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Iphone Keeps Record Of Everywhere You Go


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Probably. Despite my natural aversion to the every increasing personal information about all of us that someone somewhere stores, I can't really see the big problem with this. It's not just iphones for other smart phones that do this. Surely if you were intent on doing something wrong, you would leave the phone at home to prove you were elsewhere, or is that too simple? If you weren't doing anything wrong in the first place then there was no real problem anyway.


Of course if any of this and all the other statistical information then gets sold for the collator's benefit (as has happened) or it's all on a laptop that gets left on a train, that is the aspect that would make me more than uneasy. (Go on vinnie there's another opportunity to have a pop).

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Not too dissimilar to Google collecting all that data earlier this year. They always claim that it's an acident but i think we all know better :ph34r:

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