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Duke Of Cambridge

John Wright

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And, in context, what is a morgansitic marriage? Is that one where the bride and groom drive off in a Morgan rather than an Aston Martin?

Hmmm... what a good idea...it would have been supporting a wholly British owned car company rather than a Kuwaiti-American-English owned company. And when it comes to crowd pulling a Morgan has it in spades over an AM. Mind you if she didn't have a seat belt on Kate might have bounced out when it drove over a pebble.

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"of, relating to, or being a marriage between a member of a royal or noble family and a person of inferior rank in which the rank of the inferior partner remains unchanged and the children of the marriage do not succeed to the titles, fiefs, or entailed property of the parent of higher rank"


Definition of morganatic


The answer would appear to be that Morganatic Marriage has never fully been extant or applicable in Britain. All four of the Queen's children have married Commoners with no impact on the line of succession and all that goes with it. The only stipulation is that those born into the Royal Family must have the Sovereign's permission to marry.


In a true Morganatic Marriage the Groom holds the bride' right hand with his left!!!!(Did W & K do that?)


The whole thing is artificial anyway! Parliament has long had the right to decide the succession in conjunction these days with countries where the Queen is Head of State. (This would seem to trump anything Morganatic)


They can decide what they like and move the goalposts if necessary morganatic marriage or no. Parliament can simply make it up as they go along if necessary and to hell with tradition.


This is why I questioned as to whether Kate and Will were married morganatically in law. ie is it truly morganatic in law bearing mind the Royal Marriages Acts and Parliament's supreme power over the line of succession in the context of a Constitutional Monarchy? I find it hard to believe that their ( K & W's) offspring would be so cut off as regards the apparent restriction of morganatic marriages otherwise why the pressure for "Heir and spare" that these people come under?


Diane was a Commoner (and then got binned out of both the Royal Family and being a Princess) and so was the present Queen's mother a Commoner and HM seems to have a good grip on the Crown...Of course the Queen's Dad (George VI)was not expecting to be King but he did so and his eldest daughter does not seem to have lost out on titles, successions and fiefdoms???


Apparently Camilla, wife of Charles, is officially "Princess of Wales" despite that being presumably a Morganatic Marriage but they use her other title to avoid any public anger over Diana's memory.


Some papers suggest that Will and Kate were advised to get a Prenuptial Agreement which if true would seem to indicate that the conditions of Morganatic Marriage with regard to inheritance etc are not strictly and automatically applied.


Not that a "Pre-nup" is fully legally valid in England and Wales although a recent High Court case did allow a "Pre-nup" to be considered in the light of special circumstances. So far the Courts will not allow their power over matters of divorce to become subservient to a "Pre-nup" such that a Court Order trumps a "Pre-nup" every time.


Tell you what tho'. William of Normandy did a good job when he dispossed the English and put their Norman feudal system in place. I mean, you would think that nothing had changed since 1066 and the Establishment and ownership of broad acress still rests in the hands of those linked to the Norman overlords!


(Tugs forelock, bows and retreats walking backwards!

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If they were handing out titles over here I would want Earl of Lhergy Cripperty



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Baron Spaldrick. Please.


Back I think in the 80s the mausoleum of the last Duke of Cambridge was broken into and his coffin opened so you could peer in and see the skeleton through a broken door...This in Kensal Green bone yard London...where many famous people end up! How is that for useless information?

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