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Please Vote Against The "kill The Gays"


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Yes, very funny. Except the fact that the title and picture have been illegally uploaded through hacking my profile, ofcourse this is not permitted under the Computer Misuse Act. I will definitely be taking this further than group admin.


now now your just making things up now.

its ok we wont tell anyone you put it all on yourself

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Yes, very funny. Except the fact that the title and picture have been illegally uploaded through hacking my profile, ofcourse this is not permitted under the Computer Misuse Act. I will definitely be taking this further than group admin.


wouldnt someone have had to actually access your computer in order to be in breach of the computer misuse act.

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So is being selfish another bit of the moral turpitude that, in addition to hedonism, cowardice, and everything else that is distasteful makes up the abnormality of homosexuality?

As opposed to the distasteful make-up of evil Straight scum who feel compelled to harrass and threaten (or carrying out) violence against people who are just being themselves and causing no harm to others out of being themselves.


But I don't think that way, because I don't tar on hetties with the same brush.


You are trolling now to get a reaction.


Tell me, why should they stay?


They should stay and fight for their rights to live their lives consistently to the way that other people are allowed to live their lives in the increasing number of enlightened countries where same sex sexual orientation is now an accepted part of legitimate lifestyle.


They have a duty to do so for future generations of people in their country with the same sexual deviation as themselves.

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Hard to know whether you are serious or not, or just a bit barmy.


Did the Jews have a duty to stay in Germany in the late 1930s? Did the Tutsi have a duty to stay in Rwanda as things started going tits up?


By all means, please describe the method by which they should get things changed. Say the legislation is enacted, what could they do?


Demonstrate in the streets? Write petitions? Maybe even vote?

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Yes, very funny. Except the fact that the title and picture have been illegally uploaded through hacking my profile, ofcourse this is not permitted under the Computer Misuse Act. I will definitely be taking this further than group admin.



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Hard to know whether you are serious or not, or just a bit barmy.


LOL! At times I have the same problem!


Did the Jews have a duty to stay in Germany in the late 1930s? Did the Tutsi have a duty to stay in Rwanda as things started going wrong?


Maybe if the jews had reacted to the writing in the wall when the Nazis were building a power base and hadn't simply in effect sat back and did a McCawberesque “Something will always turn up” and the Tutsi hadn't dismissed the injustice that was taking place against the Hutu's there would not have been the catastrophies that there were and yes, the Tutu's should have stayed put, taken theirlumps, and worked to pull the nation out of the mess it had fallen into.


By all means, please describe the method by which they should get things changed. Say the legislation is enacted, what could they do?


Stop being open in their activities but work to change attitudes, just as happened in the UK during the period that male homosexuality was illegal there.


Demonstrate in the streets? Write petitions? Maybe even vote?


Why not? I've noticed that your opinion about the power of elections is hardly positive but the fact remains that voting works especially in a society with mostly Christian morality at its core.


Simply running away is wrong. It is wrong for future generations and it is wrong done to the countries that these people run to and claim support that is provided by tax payers for the benefit of taxpayers. Political asylum is one thing but what we are dealing with in this case isn't political asylum, it's social asylum and that should never be allowed.


If people don't like the society that they live in then change it, or shut up and get on with it.

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And you think the Jews had the power to effect in the climate of political and racial opinion that made them out to be enemies? Do you have any idea what it would have taken to change public opinion and remove the Nazis?

As for Rwanda, the example you give of the Tutsi's prior to the genocide serves to show that people are not aware of their poor behaviour and the injustices they level at others. BUT once the Hutus had started their campaign of spreading hatred against the Tutsis, would the Tutsis have been right to flee?


Stop being open in their activities but work to change attitudes, just as happened in the UK during the period that male homosexuality was illegal there.

Poor example and anarchronistic given the reification of the gay individual (and straight) in the twentieth century.

From (say) the 1920s onwards there was oppression and repression up until the legalisation of buggery, but there was not any real threat of capital punishment. And the changes that did come about were to some extent made possible by the more liberal attitudes in the UK. Things are rather different in these sub-Saharan very Christian societies. (And just to point out, it is Christianity that has given rise to this injustice.)


You seem to completely disregard the welfare, mental health, and worth of these people's lives by arguing that they should stay.

I recognise what you mean by fighting against these things, but it's the wrong place at the wrong time. They don't have the political development and clout with which to fight against it. But were they to do so, it would not be foolish.


But there is the issue of their lives and what impact it has on them essentially pretending to be something they are not. I couldn't live like that putting on the straight face. Setting aside all self interest for the very slim possibility of changing societal attitudes or forcing a change is a lot to ask. They have no obligation for something like this.


You mention about demonstration and public protest, but I think you'll find that such open displays of sexuality will lead to prosecution.


If people don't like the society they live in they can try and change it or they can leave. I advocate the latter if their life is at risk. Pressure can be brought to bear from without.


As for voting I

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The Jews had no change of making changes. There was no collective political organisation with which to alter public opinion and remove the Nazis.

And your comment on injustice with the Tutsi's does actually demonstrate how people are often ignorant of their prejudice and poor attitudes to others. But once the hate campaign of the Hutus started the Tutsis were in desperate trouble. You think they should have hung around to convince others of their wrongful behaviours?


The UK is a poor example. Capital punishment was not a realistic punishment for the twentieth century. There was oppression and repression, but not politically unified group to take political action. And the UK was not the Christian mess that these are. The character of the religion and degree of adherence to Christianity is quite different. And it is Christianity from whence this problem arises.


As for activities of gay people, I don't know what you mean exactly? You mean by being gay in simply being recognised as such? It's a lot to ask of people to hide who they are and effectively pretend to be something else. I don't think you know what you are asking of people.


As for voting, you are off your rocker. Just saying that voting works doesn't make it so and it isn't going to do any good here. (And I don't know what Christian moral values and voting have in common)


People can stay and change society or they can leave. If their life is at risk and they are unlikely to live a good life with little to no opportunity to effect change then I think it makes sense for them to move. I don't know what your distinction of political and social asylum is.

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Brilliant Ans, just brilliant. Being gay is great, I'm not gay but I could be, who knows what will happen when I get 'the change' :) Chill out IOMSpco I'm almost thinking you are my old friend, your punctuation is quite good, your dialect although rubbish in content is well formed...hmmmmm.....nah.

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The Jews had no change of making changes. There was no collective political organisation with which to alter public opinion and remove the Nazis.


There came a time at which the jews were faced by a Nazi party with the power to ride roughshod, but up until that time if they had not been so exclusive within Germany society then the opportunity to undermine the propaganda that was being put about existed, and indeed may not have even passed first base.


And your comment on injustice with the Tutsi's does actually demonstrate how people are often ignorant of their prejudice and poor attitudes to others. But once the hate campaign of the Hutus started the Tutsis were in desperate trouble. You think they should have hung around to convince others of their wrongful behaviours?


They should not have behaved in the way that they had been doing in the first place. What's more there were enough warning signs that the opresed were becoming fed up that should have been heeded.


The UK is a poor example. Capital punishment was not a realistic punishment for the twentieth century. There was oppression and repression, but not politically unified group to take political action. And the UK was not the Christian mess that these are. The character of the religion and degree of adherence to Christianity is quite different. And it is Christianity from whence this problem arises.


It is the absence of Christianity and the influence of allegedly (but not) Christian missionaries and churches that is responsible for the persecution of male homosexuals.


But the way that male homosexuality was legalised in the UK is an excellent example of how with patience and care something that should not be on the statute books can be removed.


As for activities of gay people, I don't know what you mean exactly? You mean by being gay in simply being recognised as such? It's a lot to ask of people to hide who they are and effectively pretend to be something else. I don't think you know what you are asking of people.


I know that people who engage in an illegal act should either work to legalise what they do while keeping a low profile while they do so, or simply stop doing it. They should NOT travel to another country in order to do what they think is right but is banned in their own country.


As for voting, you are off your rocker. Just saying that voting works doesn't make it so and it isn't going to do any good here. (And I don't know what Christian moral values and voting have in common)


Democracy works. It works by people having their opinion expressed in the ballot box. If individuals want something that the majority do not then the minority should shut up or work to convionce the majority.


People can stay and change society or they can leave. If their life is at risk and they are unlikely to live a good life with little to no opportunity to effect change then I think it makes sense for them to move.


It rather depends if that decision is being made by a selfish hedonistic individual who doesn't give a toss about people in the future.


I don't know what your distinction of political and social asylum is.


Social asylum is where people seek refuge because they don't like where they live.


Political asylum is where people have tried to change things, become active in so doing, and as a result are in danger of loosing their lives from the powers that be as a result of that attempt to engineer a change.


Homosexuals leaving a country in which the law is that homosexuals should be put to death simply because they don't like that law are social asylum seekers. They should be refused asylum and returned to either abide the law or work to change the law in their country.

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I started answering your point. But I find it very to believe that you mean what you say and if you do not you are something a fool. It's too much to argue against ideas that the Jews put themselves in the situation of being targets, that a persecuted minority should grin and bear whatever the majority throws at them unless they can convince the majority to treat them better, and your posts are inflammatory in reference to hedonistic gay people.


Are you really Baptists?

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I started answering your point. But I find it very to believe that you mean what you say and if you do not you are something a fool.


Pity you didn't clarify the underlined,I'll assume you intended to insert “hard” and if so then let me assure you that I DO believe what I say.


It's too much to argue against ideas that the Jews put themselves in the situation of being targets,


Maybe if you had studied the events leading up to the seizing of power by the Nazi party in Germany and the fragmentation within German society during the Weimar Republic era you would understand (just what DID you read at the “university” you claim to have attended?)


The Weimar republic years saw many many cases where jewish people thrived in the face of mass starvation. They made their difference from the rest even more obvious by often using Yiddish or Hebrew in their dealings and even conversation, they often adopted different apparel and lived a lifestyle noticeably different from the rest of the people.


Knowing that you might just possibly see how by so doing they laid themselves open to being used as scapegoats. Especially in light of existing and long established prejudice that had been fuelled by the Roman Catholic church across the whole of Europe.


that a persecuted minority should grin and bear whatever the majority throws at them unless they can convince the majority to treat them better,


It wasn't a case of grinning and bearing whatever the majority threw at them, it was a case of in so many cases jewish people and communities standing aloof from the suffering that was taking place around them. It is an immensely complex matter but nonetheless their refusal in so many cases to integrate into the German hoi polloi was certainly a fault line that the Nazis could and did take advantage of.


and your posts are inflammatory in reference to hedonistic gay people.


If stating facts is inflammatory then the fault lies not with the facts but the subject of the facts.


Are you really Baptists?


Yes. “Old School” granted, but yes.


And that's all the time I can spare today for obvious reasons.

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But laying themselves open to being scapeboats AS A RESULT of societal racism does not mean the animosity that developed was THEIR fault and, of course, the treatment they received was totally undeserved.


It is quite understandable why they did not integrate. We can't blame them for that. Nor believe that it was their responsibility to fix the problems caused by an irrational fear and distrust of the Jews.


I have already questioned why the use the term hedonistic. It appears that upon doing so you have inserted the description more and more without providing explanation. You seem to be trolling in this respect.


That's what I don't understand. Are the Peel baptists (such as Else) more 'hardcore' than the Douglas ones on Broadway?

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