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Rude Awakening...


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Wouldn't wish this sort of thing on anyone Amadeus but I've always wondered what my reaction would be if someone was so much on a mission that they wouldn't think twice about doing you/your family harm if they thought their visit would be more profitable.


Tony Martin deserved to go to prison for his actions and I wouldn't advocate anyone reacting in such an extreme way, but I think some retaliation would be justified if you felt your personal well being was under threat. I'm very pleased that didn't happen in your case but it still makes one wonder. Well it makes me wonder..

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In fairness, yes - the station is very close but the response was still ace & everyone else was, too. All seemed so well organised and efficient, I thought they must be German for a sec :)


Might ask grandpa if he still has a few mashers in the shed - was considering landmines & tripwires, but it always makes a mess when the cat comes home...


In all seriousness, though, I don't want that to happen again and this place will be a fortress before the week is out.


I am not sure what you can or want to post about means of entry etc but is there anything that is worth the rest of us learning by way of prevention. i.e. did you leave a door or a window open or unlocked so it was fairly easy for an opportunistic thief to have a go. Or did it look like the guy had targetted you house and physically forced an entry and short of have having an alarm system there was little you could do. Basically trying to work out why he may have picked on you and if there is anything I need to do to prevent it happening to me. i.e. better door, locks etc or would the thief smashed their way in short of having reinforced glass, doors, locks.

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In fairness, yes - the station is very close but the response was still ace & everyone else was, too. All seemed so well organised and efficient, I thought they must be German for a sec :)


Might ask grandpa if he still has a few mashers in the shed - was considering landmines & tripwires, but it always makes a mess when the cat comes home...


In all seriousness, though, I don't want that to happen again and this place will be a fortress before the week is out.


I am not sure what you can or want to post about means of entry etc but is there anything that is worth the rest of us learning by way of prevention. i.e. did you leave a door or a window open or unlocked so it was fairly easy for an opportunistic thief to have a go. Or did it look like the guy had targetted you house and physically forced an entry and short of have having an alarm system there was little you could do. Basically trying to work out why he may have picked on you and if there is anything I need to do to prevent it happening to me. i.e. better door, locks etc or would the thief smashed their way in short of having reinforced glass, doors, locks.

I'm not sure I can/should go into details (yet), so I'd just say make sure everything is secure on your house. What gets me is that it wasn't a dark house - there's lights on all over the place all the time, which didn't seem to work as deterrent.

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if there is anything I need to do to prevent it happening to me


Yes - Buy a pump action shotgun and a big box of cable ties! Im really sorry that it happened to you Amadeus and it's good that you have praised the police for their swift action which is a credit to their professionalism and that you were not hurt. However it's a shame that such professionalism does not run through to their crime reporting statistics as this is yet another of quite a few burglaries which have happened recently and the situation does appear to be getting worse with the recession. You wouldn't get that impression reading the papers though although I'm sure that as it's been reported on MF yours will be reported in the papers followed by the standard "Fortunately events like this are rare in the Isle of Man".

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What gets me is that it wasn't a dark house - there's lights on all over the place all the time, which didn't seem to work as deterrent.


Odd? Do you think they might be Tony Browns heavies looking for secret MF transcripts and data.

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Imagine you're woken up by strange noises in the early hours of the morning. Then imagine you venture from your bedroom to find someone ransacking your house - proper burglary in progress, swag bag and all. Not how I imagined my sunday to start, but that's what just happened a couple of hours ago. There goes my last belief in the safe Isle of Man...


On the good side: top top marks for manx police - here within a couple of minutes, literally. Actually felt even faster than that - bloody quick by any standards. Four bobbies storming the place and even more cars & bobbies arriving shortly after. Although the uninvited guest had already departed, it seems a short search of the neighbourhood proved successful and someone's having breakfast at that building near the grandstand this morning.


So that's my sunday ruined - at least it's sunny outside, ey? :huh:


You must be wrong, crime is DOWN. DOWN I tells ya.


Awful, glad you're OK and glad they got the bugger!!

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What gets me is that it wasn't a dark house - there's lights on all over the place all the time, which didn't seem to work as deterrent.


Odd? Do you think they might be Tony Browns heavies looking for secret MF transcripts and data.


ManxForumsgate - love it!

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Rather than lethel methods, might I suggest a slightly more "non lethal" option.


Airsoft claymore. Explodes with a cloud of flour and about 1000 6mm teflon coated pellets at around 400-500 feet per second.


And then when the robber is laying there stunned, thats when you crown them with the 9 iron.

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Did they actually steal anything amadeus, or did you disturb them first.


I was joking in my last reply, but as a couple of others have said, its disturbing to think what would/could happen when a stranger enters your home in the night.


Thankfully they are few and far between these kind of offenses on the isle, thieving in general though is on the increase.

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In fairness, yes - the station is very close but the response was still ace & everyone else was, too. All seemed so well organised and efficient, I thought they must be German for a sec :)


Might ask grandpa if he still has a few mashers in the shed - was considering landmines & tripwires, but it always makes a mess when the cat comes home...


In all seriousness, though, I don't want that to happen again and this place will be a fortress before the week is out.


I am not sure what you can or want to post about means of entry etc but is there anything that is worth the rest of us learning by way of prevention. i.e. did you leave a door or a window open or unlocked so it was fairly easy for an opportunistic thief to have a go. Or did it look like the guy had targetted you house and physically forced an entry and short of have having an alarm system there was little you could do. Basically trying to work out why he may have picked on you and if there is anything I need to do to prevent it happening to me. i.e. better door, locks etc or would the thief smashed their way in short of having reinforced glass, doors, locks.


A dog cuts all that kind of threat out.


I started taking the keys out of my car about 10 years ago, instead of just leaving them in 24/7, but i still couldnt tell you if or where a front door key is to my house, its never locked.


Maybe have to rethink that last bit now, times are a changing.

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A pretty Shocking experience for Amadeus, but some excellent work by Douglas Neighbourhood has resulted in one person charged, and appearance at court this morning.


Amadeus is absolutely spot on when he says there isn't much he can discuss about this just now. Basically, the case cannot be discussed until after the matter is resluted at court. Accordingly, to protect the integrity of the legal process, please be careful as to what you post.


At the risk of sounding like a corporate bobby, can I just comment on some of the posts as to the integrity of the crime figures. As most of you know, I was a divisional commander for 2 1/2 years. I can assure you, all the neighbourhood bosses are under a lot of scrutiny regarding accuracy of recording. The figures are as sight as they ever have been, and rest assured the serious stuff like burglary get even more scrutiny because of the profound effect they have on peoples lives.



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