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If You Were In The Uk Electorate

For whom would you vote?  

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As a nation here in GB we are living way beyond our means under Brown’s disastrous economic strategy.


The illusion of a sound economy is maintained by unsustainable levels of borrowing in the public sector and unregulated borrowing in the private.


That alone is reason enough why this present UK government must be removed. There are many many more.


Lib Dems seem unwilling or unable to understand the need to undertake the measures necessary to restore economic health to the nation and their policies are in my opinion far to far to the political left. Socialism doesn’t work.


The Conservatives, by demonstrating an understanding that it is essential that a healthy economy is in place before anything else is affordable and sustainable, seem to me to be the only possible choice.


NuLabour have squandered the wealth that they inherited in 1997 and have gone on to run up a massive level of public sector debt whilst allowing also the creation of massive personal debt in the country. We all now face huge bills.


They have to be paid.


We have a choice, pay them now or pay even bigger ones later.


The one certainty is that even if a vote for a party that someone doesn’t particularly care for, if it will unseat a NuLabour candidate, is worthwhile.

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I wasnt on to fault your analysis or otherwise. My point was that Tory folk will vote Tory and Labour folk will vote Labour - I just dont feel that either party will have done enough wrong (in the fault of Labour) or right (in the case of the Tories) to pull enough voters either way. Given the general level of world uncertainty then people tend towards the status quo - you only have to look at the elections across the pond for that one.


As for your comments about NuLabour screwing up the economy I am not convinced that this isnt still a legacy of Thatcher's slash and burn policies but I guess thats a discussion for another thread!!

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I wasnt on to fault your analysis or otherwise.  My point was that Tory folk will vote Tory and Labour folk will vote Labour - I just dont feel that either party will have done enough wrong (in the fault of Labour) or right (in the case of the Tories) to pull enough voters either way.  Given the general level of world uncertainty then people tend towards the status quo - you only have to look at the elections across the pond for that one. 




I know that's the generally held view but I’m not so sure.


In 1997 I was in favour of a change of government as I thought that the party had lost it’s direction and was being exploited by those out to take advantage of the pro business nature of any Conservative government, especially one with a weak PM and I was saddened at the death of John Smith.


In fact had he been alive I would have voted Labour in that election, I really would. Major was and remains am unattractive prawn in my opinion and was and remains a good spear carrier, but not a spear chucker.


Today I would vote for Mugabe if I thought it would ous Bleah.

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Tory folk will vote Tory and Labour folk will vote Labour


Simply not true anymore. I come from a Tory background - my parents first met at a meeting of the Young Conservatives! - but I've been a Labour supporter for the past ten years and was delighted when they got in.


I'm not so delighted now though to imagine them in power for a third term. That way megalomania lies. :o

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As for your comments about NuLabour screwing up the economy I am not convinced that this isnt still a legacy of Thatcher's slash and burn policies but I guess thats a discussion for another thread!!


Are you serious? Thatchers policies left Britain in the best shape it had been in for a long time. They handed Britain over to Labour in excellent economic health.


I'd vote Tory if I had a vote and if I could be arsed.

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Are you serious? Thatchers policies left Britain in the best shape it had been in for a long time. They handed Britain over to Labour in excellent economic health.


I'd vote Tory if I had a vote and if I could be arsed.



Try telling that families of those involved in the mining, steel and other heavy industries.

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Try telling that families of those involved in the mining, steel and other heavy industries.


But those self same industries were being subsidised to the hilt from tax payers money. What’s worse the power of the unions in those industries was being not only being used to hold back progress but also being traded to support other union blackmail – for that’s what it had come to – by secondary picketing.


How can it be right to be producing coal with a pit head price far less than the cost of mining it? How could it be right to produce cars of such awful quality and design that not only weren’t wanted on the world market but worse yet were costing more to produce than they could be sold for?


How could it be right to produce steel that cost more to produce than it could be sold for?


Remember the awful economic stupidity of Callaghan and Wilson with his ‘pound in your pocket’ blatant lie. Not a lie as a result of an error in interpretation of intelligence reports or even a lie as a result of spinning a story to create an illusion, but a down right cut throat lie.


Remember having to put down a years rental in advance before you could rent a TV? Or the huge deposit before you could buy a new car on HP? Or the limit on how much you could take out of the UK for an overseas visit? All these things and mopre before Thatcher finally brought sanity.


The pain from Thatcher was the pain of surgery to excise a cancer. The cancer of failed socialist politics, weak management, and union blackmail, and a country riddled with basket case industries.

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That's a neat argument, Rog, and I respect much of what you said, but not everything was improved by Thatcher's facilitation of credit. It could have been better handled, with the obvious downsides predicted and the system adjusted before they could occur.


The recent prolifieration of TV programmes aimed at young people with serious debt problems highlights what I'm saying. The 'Why Wait' generation was inspired by Thatcher's regime and is with us now as young adults, who naively believe they can have anything they want without having to count the cost in real terms. Credit needs to be brought under stricter controls before Britain staggers under the weight of these people's unpaid debts. If it's not already too late.

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