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If You Were In The Uk Electorate

For whom would you vote?  

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Jumpin' this thread fairly late, and not being into politics enough to read the whole thread, so apologies if this has been already covered.


Does Michael Howard look like a pathetic school child to anyone else? (even more so than other politicians i mean) Does he actually have any of his own policies? It seems that any time someone brings something up, or there's a report on something, out he comes like a bullied, schoolkid, grassing people up to the teacher, its pathetic, all he seems to do is poopoo other parties, i haven't heard him come out with anything of his own yet.


Also, again if already covered, apologies, council tax bands? Excuse me if i've got this wrong, but if your house was in, say band c in the 90's paying whatever council tax, but then since then you improve your property, with all the expenditure that goes along with that. This then, is more than likely to put your property in a higher council tax bracket, so you have to pay more money because its worth more? Whats that all about?

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If this forum's ballot is a reflection of the mood of the country we could end up with a hung parliament with the Libs not having a workable majority.

Question, would the Torys and Labour then unite to bring the Libs down or would they do the sensible thing and vote for those Lib policies that they do agree with?



Well more scientific polls than this show that Labour lead the Tories (37 to 32% ish) with the Lib Dems on about 23%. So the scenario you pose is unlikely.


However for the sake of arguement if the results here were replicated in the UK. Firstly, due to the electral system favouring the big two parties the Tories would have more seats than the Lib Dems.


However, the most likely government would be a lib-lab coalition.

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TMBE asks --- Does Michael Howard look like a pathetic school child to anyone else? (even more so than other politicians i mean)


Yes! It is unfortunate that he does, and even more so that Bleah has taken to using false tan and other make up to enhance his appearance on TV and in photographs.


Does he actually have any of his own policies?


Yes. But presentation is not one of his strengths. Then again the Conservatives didn’t have Malcolm Campbell (Remember him? He’s back in but through the back door!) working a ‘spin-machine’


What is happening is like a game of ‘Me Too’. The biggest offenders are NuLabour who rapidly either jump on, or rubbish, or more frequently first rubbish and THEN jump on other parties proposals but because they are so dammned good at presentation – and it is their one and only strength – that is not how it looks.


It seems that any time someone brings something up, or there's a report on something, out he comes like a bullied, schoolkid, grassing people up to the teacher, its pathetic, all he seems to do is poopoo other parties, i haven't heard him come out with anything of his own yet.


He has, especially a limit on immigration, a fix for the out of control council tax, reform of the Civil Service, and a whole lot more. The purpose of an opposition is to put up opposing policies where appropriate or where their political ideologies differ, or simply to put up opposition to proposals if for no other than to create an impendence in order that better law is the result. With NuLabour this seldom works. There is a very great deal to criticise and to challenge about NuLabour – in MY opinion. I do not like their vision of the future.


Also, again if already covered, apologies, council tax bands? Excuse me if i've got this wrong, but if your house was in, say band c in the 90's paying whatever council tax, but then since then you improve your property, with all the expenditure that goes along with that. This then, is more than likely to put your property in a higher council tax bracket, so you have to pay more money because its worth more?


Yes. Also if property prices have increased in relative terms in the district in which you live - say if there is something like a good school within easy reach – the result is then a relative increase in house prices generally. This is the case where we live but as our place is in the top band already then unless additional bands are introduced (being considered now) we should not be affected.


Whats that all about?


Yet another NuLabour stealth tax.

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Bleah has taken to using false tan and other make up to enhance his appearance on TV and in photographs.


Do you seriously believe that Michael Howard doesn't wear make up?


For TV broadcasts they all use make up but Bleah has taken to using it for walkabouts. His tan - allegedly as a result of sitting outside for an afternoon - is straight out of a bottle.


Watching Bleah get younger has been like watching the same thing happening to Kerry. We can only hope the outcome will be the same – to loose the election.


And not that it has anything to do with anything but I much prefer Mrs. Howard to Zippy – the Westminster gargoyle that Bleah is wed to. Apart from anything else she seems to me to have a very much better idea of how a PM’s wife should behave.


I like Howard. To me he comes over as being comparatively genuine and closer to a case of what you see being what you get – the precise opposite to Bleah who has been shown time and again to lie and to then spin the outcome.

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Bleah has taken to using it for walkabouts.


Do you seriously believe that Michael Howard isn't also using make up in public?



Hate to think what his complexion is like when he doesn't apply make-up then!


There is a school of thought (to which I do NOT belong) that as he casts neither reflection nor shadow he could not apply make up even if he wanted to!

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"But presentation is not one of his strengths. Then again the Conservatives didn’t have Malcolm Campbell (Remember him? He’s back in but through the back door!) working a ‘spin-machine’"


Hate to be pedantic, but wasn't Malcolm Campbell the father of Donald Campbell, both of whom broke world speed records? 'Bluebird' certainly wasn't a spin machine!


I you're talking about Alistair Campbell, then I can only paraphrase a comment made about someone who changed parties in the early 20th Century - "He could not walk across the floor without lraving a trail of slime behind him!"


Blaire cannot walk across a country without leaving a trail of destruction behind him :D

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I like Howard.  To me he comes over as being comparatively genuine and closer to a case of what you see being what you get


I really have heard it all now, standing ovation for that one, well done rog, Rory Bremner eat ya heart out!!


I don't find any of the candidates particularly stimulating, nor have i found any policies that tickle my fancy really. I don't see that Blair, Bleah, Blow, Blurt or whatever ya like to call him, has done too much wrong. In that i mean, i don't think the Tory's would have coped with anything better, than Blurt did, especially seeing the state of Howard lately, Bluto's dealt with stuff that'd have Howard left in a wimpering, trouser-soiling heap. Take the war, so many people banging on about these WMD's, as soon as the war started Saddam used Scud's, weapons he was not supposed to have, this has been overlooked. Also, a very nasty, horrible man, that was a danger to millions of people, not least his own, was taken out of power, isn't that good?

The only time Howard piped up about imigration, was when a report came out, this is what i mean about him, something arises and he jumps on it like a pesky little jobs-worth who's only pleasure is derived from pointing out other peoples mistakes, yet not thinking up anything of his own.

That is why he won't get into power, because he's just a pathetic little grass.

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I've always been a supporter of the Conservative party but somehow, Michael Howard just comes across as a xxxxfy looking xxxxxx.


I really, really wouldn't trust him to run the country.


I took the test and I got an overwhelming Green Party vote which did surprise me somewhat.


Nu Labour is better than old Labour imho but I think it is time for Blair to step aside.


Not too sure which the right party to lead the country is, I quite favour the 'none of the above' option, if it was available.

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The Birtday Party would be good. I've always liked them. Unlike the Office Party - which is always dreadful. All Night Parties appeal more to younger people. Where as Tea Parties are for old people and chimps. Does the Warehouse Party still exist? They were quite trendy, once. Like Cheese and Wine and Acid House parties. Abigail's Party was a play by Mike Leigh. Abigail never arrives

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