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Iphone Keeps Record Of Everywhere You Go


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That'll save everyone the need to check in on foursquare then.


That was what I thought when I first read about it.


Wonder how easy it is for me to access, as it would save me running GPS / Geotagging software if it's already doing it for me

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I haven't read the artice so I assume they don't tell you anything useful like what folder it's in or how to access the data?


I'm so glad I don't have one of these types of phone, my life is so much simpler for it. Basic mobile for emergency puroses only on PAYG, it's the future I tell thee.

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Secret Apple database already being tapped by cops


“When you get stopped by the police and they arrest you for any crime, they can search your phone and get any data off of it,” he said. “This is definitely something that people should be concerned about and I think what it points to is that Apple isn't taking privacy seriously.”

Presumably that applies in the Isle of Man too?


Inclusion of the database means that anyone who ever loses his device risks exposing potentially large amounts of information about where he was over months or years. That could be devastating for people embroiled in messy lawsuits or those whose whereabouts are closely guarded secrets, such as volunteers who work with victims of abusive spouses.

In my view the law should demand that companies keep the minimum amount of personal data. If they want to collect personal and sensitive information then that should only every happen as an 'opt in' and this should always be clearly explained.

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There have already been lots of cases where tracking information of ordinary mobile phones by telephone masts has been used in criminal prosecutions so the ability of the police to track mobile phone users is nothing new.


Iphone users may be able to comment on this but I was told by a friend in Germany that there is an app that shows you other Iphone users in the area. This sounds to be a pretty useless app unless you feel the profile of iPhone users defines people you wish to associate with but it does mean that there is some active tracking ability in the phones.

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Iphone users may be able to comment on this but I was told by a friend in Germany that there is an app that shows you other Iphone users in the area. This sounds to be a pretty useless app unless you feel the profile of iPhone users defines people you wish to associate with but it does mean that there is some active tracking ability in the phones.


No you are talking about something different. The app you are talking about is almost certainly Color which has received lots of publicity lately. The point of that and the thing which makes it different is that it allows you to see and connect only with other people who have chosen to install the app and are actively running it. Therefore you actively give it permission to access the GPS data. By running the app you would be specifically inviting people to check you out. It's a side issue and lots of commentators are finding it difficult so far to get the point of Color or why anyone would want it. Then again lots of people said the same thing about Twitter at first because it was difficult to see what it was for.


As others have pointed out the tracking thing is not a revelation. ++ Android phones also track user locations.

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