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Lords Call For Euthanasia Debate


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A call has been made for the UK parliament to debate the euthanasia issue.


I am pro-euthanasia after witnessing my mother die and hearing of terrible suffering that would render prosecution if we treated animals that way.




Despite hospice care, the suffering is real and no healthy person can comprehend the suffering that the terminally ill may go through in a situation where in some cases they cannot even express it.


I believe a fundimental human right is the right to life but also the right to choose to die.


This latest news (link above)may open up a proper debate which is long overdue in the UK and also the Isle of Man without being blinkered by the influence of religion. Particularly for those that are terminally ill who do not have a faith and want the logic of choice when science can not provide the solution.

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Along similar lines, I'm thinking about completing a 'living will' or Advance Directive, regarding the refusal of certain medical treatments if I'm unconscious, in a coma etc - for instance, the Terry Schiavo case in the US would not have lasted this long if her request to not be kept alive had been in a legal advance directive form, IIRC.

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I also support euthanasia and would want to be able to make that choice for myself, should I ever need to, as I would for any of my nearest and dearest if that was how they felt.


As already mentioned above, there would need to be strict criteria and no room for error.

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Those are valid points for sure, however in other countries it is already legal practice and I would assume that if errors like that were being made we would be hearing about it from the anti-euthansia lobby.


It seems to me that it is workable and humane.

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