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Wanted Bike For 14 Year Old Boy


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hello I have two sons, one 8 and one 14, the 8 year old has outgrown his bike and needs the next size up and teh 14 year olds bike is broken, i wonder if anyone has any bikes that will fit either of my sons?


would appreciate if anyone has a bike that their child has outgrown?


cant get a bike for one without getting a bike for my other boy, so going to the shops to buy 2 bikes costly so thought to try this forum to see if i could get at least one bike.


any replies most welcome.


Thank you.

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Buy cheap BMX’s on line from Halfords, or if you can afford a bit more from our local bike shops, their prices on branded bikes are as good as the same bikes on-line.


The plus points of BMX’s are your boys will never grow out of them, there is very little to break, they are easy to repair, take up less room in the shed and there are lots of skate parks and BMX tracks on the island to use them.


None brand cheap mountain bikes from Tesco etc. are a false economy, they are built with very cheap parts for the gears, brakes etc. with two lads in time you will need to get repairs done, repairs in our local bike shop’s will cost as nearly as much as you pay for the bike,I know this from personal experience.


If it has to be Mountain bikes I would buy branded bikes, locally from our bike shops that way you will not have warranty or build issues.


Have you looked on http://www.manxmtb.com/phpBB3/ for 2nd hand bikes

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Buy cheap BMX's on line from Halfords, or if you can afford a bit more from our local bike shops, their prices on branded bikes are as good as the same bikes on-line.


The plus points of BMX's are your boys will never grow out of them, there is very little to break, they are easy to repair, take up less room in the shed and there are lots of skate parks and BMX tracks on the island to use them.


None brand cheap mountain bikes from Tesco etc. are a false economy, they are built with very cheap parts for the gears, brakes etc. with two lads in time you will need to get repairs done, repairs in our local bike shop's will cost as nearly as much as you pay for the bike,I know this from personal experience.


If it has to be Mountain bikes I would buy branded bikes, locally from our bike shops that way you will not have warranty or build issues.


Have you looked on http://www.manxmtb.com/phpBB3/ for 2nd hand bikes


Agree with this, if its just for knocking about the street on BMX is tough as nails.


Those tesco bikes are awful, nasty heavy things with stupid springs that do nothing but bounce you around and will rust and break in no time. Keep an eye on manx.net for a good 'hardly used' from a reputable brand or even keep an eye on the tip, there's often decent bikes pulled out and put in for recycling.


There's often bikes for sale down the NSC track on a Tuesday night too, parents put them up against the fence with a sign when their nippers outgrow.

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