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An Eye For An Eye


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As he has been found guilty in a fair trial by a jury of independent members of his society, his own lawyer representing him, under a justice system put in place by a free and democratically elected government, then yes, he deserves the punishment he has been given.

What if the jury decided to boil him alive in a big vat or set fire to him? Would that be ok because the government is democratically elected and has a jury of the public?

Seems simplistic to me. It's not like the jury had a tickcard to choose what punishment to inflict. They choose whether he is guilty or not.

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Paul Tyndale (In mid-60s and near retirement age back then), who if he lives, is now in his 80s and of course me.

The incident in Douglas occurred in 1993 which is four years later than you say!

So you remember the name of your colleague from 1993, but cannot remember the name of your colleague from just four years earlier who DIED after suffering an horrific attack right next to you?

anyone else smell utter bullshit?

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If you think that standing my ground such that an Assailant fails in his efforts and is convicted is "bricking it"..then perhaps you would like to face me man to man one early morning and test my personal skills with a 9 mm pistol against a pistol or revolver of your own choice?

It was Paul Tyndale who told me about the 'incident.' Since he's no longer around to back it up, I can't prove it, but I have to say that his version of events - especially regarding your reactions at the time - were very different to your recollections.

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I desist to name him for legal reasons ie provisionally under "The Rehabilitation of the Offenders Act"..


The Assailant, if I recall, received one year in the Youth Wing of IOM Prison and three years in the Adult Prison, He was 17 at the time of the raid.

If he was jailed for, as you say, four years (again, amazing recollection given you can't remember the name of a man who died next to you) then that is in excess of 30 months, and there is no rehabilitation provision under the ROA for people sentenced to more than 30 months in prison.

There is no legal reason not to name him, so do it!

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The last acid attack I was close to personally was when working as a doorman in Piccadilly Manchester in 1989 when another doorman had a glass of acid thrown in his face and died. This was due to inhaling vomit.


It must have scared the crap out of you: less than a couple of years later you were working at Funland in Strand Street :P (and being the ONLY member of staff who was bricking it when a - known to all of them - idiot came in and tried to do a hold-up!) :lol:


Actually there were only two staff on in that incident!


It was closing time about 10 or 10.30...No one was in the Arcade except us and I had put up most of the wooden shutters except one thus leaving a narrow gap...


Paul Tyndale (In mid-60s and near retirement age back then), who if he lives, is now in his 80s and of course me.


The incident in Douglas occurred in 1993 which is four years later than you say!


The person concerned appeared in a face mask made from a yellow balaclava and baggy clothes over his own as stolen from a charity shop.


He advanced with a rifle which I thought was an air rifle but you never know (Some .22s look like air rifles and vice versa) we were under orders not to resist but to hand over the cash. (The employers said that it was no problem as they were well insured and wanted no dead heroes)


He (the Assailant) said "Hand over the f..ing money"...I thought it was a joke and turned my back and looked down the arcade to see if any other comedians were there....Paul had by then put the bulk of the cash in the safe but about £300 was still in the float at the desk. At that time Paul had no idea of what was happening.


Then when I realised it was real. I walked towards him (The Assailant) but he stepped back pointing his "rifle".


I called Paul who wandered up to the cash desk.


Paul recognised him (the Assailant) because he had made the holes in his mask too big (it was a yellow balaclava and he left the cut-out bits of wool in our bins as we found later)..Paul recognised his (stoned out of his head) eyes through the mask as did I when it was pointed out to me.


Paul then said "Call the Police Barrie" and I turned my back and reaching over the desk and called 999. Saying, "This is Funland Arcade Strand Street Douglas. Armed Robbery now in progress. (Repeated twice)...I recalled my Army radio stuff you see "Advance to Contact...Get on the Net...Report...Out"....During the time that I was doing this the Assailant advanced and pointed the "rifle" behind my left ear but I hunched my back and ignored it but bracing for a "sting"....hoping that it was a .22 slug and not a .22 LR bullet!


When he (the Assailant) realised that I had made contact with Police HQ he ran off up Well Hill past Safeways and took refuge in Demesne Road only to come back to the arcade known as "The Leisure" 24 hours later when he was arrested.


I desist to name him for legal reasons ie provisionally under "The Rehabilitation of the Offenders Act"..


Armed Police came down but did not get out of their van.


A Police photographer came and took a lot of pictures.


Both Paul Tyndale and myself were rather complimented by Police at the time. (We were both awarded a £1 coin by the owners of "The Leisure" as a token regard for our bravery!) I am not making that up. I mean £1.....!!!!


It may well have been the case that Staff on "The Leisure" were aware of the "hit" before it happened.


I often suspected that I might have been "the Mark"...and certain people were upset that the "raid" had not come off!...


Plain clothes Police from the UK already on a drugs matter attended the scene also as there were drug connections then on-going. They immediately identified the Assailant who reportedly owed £400 to a local Manx drug dealer.


The Assailant, if I recall, received one year in the Youth Wing of IOM Prison and three years in the Adult Prison, He was 17 at the time of the raid.


If you think that standing my ground such that an Assailant fails in his efforts and is convicted is "bricking it"..then perhaps you would like to face me man to man one early morning and test my personal skills with a 9 mm pistol against a pistol or revolver of your own choice?


Some tall tales on you boy, bet you love the whisky.


Here have a mint, it might take the taste of bull shit out of your mouth.

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found guilty of "seditious writing", and sentenced to have their right hands cut off by means of a cleaver driven through the wrist by a croquet mallet.


This was in jolly England a few generations ago,Mr.Stubbs and Mr.Page and there crime was committed against? <_<

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As he has been found guilty in a fair trial by a jury of independent members of his society, his own lawyer representing him, under a justice system put in place by a free and democratically elected government, then yes, he deserves the punishment he has been given.

That's a novel view of things in Iran! Free and democratically elected Government?

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As he has been found guilty in a fair trial by a jury of independent members of his society, his own lawyer representing him, under a justice system put in place by a free and democratically elected government, then yes, he deserves the punishment he has been given.

That's a novel view of things in Iran! Free and democratically elected Government?



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