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Do you think the DTL thing might be a David Blunkett situation? As in the civil servants/minister or whoever it is were a bit in awe of the fact that a CM was submitting applications so didn't check it as much as they would have otherwise done?


Now how's that for guesswork?

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Do you think the DTL thing might be a David Blunkett situation?  As in the civil servants/minister or whoever it is were a bit in awe of the fact that a CM was submitting applications so didn't check it as much as they would have otherwise done?


Now how's that for guesswork?

I was talking about this last night and proposed that this could well be a reason. You can just see the panic in the eyes of the little bean counter when ot landed on their desk. And in their rush to get it through missed the checks and balances???


It still stinks. But more of a sticky dark lump of poo, rather than the light brown type which runs down your leg and sticks everywhere.

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Its on the front page of todays Courier that we have been arrested, yes its true, but we were released without being charged.

There has been plenty of speculation on what we were arrested for, and on this I cant comment, but can say that none of whats been posted is anything like the facts.

If you give the police a chance to do what they are paid for you will get the answers your looking for.


I would remind some of you the following from Neds statement.


He has NEVER met or Spoke to me and his wife has only met me briefly twice.

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He has NEVER met or Spoke to me and his wife has only met me briefly twice.


Bit strange how someone would employ building contractors for a contract in excess of £200,000 and not actually meet them. I mean, would you let your wife deal with a builder and expect to get a fair price?? (apologies for women for being sexist and builders for casting aspertions that they would take advantage of women). Or did they both only deal with the other half of GC Construction?


I also hope that this sorry affair is resolved shortly as the longer it drags on the more chance there is that justice will not be done IMO.

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It was the DTL who decided who was awarded the contract, based on on a value for money tender, examined and approved by Surveyors appointed by the DTL. And grant aid is only paid out after the works completed have been inspected and valued against the Valuations submitted by the client and on meeting the standard required.

Press story

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One thing Mr Moore and His partner must and I would think know, have realised is when you xxxx against the wind, you get wet.


I'm sure that when they went against the CM and all that it stands for, they knew they would get backlash from it.


If you go against the powers that be in any or most governments, they and the contacts they still have and use, will try Their best to screw you up big style.


I just hope that GC have the funds and balls to carry on what the Local people have known for years.

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