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If You Were In The Uk Electorate

For whom would you vote?  

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/cowers in corner, waiting for onslaught of righteous Manx Folk with pitchforks and unnecessary 4x4s.


what was that about unnecessary 4x4s ?


you havn't seen the roads lately ?, no wonder there's so many 4x4 to cope with the

ruts, trenches not filled in properly, Brown's bumps, potholes, mud, tramlines, temporary road surfaces and raised ironwork, crazy scooter riders who try to cut you up, what else can I say ?

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Not really a valid option though is it, seeing as they won't swear allegiance to the crown?


That's why they don't even sit in Tynwald.



How could anyone expect anyone from Mec Vallium to swear allegiance to The Crown?


From their gross inaction they certainly have no allegiance for the Manx.


They’re just sitting ‘dog in the manger’ style blocking the seat at the political table that REAL Manx nationalists could usefully occupy.

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Who should you vote for (click me!)



You should vote: Liberal Democrat

The LibDems take a strong stand against tax cuts and a strong one in favour of public services: they would make long-term residential care for the elderly free across the UK, and scrap university tuition fees. They are in favour of a ban on smoking in public places, but would relax laws on cannabis. They propose to change vehicle taxation to be based on usage rather than ownership.

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They propose to change vehicle taxation to be based on usage rather than ownership.

That'd be me driving without the speedo connected then (or sticking to quiet country roads with the rest of the traffic avoiding the tolls).

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Who should you vote for (click me!)



You should vote: Liberal Democrat

The LibDems take a strong stand against tax cuts and a strong one in favour of public services: they would make long-term residential care for the elderly free across the UK, and scrap university tuition fees. They are in favour of a ban on smoking in public places, but would relax laws on cannabis. They propose to change vehicle taxation to be based on usage rather than ownership.


What a shame so many people will fail to see that a Lib Dem vote is even worse than a wasted vote as to vote Lib Dem just let's the awful Bleah into office for another 4 to 5 years at the end of which God alone knows what an awful state the UK will be in.


I honestly dread the thought of it, I really do.

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Even worse for me, it says I should vote Labour :o


One thing I have against these sorts of test is the black and whiteness of the questions and answers. eg;


Police should be able to detain terror suspects under house arrest indefinitely without trial.

I have no problem with detention of suspects if there is sufficient evidence, but can not agree with the term 'indefinate'.


Over 75s should receive a guaranteed pension irrespective of their National Insurance contributions

Pensions, like Child Benefit should be means tested. Social Security should look after those less able to look after theirselves. So I agree that NI shouldn't be a deciding factor, but disagree about a guarenteed pension for all.


and so on and so on....





*Almost another excuse for not being totally respectful of Party Politics ;)

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What a shame so many people will fail to see that a Lib Dem vote is even worse than a wasted vote as to vote Lib Dem just let's the awful Bleah into office for another 4 to 5 years at the end of which God alone knows what an awful state the UK will be in.


Yeah but this time he won't have the huge majority he had last time. A vote for the lib-dems could theoretically make a rather large difference to the policies that go through the commons as they get can be the key votes between the Tories and Labour.

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I have paid a fortune into the Treasury over the years. Why therefore should I not get a higher pension than someone who has paid very little?


I don’t argue with the premise that everyone who has past retirement age should be provided with a pension adequate to live on as a minimum, but those of us who have paid more should receive more.


It’s not just pensions either. Take private medical insurance. That should be tax free and even attract a payment from the NHS for treatment taken privately that the NHS would otherwise have to have provided.


It’s time that the politics of envy were put aside.


Take the abolition of the Community Change, wrongly called the Poll Tax. I live in a big and so expensive house here in Norfolk, As a result my Council Tax bill is horrendous, and yet there’s just Clair and myself living here.


On a nearby Council Estate there are houses with several adults all living together and yet although they place far far greater burden on Council provided services each household pays far less than we do.


It’s not houses that consume services – it’s people yet it’s houses that generate the council bills.

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I have paid a fortune into the Treasury over the years. Why therefore should I not get a higher pension than someone who has paid very little?


Because you have been fortunate enough to be able to pay that money, those who haven't should not be disadvantaged in old age purely because you feel you should get more money out because you put more money in. We live in a welfare state and that is not how it works, get used to it.


Take private medical insurance. That should be tax free and even attract a payment from the NHS for treatment taken privately that the NHS would otherwise have to have provided.


Private medical insurance is taken on your own perogative, why should the govt. pay for you to have superior service, if you want it you pay. Sounds fair to me.


I live in a big and so expensive house here in Norfolk, As a result my Council Tax bill is horrendous, and yet there’s just Clair and myself living here.


Whats wrong with a local income tax? That way you pay according to your means rather than the price of your house...and those "several adults" living in the council house will each pay individually. That's a Lib-Dem policy that is!

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I have paid a fortune into the Treasury over the years. Why therefore should I not get a higher pension than someone who has paid very little?
Because consecutive governments have made the moral decision on your behalf to look after certain sections of society with blanket policies?


I'm not financial inclined, so forgive my ignorence. Most of the following is presented as questions...


The systems says that all pensioners will receive a share of the funds irrespective of input.


The higher earners will contribute more during their life so should they receive more from the fund?


Don't NI contributions have an upper limit? If not, maybe they should, that way we can make our moral payment into the pot for equal divvying up, but have the choice to further invest in a private pension if salaries permit and we would receive a bigger pay out. That may benefit everyone.


The same for Income Tax? Upper limits of contribution? I favour one rate accross the board rather than sliding scales as somebody on £1,000 per week still pays more than somebody on £100 per week. There are threshold below which no tax is paid, why isn't there a threshold above which contributions are static?


A millionaire should be able to keep more of their money, but they should also be happy to forfeight an automatic 'right' to Social Security benefits if they are not needed. Child benefit is an automatic right and £19.50 per week is a lot to me as a (working) single person with a child, but how important is it to a couple earning £40-50,000 per year also with one child?


I think Child Benefit should be withdrawn as it is already taken into account for Income Support and FIS payments, so they would go up accordingly if claimed and the remainder would be a saving for the Social purse.


An alternative method is to remove the welfare system altogether and make all responsible for their own well being, but then the disabled would be disadvantaged, children would suffer, basically the country would grind to a halt.


Whatever the answer, it needs to be more efficient in its administration and those who seek ways to abuse the system should be sought, found and dealt with.


/back to the original question... ermmmm, I've forgotten it ;)

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