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I wonder if the truth is actually starting to appear?


Allegedly, the builders were arrested for fraud. There definitely does seem to be more to this than the builders would have us believe.


Put this together with an adjournment in the civil case due to the builders advocates not providing all the relevant information to the courts and things do seem to be coming home to roost.



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I wonder if the truth is actually starting to appear? 


Allegedly, the builders were arrested for fraud. There definitely does seem to be more to this than the builders would have us believe.


Put this together with an adjournment in the civil case due to the builders advocates not providing all the relevant information to the courts and things do seem to be coming home to roost.




Give us your facts, cos your posting S**t


Check with the courts and you will find its the other way around and it has been the same for the other firm that has taken legal action

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I wonder if the truth is actually starting to appear?....There definitely does seem to be more to this than the builders would have us believe.

Nah... there's not that much more to it. Possible agreements here and there between the parties involved, even prior knowledge, perhaps, that something may have been amiss effectively making them an accessory to the fact.


Two grants, both maximum - do you think I would have got that? No, neither do I.


Tourist accomodation with retrospective planning applications for change of use - do you think I'd have been hung drawn and quartered by now? Yes, so do I.


I'd probably be jailed for my endeavours and further, bankrupt as a result of having to pay back what I'd misclaimed.


I hope the full story does come out, I really do - I hope that if any wrong doing is found, that those concerned are treated exactly the same as I would be, which I sorely suspect would not be leniently.

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Well said Obs, give it a little more time and you will see justice (I hope)


Taken frome the press Neds statement.

I Ned have never met Mr Builder and my wife has only met him twice briefly.

Remember that Geo.

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I wonder if the truth is actually starting to appear? 


Allegedly, the builders were arrested for fraud. There definitely does seem to be more to this than the builders would have us believe.


Put this together with an adjournment in the civil case due to the builders advocates not providing all the relevant information to the courts and things do seem to be coming home to roost.



Ned Stooge Geo could be right of course.


So the builders were allegedly arrested for fraud. I wonder where Geo got that from? Source please.



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I Ned have never met Mr Builder and my Wife has briefly only twice.





Very very clever FCMR. I wonder if Geo can work that one out.


Geo I dont think now is the time and place for FCMR to explain what is going on and I for a fact know that he is not allowed to publically state anything further. I would however be careful in relation to what you are stating here because you are very likely to have egg all over ones face. (if you get the drift)

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So why not enlighten us to what you think the reason for the adjournment was ?


It may have something to do with it now being disclosed that the DTL have failed again at Ballacain. In order for an applicant to obtain a grant, the applicant must first submit three quotations which are to be checked over by the DTL, is is then that the DTL make an offer of a grant to a maximum of £50k for any one project. On phase two of Ballacain the appartments, only one quotation was submitted to the DTL (fact) the DTL can accept this if its additional works to an ongoing project, but the grant aid would not be increased above the £50k max. Ballacain recieved two grants totaling over £92k, the system has been fiddled once again but at whos say so. Are the DTL,its officers, applicant and his QS now being investigated ;)

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