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Religion/is It Okay To Make Jokes?


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Being an atheist I'm not that up on the whole blasphemy thing, but I would have thought it could only be blasphemous if the person hearing it was religious. Because the person saying it wouldn't be saying it if he thought it was wrong. (Not explained that point very well).



No that makes sense, it's like they're only saying to get a particular response.


Well, they might get offended, but my point was that you can't commit a sin (such as blasphemy) if you don't believe in God.


The religious person might argue that you have, but the non-religious person has equal grounds to argue that he hasn't.


If I was religious and started bad mouthing the big bearded bloke cos my cat got run over or something, then there'd be no argument.

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Absolutely right MM. If you don’t believe in G-d then you can’t commit blasphemy


BUT – if the law of the land DOES recognise G-d, and at present it does, then you will be breaking the law as ignorance is no excuse, and your ‘ignorance’ (not personal) of the existence of G-d is therefore no defence against the charge and so in law you can commit blasphemy.


The law regarding blasphemy should be repealed at once.


Best of all keep the secular totally separate from the spiritual.


And above all keep ALL religion out of politics and most of all do not legislate against religious bigotry, as to do so WILL provide something that the foul can hide behind when confronted.

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If I was religious and started bad mouthing the big bearded bloke cos my cat got run over or something, then there'd be no argument.


What big bearded bloke? Is this one of your neighbours, monkey butt? The one with the 4x4 with the bull-bars that loves squashing cats?


Why is it people always assume there will be no razors in heaven? :huh:

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Why is it people always assume there will be no razors in heaven?  :huh:


Big G is assumed to be hirsute from the following instructions ---




18:27 “Ye shall not round the corners of your heads, neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard.


And what’s more tattoos are out as well ---


18.28 Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.


There’s various ideas as to why this might be ranging from the practice of the worshipers of Baal, a big-time competitor to Big G, who shaved their beards and engaged in bi-sexuality as part of worship through to some of the practices of the Egyptians who also trimmed their hair and beards as part of worship of Ra.


Gawd – I’ve picked up a load of useless information over the years!

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I just hope that the Pope has got to heaven/hell and discovered that the Jews were right and Jesus was just a carpenter with ideas above his station.


Am I offending Jews, Christians, Catholics, Muslims?


Relgious people use their religion as a veil for bigotry. The very fact that religious belief or faith is illogical means that a logical person with reason on his or her side cannot argue against it.


Ask a religious person why they're being bigoted against other religions, women, various sexual practices etc and they will reply "Because it's what I believe." Or "Because it says so in the Bible, Koran, Torah."


And, for some reason, they expect you to actually respect their beliefs.


This is why we should all ridicule religious belief at every possible opportunity. We aren't allowed intellectual discussion with the religious. Ridicule is the only avenue open to the sensible.

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I would actually go further and put the promotion of religion to a child alongside other forms of child abuse.


But ---


We are where we are. There are a billion people who are deeply saddened by the death of the pope.


Out of nothing beyond human kindness should we not allow them their time to grieve?

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I just hope that the Pope has got to heaven/hell and discovered that the Jews were right and Jesus was just a carpenter with ideas above his station.


Am I offending Jews, Christians, Catholics, Muslims?


Relgious people use their religion as a veil for bigotry. The very fact that religious belief or faith is illogical means that a logical person with reason on his or her side cannot argue against it.


Ask a religious person why they're being bigoted against other religions, women, various sexual practices etc and they will reply "Because it's what I believe." Or "Because it says so in the Bible, Koran, Torah."


And, for some reason, they expect you to actually respect their beliefs.


This is why we should all ridicule religious belief at every possible opportunity. We aren't allowed intellectual discussion with the religious. Ridicule is the only avenue open to the sensible.

Total tosh. I'm religious and I loathe and despise male homosexuals. Ridicule away with as much intellectual logic as you can muster.



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I am not religious, I do not attend church but believe in life after death. (A spiritualist)


All religions are fundamentally flawed, in my view. Religion is based around bibles which are the writings of people, just people like you and me. These books weren't beamed down from above in some mystical way, they are all written by people. Yes, they may be based, in part, on ancient scripts that turned up apparently out of nowhere on pieces of stone or similar (if it's to be believed) but nonetheless bibles are still the writings and views of men.


I have my beliefs but do not feel I need to affirm them in a place of worship, my beliefs are dear to me and both deep and personal. That said, I fully respect other peoples need to have something more tangible, to go to churches to follow whatever they believe gives them comfort and support.

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I would actually go further and put the promotion of religion to a child alongside other forms of child abuse.

Every day we had to say the Lord's prayer at primary school and sing religious hymns. Various vicars would come to our school on a weekly basis and teach us things from the bible. It was accepted as the norm, but it's pure brainwashing. We were taught the bible as if it was fact.


I can't believe that the teachers, government, and parents all stood back and let it happen. In fact it probably still happens.

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I can't believe that the teachers, government, and parents all stood back and let it happen.  In fact it probably still happens.


Not so much any more. Religious education (in non faith schools) is more teaching about religions rather than promoting one above the rest. Uk (and IOM I think) schools are supposed to teach more about Christianity than the others but it's not half as bad as it was when I went to school.

I'm talking about primary schools, not sure what it's like in secondary.

Also,I think - but not sure, could a teacher clarify? - if a teacher feels really uncomfortable teaching it they can opt out. And parents can opt their children out too.

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