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Please Vote Against The "kill The Gays"


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Why vote against or sign petitions against it?!? Pass it here!!!



That is one of the most vicious,depraved and nastiest kind of things one could possibly say. :(


Sad sad day that people like you have to put up anyone a bit different than yourself.


Do you ever look in the mirror? You might be shocked at what you see there.


An old friend of mine used to say similar things and then lo and behold his only daughter turned out to be a lesbian.


As John Lennon would say "Instant karma is out to get you!


Good luck with your life chum. :blink:

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i don't know what went wrong with the title, guess i was in a hurry, it should have read: please help to veto the "kill the gays" bill in uganda, with the subheading; link to petition.


What can i say, i messed up.


i hope a few people saw past my inaccurate title rambling and signed the petition.

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These people are WRONG. They should be put to death, I couldn't agree more with that Bill, and it's time that the Western world adopted this approach. The sooner the better, these mutants are taking over.

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These people are WRONG. They should be put to death, I couldn't agree more with that Bill, and it's time that the Western world adopted this approach. The sooner the better, these mutants are taking over.



Where in the world were you brought up? You sound like someone from the 15th century. Oh well free speech but are you not inciting to commit a crime against humanity?


You are lucky to live where you live... :angry:

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how can i vote, im not part of uganda.


its like uganda voteing who going to be our MHK.

I presume from the comparison that you think people from another country have no right to interfere with the affairs of others or something? If so, I most definitely disagree. There are big problems with this type of outlook.


In matters such as this, were it to be the majority view in Uganda that gay people should be put to death, any interference from any inside or outside the country is morally just in stopping it.

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how can i vote, im not part of uganda.


its like uganda voteing who going to be our MHK.

I presume from the comparison that you think people from another country have no right to interfere with the affairs of others or something? If so, I most definitely disagree. There are big problems with this type of outlook.


In matters such as this, were it to be the majority view in Uganda that gay people should be put to death, any interference from any inside or outside the country is morally just in stopping it.


ahh you see theres me get out clause, morally just, i dont have any morals really :lol:


im not against gays and no they prob should not be killed because of it,

but as im not gay i dont live in uganda then its of little worry to me.

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If you don't care at all what happens to other people then fine. I don't share that outlook on others though.


I tend to offer more support and be interested in matters relating to people with whom I shared interested and more commonalities, but I am not so parochial or even selfish to think that if someone is not white, male, or gay, etc. then their problems are no concern. It's a small world and they are people just like us.


I am quite sure what your attitude reflects, as it seems you are sitting on the fence as to whether it is right to execute gay people. Maybe that's why you are disinclined to worry about people being killed for who they are.

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I am quite sure what your attitude reflects, as it seems you are sitting on the fence as to whether it is right to execute gay people. Maybe that's why you are disinclined to worry about people being killed for who they are.


hmmm cant you read, shall i highlight it for you again.

or maybe your not quite sure yet :rolleyes:


im not against gays and no they prob should not be killed because of it,


so there you go not sitting on the fence at all, you are who you are not my place to think bad of somebody just because there diffrent :rolleyes:


im disinclined to worry about it because it does not effect me one bit, if they pass the bill it wont change my life at all, and the same if they dont pass the bill, it wont effect me.


Just because im not going oooo save the gay people from death sign the paper out law the govenment it does not mean i think gays should be stoned to death.

its just vary simple that i have better things to worry about in life than some place that to be honest is well of no importance to my life.


its that simple LDV.

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hmmm cant you read, shall i highlight it for you again.

or maybe your not quite sure yet :rolleyes:

I hadn't worked out exactly what you meant until I read stuff later on.


so there you go not sitting on the fence at all, you are who you are not my place to think bad of somebody just because there diffrent :rolleyes:

What does that mean?

im disinclined to worry about it because it does not aeffect me one bit, if they pass the bill it wont change my life at all, and the same if they dont pass the bill, it wont aeffect me.

Right, ok. So you only care about matters that directly affect you. I would call that selfish. It doesn't affect how I live my life day-in and day-out but I recognise that it affects others life very seriously and in a terrible way. That concern for others motivates me to simply sign a petition.


...its just vary simple that i have better things to worry about in life than some place that to be honest is well of no importance to my life.
But it isn't about the place, it's about the people.


Curious, when would someone be of interest to you? Were it to be the case that on the Isle of Man that gay people would be executed, would that motivate you? It would be in your backyard, but does not directly affect you. Or what if it was about forcing all women to wear a veil in public, would that affect you enough?

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so there you go not sitting on the fence at all, you are who you are not my place to think bad of somebody just because there diffrent :rolleyes:

What does that mean?

im disinclined to worry about it because it does not aeffect me one bit, if they pass the bill it wont change my life at all, and the same if they dont pass the bill, it wont aeffect me.

Right, ok. So you only care about matters that directly affect you. I would call that selfish. It doesn't affect how I live my life day-in and day-out but I recognise that it affects others life very seriously and in a terrible way. That concern for others motivates me to simply sign a petition.


...its just vary simple that i have better things to worry about in life than some place that to be honest is well of no importance to my life.
But it isn't about the place, it's about the people.


Curious, when would someone be of interest to you? Were it to be the case that on the Isle of Man that gay people would be executed, would that motivate you? It would be in your backyard, but does not directly affect you. Or what if it was about forcing all women to wear a veil in public, would that affect you enough?


It means that i dont treat anyone any diffrent be it they gay stright black white yellow pink green blue poor rich old young what ever you want.

they can all be nice people, and thay can all be dicks, thats all down to the person themselfs


I never said i wasent selfish, but if you cared about every single thing in the world then there would be little time to do anything eles in the day.

what gos on 1000s of miles away to people that i never meet or have any contact with, im not going to lose much sleep


ooo forcing all woman to wear a vail, could be a good thing thing for some woman, you know the ones with a body of a saint but the face of a bus. might improve them :cool:

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No, I still understand what you mean about not treating people different.


Sorry, I do find it hard to recognise that you have a wholly selfish outlook on the world and other people. It's not something I have seen to the extent I do with you. That's not to say that I am singularly criticising you for not signing this petition. Just criticising your attitude to it and the attitude to other subjects discussed on earlier threads adds up.


If we were talking about a proposal to build a nuclear power station in China or a campaign to stop some business legislation in Morocco then I understand where you are coming from.


But when it comes to people who will suffer, me and others are interested in their welfare. We have hopes for them that they don't suffer. It doesn't matter if we don't meet them because we KNOW they are other human feelings who have feelings and cares like what do.


And in this case, it's an issue of capital punishment (DEATH) for innocent (in the sense of committing no real crime) people. As moral individuals who do have interests in seeing many of our morals proliferate or maintain across the world, there is a desire to give our voice.

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