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Nah...... I think you are just losing the plot a little.


Take a few days off and give your fingers a well deserved rest.

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If every person on the IOM that gets junk mail through the letter box was to pay 22p for a stamp and send all junk mail to the Minister in charge of the Post office in a plain envelope, you would get a result. He would have to open every one just incase one letter was the one he might be waiting for.

Would that be a laugh or what, I would love to see the Ministers face when 50000 envelopes got pushed through his letter box.

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I registered with the Telephone Preference Service to never be troubled by their sort again.


I've registered home and work with the TPS and the FPS and it seems to work OK


Thier website says you can't register businesses but I lied and did it anyway and it seems to work fine.


Actually, looking at their webiste it looks like businesses can now opt out

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If every person on the IOM that gets junk mail through the letter box was to pay 22p for a stamp and send all junk mail to the Minister in charge of the Post office in a plain envelope, you would get a result. He would have to open every one just incase one letter was the one he might be waiting for.

Would that be a laugh or what, I would love to see the Ministers face when 50000 envelopes got pushed through his letter box.


It's not a he any more, it's a she (Mrs Bucket). So great idea - crack on. (But do you really need to buy a stamp? Can't you just re-direct it?)

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Maybe someone can invent a spam filter for letter boxes...just a thought and if someone does make a million doing it, it was my idea


Just make sure it's not from the same people who make the Manxnet spam filter, otherwise you'll get all the "MotorMann" & "New PVC Windows" flyers, while all your bank statements and important letters will be delayed for 3 days. You'd then have to ring the post-office and tell them that you'd actually like to receive letters from your bank/mum/cousin/employer.

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I would put them back in the post box, as they are not addressed to anyone then the postperson can only do the elvis thing of "return to sender" maybe then will these people stop flooding our mailboxes.

Advertise on the radio if you must, much cheaper and 75% more effective if you need to advertise or are looking for a job vacancy. if you don't like an advert it is only noise pollution to yourself on the radio rather than having to physically dispose of something.


But back to the subject, post your junk mail back in the big red pillar boxes ie "return to sender" it isn't ileigal.

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