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Rude Awakening...


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I hope you got back all the stuff that was stolen. Pretty scary stuff like that going on over here, main thing is your okay though.

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Glad you're safe, chap. I think in that situation I'd probably turn complete chicken and hide under the bed - so top marks for reacting so well. I am also delighted that an arrest followed.


One of the advantages of sleeping next to a female is you can send her down the stairs to suss it out first! Then if it's safe you can follow...


I'm a great believer in the Tony Martin method of crime prevention i.e. despite being a career criminal at just 16 years old Fred Barras hasn't burgled anyone since he broke into Martin's farmhouse. Win / Win.

seconded, and no expensive keeping prisoners either. just an urn..


The sad thing is the person who was arrested will be rewarded with their own en-suite cell, he'll have three lovely meals a day, access to a gym, pool table, television and playstation probably, all at the expense of the tax payer which comes to a bill of about £30,000 a year. Don't you just love the Manx justice system.

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Glad you're safe, chap. I think in that situation I'd probably turn complete chicken and hide under the bed - so top marks for reacting so well. I am also delighted that an arrest followed.


One of the advantages of sleeping next to a female is you can send her down the stairs to suss it out first! Then if it's safe you can follow...


I'm a great believer in the Tony Martin method of crime prevention i.e. despite being a career criminal at just 16 years old Fred Barras hasn't burgled anyone since he broke into Martin's farmhouse. Win / Win.

seconded, and no expensive keeping prisoners either. just an urn..

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The sad thing is the person who was arrested will be rewarded with their own en-suite cell, he'll have three lovely meals a day, access to a gym, pool table, television and playstation probably, all at the expense of the tax payer which comes to a bill of about £30,000 a year. Don't you just love the Manx justice system.

Even worse, he'll probably claim to have 'found Jesus' and have his sentence reduced.

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The sad thing is the person who was arrested will be rewarded with their own en-suite cell, he'll have three lovely meals a day, access to a gym, pool table, television and playstation probably, all at the expense of the tax payer which comes to a bill of about £30,000 a year. Don't you just love the Manx justice system.

Even worse, he'll probably claim to have 'found Jesus' and have his sentence reduced.


Not that he'll get a big sentence anyway, and will probably only serve half of whatever they give him

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Pretty crap thing to happen,you dont here much about burglerys over here, its shocking. I had someone come through my bedroom window once whilst me an my missus were asleep, luckily the noise of the window opening woke me up and i was out of bed with a poker in my hand, when i turned around there was a silhouette stood there so i hit it with the poker. After switching the light on it turned out to be my mate who had been on the lash an had no where to kip. He was alrite and didnt remember what had happened in the morning.

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Pretty crap thing to happen,you dont here much about burglerys over here, its shocking. I had someone come through my bedroom window once whilst me an my missus were asleep, luckily the noise of the window opening woke me up and i was out of bed with a poker in my hand, when i turned around there was a silhouette stood there so i hit it with the poker. After switching the light on it turned out to be my mate who had been on the lash an had no where to kip. He was alrite and didnt remember what had happened in the morning.


which is another good reason for not having guns!

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Imagine you're woken up by strange noises in the early hours of the morning. Then imagine you venture from your bedroom to find someone ransacking your house - proper burglary in progress, swag bag and all. Not how I imagined my sunday to start, but that's what just happened a couple of hours ago. There goes my last belief in the safe Isle of Man...


On the good side: top top marks for manx police - here within a couple of minutes, literally. Actually felt even faster than that - bloody quick by any standards. Four bobbies storming the place and even more cars & bobbies arriving shortly after. Although the uninvited guest had already departed, it seems a short search of the neighbourhood proved successful and someone's having breakfast at that building near the grandstand this morning.


So that's my sunday ruined - at least it's sunny outside, ey? :huh:


Lucky it was at the weekend, otherwise it could of ruined a whole week

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Pretty crap thing to happen,you dont here much about burglerys over here, its shocking. I had someone come through my bedroom window once whilst me an my missus were asleep, luckily the noise of the window opening woke me up and i was out of bed with a poker in my hand, when i turned around there was a silhouette stood there so i hit it with the poker. After switching the light on it turned out to be my mate who had been on the lash an had no where to kip. He was alrite and didnt remember what had happened in the morning.


which is another good reason for not having guns!

I guess it was on that occasion - in my case, there was no doubt. If that had happened in, say, gun-happy Texas and my long lost cousin AmaYeeeHaaaDeus would have been presented with the same clear line of sight and an intruder who hadn't noticed him, then in all likelihood it would have been shoot first, say Stop! later.


For now, the next wannabe here can choose between a driver to the head or a nine iron to the nuts - and there'll be no warning swings.

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It's a great result although I have think that you are probably one of the closest residential areas to the police station. Even if they were on foot, they could easily have got there within 5 minutes. Pleased that you're alright and that they got the intruder.


Just remember next time, do it like they do on the military history channel, drop a 'potato masher' down the stairs ;)

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It's a great result although I have think that you are probably one of the closest residential areas to the police station. Even if they were on foot, they could easily have got there within 5 minutes. Pleased that you're alright and that they got the intruder.


Just remember next time, do it like they do on the military history channel, drop a 'potato masher' down the stairs ;)

In fairness, yes - the station is very close but the response was still ace & everyone else was, too. All seemed so well organised and efficient, I thought they must be German for a sec :)


Might ask grandpa if he still has a few mashers in the shed - was considering landmines & tripwires, but it always makes a mess when the cat comes home...


In all seriousness, though, I don't want that to happen again and this place will be a fortress before the week is out.

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