doing staying in a very expensive hotel in Dubai (£1,000 per room per night) in the first place? There's a whole lot more behind this than appears at first sight. Dubai is famous for a number of things, prostitution both male and female being one of them. Judging by a) the much lower cost of prostitutes in other lands (so I'm led to believe!) compared to )b the high costs of male prostitutes in Dubai (so I'm led to believe) certain questions could be raised.


Then there is the matter of his being beaten. Even quite marked misbehaviour in public in places such as Dubai would at best result in a few days in jail and being deported.


That being said the fact remains that if you lay with dogs at the very least you'll get fleas.


How very Christian of you.



Where is anything that I wrote in that un-Christian?


I didn't say what you said was un-Christian - I said it was very Christian and actually very typical of what you would say.

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What's wrong with cheap prostitutes, Spook?


I wouldn't know, having no experience of using prostitues be they cheap or otherwise. But the issue isn't one of prostitution, it's raising the issue of just what he was doing in Dubai under the circumstances that he was.

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What was a single man doing staying in a very expensive hotel in Dubai (£1,000 per room per night) in the first place?

I think someone not entirely blinded by prejudice might hazard a guess that he was there on business?

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What was a single man doing staying in a very expensive hotel in Dubai (£1,000 per room per night) in the first place?

I think someone not entirely blinded by prejudice might hazard a guess that he was there on business?

In the article he is described as being a tourist.

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What's wrong with cheap prostitutes, Spook?


I wouldn't know, having no experience of using prostitues be they cheap or otherwise. But the issue isn't one of prostitution, it's raising the issue of just what he was doing in Dubai under the circumstances that he was.


On holiday you bell end, jesus christ!!!!


He's staying in a £1k hotel a night as he's on the run from the fuzz, for gods sake use your brain.

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What's wrong with cheap prostitutes, Spook?


I wouldn't know, having no experience of using prostitues be they cheap or otherwise. But the issue isn't one of prostitution, it's raising the issue of just what he was doing in Dubai under the circumstances that he was.


On holiday you bell end, jesus christ!!!!


He's staying in a £1k hotel a night as he's on the run from the fuzz, for gods sake use your brain.


My point was that in the article nowhere does it say what his purpose for being in Dubai was other than as a tourist which like you I VERY much doubt.


The article doesn't report that he was there on business, and when it comes down to avoiding the police there are many places a whole lot less expensive than Dubai to hole up in.


There's a lot more behind this story than has been published thus far.

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What's wrong with cheap prostitutes, Spook?


I wouldn't know, having no experience of using prostitues be they cheap or otherwise. But the issue isn't one of prostitution, it's raising the issue of just what he was doing in Dubai under the circumstances that he was.


On holiday you bell end, jesus christ!!!!


He's staying in a £1k hotel a night as he's on the run from the fuzz, for gods sake use your brain.


My point was that in the article nowhere does it say what his purpose for being in Dubai was other than as a tourist which like you I VERY much doubt.


The article doesn't report that he was there on business, and when it comes down to avoiding the police there are many places a whole lot less expensive than Dubai to hole up in.


There's a lot more behind this story than has been published thus far.


You talk some utter shit, I guess this is why you believe in a fairy tale god.



" He's staying in a £1k hotel a night as he's on the run from the fuzz, for gods sake use your brain. " I was being sarcastic.

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You think his beating was deserved somehow?

No but I do think that "when in Rome do as the Romans do"... and behave decently. If you don't you can't tell what is going to happen to you.


Would you for example get involved in "assault, intimidating behaviour and using abusive language" in a country which is a "notoriously violent place, where allegations of beatings, starvation, rape and the force-feeding of drugs are common-place".


These things shouldn't happen but IMO if you are on holday in that sort of country you watch your step. Not everywhere has as good policing or the same standards of behaviour as the EU and the IOM.

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