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77 Ripple Effect Verdict Not Guilty


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Anthony John Hill's 7/7 travesty of justice..full story

by masonfreeparty » Sun May 15, 2011 6:52 pm


The (7/7) Ripple Effect Story



May 14, 2011 -- London, England


Now that Muad’Dib/John Hill has been found not guilty, the full story to this point of His malicious and politically motivated prosecution can be told…


Three years ago, Muad’Dib mailed some DVDs containing his ‘7/7 Ripple Effect’ film to a courthouse near London, where three scapegoats were being prosecuted in hopes of lending credibility to the government’s “official” 7/7 story. These DVDs were sent by Muad’Dib because he wanted to keep innocent men from receiving very lengthy prison sentences. ALL the rest of us who knew about that situation should be ashamed for not having done exactly what Muad’Dib did.


As a result of his good-will, Muad’Dib’s home was raided by police and he was arrested on a charge of "perverting the course of justice". In the Orwellian 21st century, he was really just being attacked by a malicious and out of control police-state for getting in the way of their murderous crimes. The charge against Muad’Dib originated out of long-standing nazi-stronghold—London—where the globalist banking syndicate is headquartered.


So, Muad’Dib then spent over a year and a half fighting extradition to England where he knew it was going to be one corrupt event after another. The very short story is that his lawyer in Ireland refused to do as instructed and sabotaged his defense. Since the Irish judges were all quite corrupt too, never applying Law or even the relevant legislation, Muad’Dib’s fight against extradition was eventually denied by the Irish Supreme Court in front of 40 supporters and he was re-imprisoned, then taken to the UK in November of 2010.


Once there, the more obvious corruption started, as he was at that point held firmly in the clutches of a filthy corrupt British Establishment (including police, courts, and media).


Firstly, Muad’Dib was deleted from the prison’s computer system, with them originally saying that Muad’Dib wasn’t at their prison and they didn’t know where he was. About that same time, a police officer working to prosecute Muad’Dib stated openly that many other people sent DVDs to the same courthouse as Muad’Dib, but no one else was even investigated, never-mind charged. This was an open admission of a malicious and politically motivated prosecution/persecution.


Eventually the prison system admitted they had Muad’Dib in custody, and a bail application was made, then denied, by a corrupt judge for the official reason that he “didn’t want more DVDs to be sent out”. Sending out DVDs is, of course, not actually a crime. Muad’Dib then spent approximately three months straight incarcerated, teaching and waking up a sizeable portion of the prison staff and inmates.


In early March of 2011, bail was finally granted by the only judge throughout this entire process that actually seemed like a reasonably honest man. However, this process was still made very difficult by the fact that the prison service kept making “mistakes” or “forgetting” to bring Muad’Dib to his own court hearings. In all, Muad’Dib was only produced for two of seven different court hearings whilst seeking bail.


After being granted bail, one of Muad’Dib’s supporters went to go pay the ransom money, only to find out that, once again, he’d been deleted from the computer systems. This of course complicated things, but eventually the sabotaged system was fixed, the ransom paid, and after a bit of haggling with the prison, Muad’Dib was released with barely enough time to travel to his bail address before his court-imposed 10pm nightly curfew. At that point Muad’Dib began refining his defense and legal challenges.


His first action was to challenge the jurisdiction of the court, by proving, with a wealth of evidence, that “queen” Elizabeth is not the rightful monarch.


This was a two-point argument. First is that the Stone of Destiny/Coronation Stone was a fake, and Elizabeth knew that at the time and since then, which meant not only was she never properly crowned, but she was also knowingly conning the public.


The second and absolutely irrefutable part of the argument, is that Elizabeth had broken her legally binding coronation oath, which is a valid contract she made with the British people allowing her to be their queen. Although more proof exists and was to be used in court, the skeleton legal argument summarizing this jurisdictional challenge can be found online at: REGINA v JAH.


At the end of March 2011, Muad’Dib submitted the basics of this challenge to the court, alongside applications to subpoena “queen” Elizabeth to testify, and for production of the Sovereign’s Coronation Bible, which Elizabeth had used when swearing her legally binding oath. She also signed a written version of the contract, and a high-quality picture of the original can be seen here: Signed Coronation Contract.


Unsurprisingly, nothing at all was heard back from the court as would normally happen. The final day that the court was open before his May 9th trial, Muad’Dib visited the court clerk’s office, and asked them what the situation was. At that point, he was finally notified that his subpoena applications had been denied (by an extremely dirty judge), but that the court had, once again, “mistakenly” mailed them to the wrong address.


After having been harassed, monitored, restricted, and imprisoned for long periods of time by a completely filthy “judicial system”, May 9th 2011 finally came, and with it, as one would guess, more corruption.


The judge, hand-picked by the Establishment to handle Muad’Dib’s case, was clearly unhappy to have been forced into what he surely saw as a difficult predicament for him. He had a totally innocent man (Muad’Dib) in front of him, and a courtroom full of witnesses which were going to make it very hard for this judge to carry out the orders he’d been given by his evil cronies, which was to make absolutely sure a guilty verdict was returned against Muad’Dib.


First, the judge flatly refused to hear Muad’Dib’s application to subpoena Elizabeth and the Coronation Bible. With that done, he then read Muad’Dib’s jurisdictional challenge, which, as above, had/has two points: a) the fake stone used, and b) the broken coronation contract.


After giving Muad’Dib a few minutes to make his case, the judge adjourned the trial for the rest of the day. The following morning he came back and said he was denying Muad’Dib’s challenge, ONLY on the grounds that it “didn’t matter” if a fake coronation stone was used. The judge very slyly attempted to ignore a huge amount of Muad’Dib’s challenge, saying absolutely nothing whatsoever about Elizabeth having broken her legally binding contract with the British people. The judge had to ignore and bypass that part of the challenge, because, even by their own silly “rules” and legislation, that part of the challenge is still absolutely water-tight and irrefutable.


The fact that the judge refused to even mention that crucial part of Muad’Dib’s challenge offers a great deal of proof that it cannot be argued against in court, therefore, everyone should be studying the information and using it themselves in any British (or Commonwealth) courtroom possible. If you’ve not broken a Biblical Law, then you cannot be prosecuted for anything by Elizabeth or her agents.


With Muad’Dib’s challenge officially denied (ran roughshod over as he predicted), the jury was then sworn in, and the prosecution began spewing out a bunch of pointless hot air. Basically, the prosecutor (who was an arrogant, rotten little girl with no moral decency) had no legitimate case to argue on behalf of those evil Establishment figures instructing her, and they ALL knew it. So, she just talked around in circles for the better part of a day, while some members of the jury struggled to stay awake.


Once that had finished, Muad’Dib’s only defense was getting up on the witness-stand and explaining to the jury that he sent the DVDs to the courthouse because innocent men were being maliciously prosecuted, just like he now was, and that he could not sit back and watch people go to prison for something they didn’t do. It really was that simple, so Muad’Dib used the opportunity to also enlighten everyone in the courtroom about other subjects like the false-flag 911. Upon cross-examination, the silly little girl prosecuting wasted everyone’s time by connivingly trying to get Muad’Dib to say he’d done something wrong. That didn’t work and she ended up hurting her own case even more, deciding she’d better sit down and be quiet when Muad’Dib scolded her for wasting everyone’s time speaking nonsense.


After this, both sides summed up their cases. The prosecution slandered Muad’Dib and the defense team basically said this whole thing was horribly ridiculous.


Then it was the corrupt (and probably free-masonic) judge’s turn to have the last word. This horror in a robe went on to do everything he could possibly come up with to try and manipulate the jury into giving a guilty verdict. This judge re-defined the words in the charge, stated Muad’Dib said things that he never said, then outright lied to the jury by stating it was not up to him which evidence they heard, when he had already forbid various pieces of evidence from being shown to the jury (thereby making decisions about evidence). He did basically everything he could to have Muad’Dib found guilty, just short of openly telling the jury that they must convict. Had the public gallery not been full to over-flowing, he probably would have done just that.


The jury then went back to deliberate and about 2.5 hours later came back saying they couldn’t reach a unanimous decision (possibly a plant or two in the jury). The judge probably thought the odds were in favor of a conviction, so he then allowed a majority verdict (no less than 10 to 2 either way), and the jury went out again, before coming back an hour later saying they’d come to a decision.


The jury forewoman that gave their verdict came in the room beaming with a wonderful smile, and a few other jury members were definitely grinning. A NOT GUILTY verdict was then give and the jury left the room once again to the applause of the public gallery.


The judge then left the courtroom quite visibly upset (knowing he was probably in trouble for failing to get this conviction on behalf of his masters) and the prosecutor waddled away back to whatever crypt she’d crawled out of. The police officer visibly heading-up Muad’Dib’s prosecution actually had the decency to say he was sorry—which was nice, all things considered.


Muad’Dib is once again at complete liberty after having proven that doing the right thing always pays off in the end—IF you don’t lose strength.


As for the rest of us? We can all look forward to a second-edition of the ‘7/7 Ripple Effect’ coming out soon.


Yes, case closed… But a new beginning of sorts is upon us. Keep checking back for updates. This is just a battle won, but this war for Truth, Justice, and Liberty is not over yet.




-The Friends of Muad'Dib

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why ty terse have you seen the film ?Anthony John Hill's 7/7 ripple effect .

The post you made is as effective in making me want to see it as one of spook's would be in making me want to read the bible.

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ok i can understand that please remain ignorant

The ignorance lies with those who think that over-passionate language and intense reports will attract people. Thay won't. Most intelligent people will get about as far as the end of the first paragraph before saying 'conspiracy nutters' and moving on to something else.

Once we become aware that the home-made film was produced by someone who has claimed to be the messiah our doubts begin (although this may astonish you) to increase. And then, if we happen to have watched the episode of The Conspiracy Files that dealt with this lunacy and disproved most of it - with very little effort - one's trust in its validity (believe it or not) crumbles even further.

From your previous lunatic-fringe postings about 9/11, I can only assume that you find it so much easier to believe in vast, complicated and utterly unworkable government-funded conspiracies than you do in well or poorly planned acts of terrorism. That is your privilege. Expecting reasonably intelligent people to accept your bizarre explanations is, I would suggest, rather pathetic.

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whats pathetic is you attacking me without looking at the 7/7 ripple effect.


the film maker submited as a "friend of the court" 6 dvds and was incarcerated for 151 days and then charged with a attempt to “pervert the course of justice.”


12 REASONABLY INTELLIGENT PEOPLE "the jury" found him not guilty .


view the film give your verdict

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whats pathetic is you attacking me without looking at the 7/7 ripple effect.


the film maker submited as a "friend of the court" 6 dvds and was incarcerated for 151 days and then charged with a attempt to “pervert the course of justice.”


12 REASONABLY INTELLIGENT PEOPLE "the jury" found him not guilty .


view the film give your verdict

Okay. I've watched the film.

That is an hour of my life I can never get back!

It is the kind of utter shite that only the loony fringe of conspiracy theorists could even begin to take seriously.

FFS, get a life!

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whats pathetic is you attacking me without looking at the 7/7 ripple effect.


the film maker submited as a "friend of the court" 6 dvds and was incarcerated for 151 days and then charged with a attempt to “pervert the course of justice.”


12 REASONABLY INTELLIGENT PEOPLE "the jury" found him not guilty .


view the film give your verdict



If people such as he hate us so intensly then it follows that they must like somewhere else better. On that basis they should go there.


It's not the same as homosexual males being persecuted for their predilection for abnormal sexual attraction that in sipte of its abnormality is within the range of sexual orientation, it's a case of hating the country that they are in.


Likewise distributing the hate filled garbage that they spew forth is being an accessory and obviously a supporther of such hatred.


What a shame it is that the Treason act is so difficult to use in order to prosecute these traitors.

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