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Glastonbury 2005


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We all got ours, think we're still waiting for 2 confirmations though - mines in the bag! Happy as you like, I had to get up at 8am with a stinkin hangover, but it was all worth it.

Apparently the tickets all sold out in 2 hours - wowzer, thats about 1000 tickets a minute.

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I am soooooo excited. I wasnt this morning but that was due to 'The Postman' keeping me up til all hours drinking Holstein and then phoning me at 8am to ensure I was up. Oh happy days. I'm sure SWTB will have tickets if she really wants to go.

As far as seeing people there goes.....I have trouble staying with the people I go with, I've NEVER met anyone I was supposed to there so I wouldnt expect I'll see you either Mr/s Alex. Possibly catch you on the boat....Wednesday is it? I think soooooo.

BTW does anyone know if 'The Peel lot' got tickets? I could phone but if they haven't I dont want to be cruel - Danger boy, is the missus going?

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Hey guys… unfortunately, cos I was away, didn’t get tickets! F*cking gutted, but ive got a friend who is playing both the Other Stage and the new bands acoustic stage, so am gonna pester him until he gives in. hes up for a manx party so im pretty sure he’ll get me one. But if anyone knows of one going spare, shoutsies. Ta! x

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If I'd have known you would be away I'd have got you one SWTB, was booking one for a mate anyway.

There's a slim chance of resales due to accidental double bookings/cancellations etc....will let you know if I hear anything from efest forums - they're usually the first to post info.

Yeah all ID'd Slim....allegedly anyway, I'm working on the gates myself & I can't begin to imagine the chaos if we actually do ID everyone...

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I could phone but if they haven't I dont want to be cruel - Danger boy, is the missus going?


no she's not going this year, although i think she secretly wants to!


Can you thank your little lady for calling yesterday id just got home after a very heavy night and was too scared i might ramble nonsense to her on the phone :)

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Oh thats pooh! I always meet her.


Mo/Denzel, You Ravers you, pussys the lot of ya, 5 til 2 then 2 til 6? hardly compares really. Says she.....who has to go home early these days and even when she was young had to have a little lie down in the afternoons at Glastonbury.

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