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Religion/is It Okay To Make Jokes?


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But the boundaries of legislation are there to stop people hating others simply on grounds of race, creed or - as in this case - sexuality. So you're not really free at all and it's idealistic to imagine that you are. Well, you can't stop someone hating you for one of those reasons. But you can make life difficult for them if they go round telling other people.

I was going to reply, when I noticed that you had actually replied and contradicted yourself all in on paragraph. Neat touch.


You are indeed free to hate, despise, loath and detest whoever you wish and on whatever grounds you pick, whether they be sexual, racial or otherwise.


The legislation is there to prevent you causing offence or public unrest amongst individuals or certain groups by broadcasting or publicising some of those views.


Try as hard as they will, they will never be able to stop people having their own beliefs.

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