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Duke Of Cambridge

John Wright

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The first 4 Dukes of Cambridge died in infancy, that was in the 1660's/70's


The last one was a serial philanderer who contracted a morganatic marriage and had a string of mistresses and a large number of illegitimate children


Doesn't bode well.

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The first 4 Dukes of Cambridge died in infancy, that was in the 1660's/70's


The last one was a serial philanderer who contracted a morganatic marriage and had a string of mistresses and a large number of illegitimate children


Doesn't bode well.



Ok. Morganatic marriage ie where a member of the ruling house or a Royal marries a Commoner.


Traditionally he holds her by his left hand during the service? Anyone see Wills do that?


The titles of the Groom do not pass to the children.


So is William and Kate's mariage morganatic in law?


I wouldn't have thought so....how say you?

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Actually it is, apparently, in royal circles, quite a few have contracted marriage outside the Royal Marriage Act which were also morganatic. It was an (unacceptable) option for Edward and Wallis apparently

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The first 4 Dukes of Cambridge died in infancy, that was in the 1660's/70's


The last one was a serial philanderer who contracted a morganatic marriage and had a string of mistresses and a large number of illegitimate children


Doesn't bode well.

Last John Wright I met was an poor excuse of a man.........doesn't bode too well for you

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• In 1785 George, Prince of Wales, married Maria Anne Fitzherbert, a Catholic. Although viewed as a legal marriage by Catholics this marriage was invalid under the Royal Marriages Act and the Act of Settlement If valid the Prince would have lost his right of succession to the throne.

• In 1791 the Duke of York married Frederica, Princess of Prussia, but the ceremony had to be repeated in London later in 1791 as, although consent had been given at the Privy Council on 28 September, it had proved impossible to obtain the Great Seal before the first wedding and there were doubts about the legality of marriage 1

• In 1793 Prince Augustus, married Lady Augusta Murray, and he married her agin, in 1795. Both marriages were declared null and void and their two children were declared illegitimate.

• After Augusta Murray died , he married Lady Cecilia Buggin who, was created Duchess of Inverness by Queen Victoria (Prince Augustus was Duke of Sussex and Earl of Inverness). They cohabited and were socially accepted as husband and wife. The marriage was not accepted or recognised legally because this would have meant it was necessary to recognise his earlier marriages and the legitimacy of his two children

• In 1847 Prince George of Cambridge (the last Duke of Cambridge) married Sarah Fairbrother, a pregnant actress with four illegitimate children (two by himself and two by other men) They lived together until death, but he had a string of affairs and other illegitimate children.

• The marriage of the former King Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson was not morganatic, although Edward had proposed this expediency to Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin, who rejected the idea after consultations with the governments of the Dominions

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It was an (unacceptable) option for Edward and Wallis apparently

Wasn't that because she was a divorcee, rather than that she was a commoner, although that little fact didn't stop Charles and Camilla

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• In 1785 George, Prince of Wales, married Maria Anne Fitzherbert, a Catholic. Although viewed as a legal marriage by Catholics this marriage was invalid under the Royal Marriages Act and the Act of Settlement If valid the Prince would have lost his right of succession to the throne.

• In 1791 the Duke of York married Frederica, Princess of Prussia, but the ceremony had to be repeated in London later in 1791 as, although consent had been given at the Privy Council on 28 September, it had proved impossible to obtain the Great Seal before the first wedding and there were doubts about the legality of marriage 1

• In 1793 Prince Augustus, married Lady Augusta Murray, and he married her agin, in 1795. Both marriages were declared null and void and their two children were declared illegitimate.

• After Augusta Murray died , he married Lady Cecilia Buggin who, was created Duchess of Inverness by Queen Victoria (Prince Augustus was Duke of Sussex and Earl of Inverness). They cohabited and were socially accepted as husband and wife. The marriage was not accepted or recognised legally because this would have meant it was necessary to recognise his earlier marriages and the legitimacy of his two children

• In 1847 Prince George of Cambridge (the last Duke of Cambridge) married Sarah Fairbrother, a pregnant actress with four illegitimate children (two by himself and two by other men) They lived together until death, but he had a string of affairs and other illegitimate children.

• The marriage of the former King Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson was not morganatic, although Edward had proposed this expediency to Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin, who rejected the idea after consultations with the governments of the Dominions


On the subject of getting married twice to the same person..... I have often wondered why my Gt Gt Gt Grandfather and wife got married at St Nicholas' Great Yarmouth in 1814 and then again in Hempnall, near Norwich in 1815 and at this latter time declared themselves to be Batchelor and Spinster. Both registers survive and confirm this.


Question, can you legally marry the same person twice???


Just an academic point if you care to answer.

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On the subject of getting married twice to the same person..... I have often wondered why my Gt Gt Gt Grandfather and wife got married at St Nicholas' Great Yarmouth in 1814 and then again in Hempnall, near Norwich in 1815 and at this latter time declared themselves to be Batchelor and Spinster. Both registers survive and confirm this.


Question, can you legally marry the same person twice???


Just an academic point if you care to answer.

And still ended up siring a line of bastards?

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John, am I to take it from that random list that your incoherent post suggested that morganistic marriage is an English concept? If so why aren't any of them examples of morganatic marriages?



Re read the post you originally queried as "What?" and now characterise as "incoherent", Declan. It is correct, grammatical and makes sense. I am not saying morganatic marriages are an english concept, merely that some English, well AngloGermanic, royals have gone in for them, or if you are being pedantic, have gone in for what are, in effect, morganatic marriages, whatever you call them.


And, in context, what is a morgansitic marriage? Is that one where the bride and groom drive off in a Morgan rather than an Aston Martin?

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I am not saying morganatic marriages are an english concept, merely that some English, well AngloGermanic, royals have gone in for them, or if you are being pedantic, have gone in for what are, in effect, morganatic marriages, whatever you call them.




Morganatic marriage is not an English concept....


Actually it is...




John, are you absolutely sure you've got a handle on what a morganatic marriage is, because it looks strongly like you've confused them with one that's forbidden under certain acts.

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