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Religion/is It Okay To Make Jokes?


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I'm religious and I loathe and despise male homosexuals.

Out of interest, do you also loathe and despise female lesbians?

Is there a male lesbian then?

I didn't ask you if you loathed and despised male lesbians I asked you if you loathed and despised female lesbians.

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But I think Obs was maybe enquiring as to whether it is only male homosexuals that you 'despise'


Indeed I was, as in fact, he is fully aware.


I will take his avoidance of the question to mean that he is unwilling to admit that 'female lesbians' make him as hot as hell (no pun intended to the religious amongst us) and that he frequently indulges in the common male fantasy of bedding a veritable harem of them.

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Why shouldn't I be religious?





Far be it from me to join the throng of stone-throwers about to descend on you, P.K. but I do think the homophobia thing may be the sort of opinion best kept to oneself. It smacks of fear and what do you have to be afraid of, frankly? As Fatty says, maybe a sore botty.


I'm sorry to hear that a man of what appears to be reasonable intelligence and - in general - good manners, should hold such an out-dated opinion of men who are not heterosexual. But that sort of prejudice must stem from some very deep-rooted fears and I don't think being publicly berated will do anything to shake them.


I'm puzzled though. What is it you loathe about them? The possibility that they may be eroding society's moral fibre with their refusal to stay out of sight? Or are you afraid you would not be man enough to resist an attractive homosexual if he knocked at the door?


Seems an odd opinion to me. Perhaps you chose your words unwisely.

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I didn't want to launch an attack, I genuinely wanted to know, hence my softly worded question, whether it was a male thing only or a broad, possibly religion based hatred of same sex relationships, be they male or female.

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I will take his avoidance of the question to mean that he is unwilling to admit that 'female lesbians' make him as hot as hell (no pun intended to the religious amongst us) and that he frequently indulges in the common male fantasy of bedding a veritable harem of them.

Bang to rights - to coin a phrase! It wasn't cheap either......


I'm not homophobic - I have no fear of them at all.


Whatever happened to the storyline?



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I find that hard to relate to (ie the hypocrisy of holding one strong view to the complete exclusion of the natural other) but everyone has their own view I suppose.

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I'm not homophobic - I have no fear of them at all.




Don't play games, PK. You know perfectly well the term homophobia now includes a hatred as well as a 'phobos' of homosexuals. Even as a joke, that's pretty lame.


If you really do 'loathe and dsepise' homosexuals, stand up and tell us why. Now that you've unzipped your fly, so to speak, you can't hide behind technicalities.



EDIT: Argh! Typing too fast. I think that was meant to say 'despise'. Or was it dspepsia?

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