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If there is a candidate standing to be an MHK and in his manifesto states he is going to come down on Paedophilia once and for all do you really think a prisoner who was convicted of molesting a child would vote for him?


laugh.gif I've seen plenty of daft examples used to support tenuous arguments, but that one takes the biscuit!

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JW - If there is a candidate standing to be an MHK and in his manifesto states he is going to come down on Paedophilia once and for all do you really think a prisoner who was convicted of molesting a child would vote for him? If there is a candidate standing to be an MHK and in his manifesto states he is going to come down on drug crime do you really think a prisoner who was convicted of importing drugs or selling it to young people will vote for him? The fact is if you give prisoners the right to vote you are giving paedophiles, rapists, drug dealers, drug traffickers, burglars, thieves, fraudsters and an entire array of awful people the right to influence society.

Do you really think that a candidate who advocated legalising such crimes would have any chance of being taken seriously? Please stop being such a tunnel-visioned bigot.

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JW - If there is a candidate standing to be an MHK and in his manifesto states he is going to come down on Paedophilia once and for all do you really think a prisoner who was convicted of molesting a child would vote for him? If there is a candidate standing to be an MHK and in his manifesto states he is going to come down on drug crime do you really think a prisoner who was convicted of importing drugs or selling it to young people will vote for him? The fact is if you give prisoners the right to vote you are giving paedophiles, rapists, drug dealers, drug traffickers, burglars, thieves, fraudsters and an entire array of awful people the right to influence society.

Do you really think that a candidate who advocated legalising such crimes would have any chance of being taken seriously? Please stop being such a tunnel-visioned bigot.


What are you on about? I never used an MHK legalising it as an example, I said one coming down on it, as in actually introducing laws to make it harder. But as for candidates legalising stupid legislation, look at the people we have in the Keys at present.

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they have the right to vote whilst on remand.


there are a maximum 140 of them and an electorate of 65,000 in IOM terms and in UK terms 90,000 out of an electorate of 50 million.


OK you get hot spots with prisons in a constituency so I suppose 140 might be 5% of the electorate, but you register them to the constituency they lived in at time of arrest or convuiction and spread them around.


Problem is that if you deprive someone of the right to vote, or any other civil right, who is next. Oh I know lets disenfranchise all christians, women, gay men, lesbians, teachers, MHK's, or any other group you care to name. OK prisoners may not be popular, and certainly not vote winners, but nothing you say justifies modern day outlawry, making them into non persons.


The vote thing is not an EU thing anyway, but a Council of Europe European Convention of Human Rights thing, and that is domestic law now, any way.


They haven't allowed them to vote before while in prison and as of yet it has not once been abused and expanded to include any other groups.


People who have, as of yet, not been convicted as guilty of an offence should be allowed to vote. But those convicted of serious criminal offences such as the ones I listed by no means should ever have a say while they are in prison. I wouldn't be surprised if the Keys go and give our prisoners the right to vote in addition to their PS2s, gym and heavens knows what else.


It doesn't matter which department of the EU it is, they are all a mess and a joke. The fact is England is no longer a Sovereign nation while it is under EU control. Their "democracy" is worth nothing. They should leave the EU and once again become a Sovereign nation.

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Keigmeister, as has already been pointed out, you keep referring to England, when the sovereign nation concerned is the United Kingdom. John Wright has also already pointed out your confusion as to the origin of the votes for prisoners change. Do you expect to be taken seriously on this despite being so I'll-informed?

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