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An Eye For An Eye


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Man who blinded and disfigured a woman who refused to marry him set to receive the same punishment by having sulphuric acid dropped into his eyes, possibly by the woman he blinded, and according to the BBC earlier today, under medical supervision!


Anybody got any sympathy for him? Many seem to think it is fair enough, others that he should be given community service or something so as not to violate his human rights.


Personally I have mixed feelings. It's clearly a barbaric punishment, and why they need medical supervision I can't understand, but perhaps he should have thought of the potential consequences before committing his crime.

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Well the punishment certainly will send out a message to all iranians, how many others will it save from the same fate as her, its quite a common attack in iran on women, like if i canot have you, no-one will want you.


Perhaps the world could do with alittle more of an eye for an eye punishments.

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Perhaps the world could do with alittle more of an eye for an eye punishments.


Isn't that pretty much exactly the opposite of what Jesus tells you in your beloved bible?


What are you talkin about mojomuppit.

Where do you get the impression i give a flying F about religion.

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Perhaps the world could do with alittle more of an eye for an eye punishments.


Isn't that pretty much exactly the opposite of what Jesus tells you in your beloved bible?


What are you talkin about mojomuppit.

Where do you get the impression i give a flying F about religion.


Oops, apologies. I'm getting my forum members mixed up, must have had a temporary brain freeze.

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Man who blinded and disfigured a woman who refused to marry him set to receive the same punishment by having sulphuric acid dropped into his eyes, possibly by the woman he blinded, and according to the BBC earlier today, under medical supervision!


Anybody got any sympathy for him? Many seem to think it is fair enough, others that he should be given community service or something so as not to violate his human rights.


Personally I have mixed feelings. It's clearly a barbaric punishment, and why they need medical supervision I can't understand, but perhaps he should have thought of the potential consequences before committing his crime.


Let the punishment fit the crime.

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Man who blinded and disfigured a woman who refused to marry him set to receive the same punishment by having sulphuric acid dropped into his eyes, possibly by the woman he blinded, and according to the BBC earlier today, under medical supervision!


Its horrifying just looking at that picture and to me its not the punishment that is shocking as such, more the completely backward culture that gives rise to these acid attacks in the first place. The deep seated religiously driven mysogyny that makes some guy think he can do that is entrenched in these Muslim countries; the woman is viewed as nothing but a chatel and if he can't have her nobody can so he feels justified in throwing acid in her face. Its really quite disgusting that in the 21st Century there are countries still completely in the dark ages. If he has set the benchmark that low then he deserves all that is coming to him and as well as throwing acid in his eyes she should be able to dip his cock and balls into a vat of acid too and see how he likes it.


I saw this girl on This Morning the other week and again the same thing happened in this country with a guy from a similar background and how any person could ever get over that properly is anyone's guess.




You really can't believe the depths that some human beings will sink to when their cultural background teaches them that all women are worthless and need to be treated like shit and covered up for their own good.

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If justice were absolute, then perhaps there would be a case for treating barbaric people with barbarism, but as long as there are miscarriages of justice, wrongful arrests, and reasonable doubt its hard to agree with such punishments.


On the flip side, i cant find any sympathy for the man in this case, taking a long look at the picture of that womans face makes it hard to think of her attacker as a human rather than a rabid animal.


One worrying point is that the eye for an eye treatment seems to be his entire punishment, he's not going to be locked up as well, at least that the way it looks from the article. I find this worrying because he has already proved himself to be a very real danger to people around him, add serious facial disfigurment to his already sociopathic disposition and you could very well end up not only with a dangerous man, but also one with nothing left to lose.

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If justice were absolute, then perhaps there would be a case for treating barbaric people with barbarism, but as long as there are miscarriages of justice, wrongful arrests, and reasonable doubt its hard to agree with such punishments.


On the flip side, i cant find any sympathy for the man in this case, taking a long look at the picture of that womans face makes it hard to think of her attacker as a human rather than a rabid animal.


One worrying point is that the eye for an eye treatment seems to be his entire punishment, he's not going to be locked up as well, at least that the way it looks from the article. I find this worrying because he has already proved himself to be a very real danger to people around him, add serious facial disfigurment to his already sociopathic disposition and you could very well end up not only with a dangerous man, but also one with nothing left to lose.


Won't be such a danger if he can't see.

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I think you're mistaking punishment for revenge. The point of punishment is not revenge, it is partly deterrant, partly to prevent a repeat of the crime by the same person & partly to rehabilitate that person. In a civilised society revenge should not come in to it. Granted in this case the fulfils two of the purposes of punishment but the fact remains the law should be above revenge, that is not its purpose.

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Too much of this human rights bollocks infecting our planet with twats who can get away with raping/murdering or assaulting poor victims without any fear of a proper punishment.


Crack on Iran, you have the right idea.

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