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Have the Neds claimed the Vat back on the unpaid invoices I wonder, I would bet they have


On the basis that they were VAT registered then they are perfectly within their rights to claim the VAT back on unpaid invoices unless they had adopted cash accounting method of VAT transactions. Under cash accounting you only pay and subseuqently can only reclaim VAT on invoices that have physically been paid to or by you respectively.


More rumourmongering based on half truths....tut tut

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how is this private information, Ifor one would like to know how my taxes are spent, I dont want my taxes being used to line some ones pockets and Im sure that most others dont want it.


If you 'know' as a matter od fact that only one of the two is to take 100% of the blame, then unless you are the Manx equivilent of the CPS (in which case I would expect your syntax to be better) then I don't think that private information like that should be doing the rounds.


The investigations are ongoing. If charges are made it becomes public information. Unsupported rumours are not going to speed up the process but they could jepordise it. As I said previously...

I don't mind waiting a bit longer to hear the facts if and when they are published.


As far as the inference that I'd prefer public money to be wasted and used to line individuals pockets than I can only ask you if you have had MY posts on ignore for the past 4 years as I rarely go a week without critisising the Government (and other's) handling of public funds. I provide the necessary information to support my anger, I have the decency to explain why I think it is wrong and offer up alternative suggestions.


And to date I've never been censored for my opinions. Think on mate.

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This matter is not private its a public matter when Government funds are being used, and I for one have no objection to any details being made public. We have tried to have the dispute settled but can only get as far as the court steps before being hit with further delays and costs. Lets not forget innocent parties lives have and are being effected by whats going on, our wives and children and the children of the Neds have nothing to do with this case, but if whats happened to my 5 year old boy at school this week, due to the press reports i guess must be happening to the children of Ned, and I must feel for them its not their fault in any way.

As you know we were arrested and bailed out, and if we are guilty of any wrong doing I would expect the full weight of the law to bare down on us, but can assure you we have done no wrong doing. As I have already said its down to the police and the courts to decide on whos done what, and like most things on the Island they run at a slow pace.

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While I don't dispute Crumlin and other's who post I do question what sort of privacy and confidentiality we have on this Island.
This matter is not private its a public matter when Government funds are being used, and I for one have no objection to any details being made public.
This case is of public interest, but there are plenty of specific details (such as who is and who isn't going to be charged and with what) that doesn't belong in the public (gossiping) arena until somebody is prepared to go on record and speak in an official capacity.


I know the thread is concerned with one particular subject, but the thoughts that I expressed (quoted above) apply to any given subject that affect any given person. I was thinking outside of this solitary case and summising about the bigger picture.


There are people in positions to do something, but they lack either the conviction or the balls to do something about it. In my opinion that makes them as much a part of the problem as those abusing the system. I help to pay for that system and it doesn't make me happy.

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While I don't dispute Crumlin and other's who post I do question what sort of privacy and confidentiality we have on this Island.
This matter is not private its a public matter when Government funds are being used, and I for one have no objection to any details being made public.
This case is of public interest, but there are plenty of specific details (such as who is and who isn't going to be charged and with what) that doesn't belong in the public (gossiping) arena until somebody is prepared to go on record and speak in an official capacity.


I know the thread is concerned with one particular subject, but the thoughts that I expressed (quoted above) apply to any given subject that affect any given person. I was thinking outside of this solitary case and summising about the bigger picture.


There are people in positions to do something, but they lack either the conviction or the balls to do something about it. In my opinion that makes them as much a part of the problem as those abusing the system. I help to pay for that system and it doesn't make me happy.


It may be worth you taking a look at the Hanssards on the first meeting of the select committee on grant aid. Its good reading, if you read it see if you think something is being covered up, as those that are being questioned are refusing to answer some questions

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It may be worth you taking a look at the Hanssards on the first meeting of the select committee on grant aid. Its good reading, if you read it see if you think something is being covered up, as those that are being questioned are refusing to answer some questions
I read one a while ago when DC and G le P were being questioned and I could imagine the audio typist asking for a new keyboard with a "but, but, but..." key.


It isn't uncommon in any case to refuse to answer questions when it is possible, as when charges or allegations are being faced our law says that guilt must be proven beyond reaonable doubt. As nice as such traits as honesty and moral standing are it's not the job of the accussed to "drop themselves in it, guv'nor"


Mind you saying that, I would personally prefer them to do their jobs properly in the first place and not end up in the position of facing the allegations.

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I like the bit when David Cannon asked Mr Cretney did you check with the builders or any others to see if they had been paid, to which the reply was we had to rely on what the applicants have told us, and no we did not check to see if the signatures on the invoices matched those of prevous invoices


I would like to know why its only the builders that have taken legal action against the Neds, why have the DTL not as it seems its the Taxpayers money thats being robbed

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I like the bit when David Cannon asked Mr Cretney did you check with the builders or any others to see if they had been paid, to which the reply was we had to rely on what the applicants have told us, and no we did not check to see if the signatures on the invoices matched those of prevous invoices


I would like to know why its only the builders that have taken legal action against the Neds, why have the DTL not as it seems its the Taxpayers money thats being robbed


I'm sort of speculating here as I'm not a legal expert but IF the Neds were the ones who "signed" the later invoices as paid then it would not be the DTL who took them to court but the police/CPS (or whatever our equivalent is) because it would be fraud. The DTL could only get the police involved but could not themsleves bring criminal charges. They could, of course, take the Neds to civil court for recovery of any overpayments in grants but would be stupid to do this before any criminal case had been resolved.


I wish they'd stop adjourning all this as I, like many others, want to see it resolved.

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All these adjournments smack of a big cover up and more people than the Flanders family being frightened of being brought down. Where in the modern western world would you see a society and media allowing this nonsense to continue?


This whole thing smells of a den of rats.


No wonder outsiders regard the Isle of Man as Mickey Mouse Island.


It would appear the only thing Ellan Vannin has a reputation for is

washing machines.


Number 7 Warm wash fast spin for wool.


Number 13 Hot wash and super (political) spin for invoices, money and documents.


Number 14. Boil wash, mega fast spin, and incineration. For destroying evidence.


Tumble dry. Not to be used in case other names tumble down and are held out to dry.

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