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The End Of The World Is On Saturday


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I just wonder how many who make comments about the End Times have actually even read The Book of Revelation?


I certainly think the nonsense put about by the US preacher is just the “same old same old” that Paul addressed first in his letter to the Thessalonians where he makes the point that the time of The Second coming and even the nature of The Second coming is not imminent. Chapter 5 makes this clear in the early verses.


So much criticism about Christianity from so many with such little learning let alone knowledge and understanding. Such a shame so many are condemning themselves because of their pride and ignorance that their foolish pride is stopping them from addressing.


And such a disgrace that evangelism on our island has been left undone by so many clerics.

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Matthew Henry, writer of one of the best biblical commentaries, in his introduction to his commentary on The Book of Revelation has an oservation

that is probably worth reproducing here.


He writes :- “It ought to be no prejudice to the credit and authority of this book that it has been rejected by men of corrupt minds, such as Cerdon and Marcion, and doubted of by men of a better character; for this has been the lot of other parts of holy writ, and of the divine Author of the scripture himself.

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I just wonder how many who make comments about the End Times have actually even read The Book of Revelation?


I certainly think the nonsense put about by the US preacher is just the “same old same old” that Paul addressed first in his letter to the Thessalonians where he makes the point that the time of The Second coming and even the nature of The Second coming is not imminent. Chapter 5 makes this clear in the early verses.


So much criticism about Christianity from so many with such little learning let alone knowledge and understanding. Such a shame so many are condemning themselves because of their pride and ignorance that their foolish pride is stopping them from addressing.


And such a disgrace that evangelism on our island has been left undone by so many clerics.


I think I still have my lvl 12 Dwarven Cleric character sheet around somewhere. I can dig it out if you like.

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Matthew Henry, writer of one of the best biblical commentaries, in his introduction to his commentary on The Book of Revelation has an oservation

that is probably worth reproducing here.


He writes :- “It ought to be no prejudice to the credit and authority of this book that it has been rejected by men of corrupt minds, such as Cerdon and Marcion, and doubted of by men of a better character; for this has been the lot of other parts of holy writ, and of the divine Author of the scripture himself.


So if people try to discredit your work of fiction they have corrupt minds.




Edit to add: The part in bold. It is a book, written by man. Not God. I read a book about flying sharks once. Doesnt mean its real (bloody worrying thought, I mean flying sharks).

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Matthew Henry, writer of one of the best biblical commentaries, in his introduction to his commentary on The Book of Revelation has an oservation

that is probably worth reproducing here.


He writes :- “It ought to be no prejudice to the credit and authority of this book that it has been rejected by men of corrupt minds, such as Cerdon and Marcion, and doubted of by men of a better character; for this has been the lot of other parts of holy writ, and of the divine Author of the scripture himself.


Nonsense. Martin Luther rejected it's apostolic authorship and prophetic nature for many years. Over the centuries there has been considerable debate about it's author, date and whether it should be included in the biblical canon. The Eastern Orthodox Church rejects the book from it's liturgy. It is not just those with 'corrupt minds'.


I did start to read it, but I gave up as it appears to be florid raving!

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Matthew Henry, writer of one of the best biblical commentaries, in his introduction to his commentary on The Book of Revelation has an oservation

that is probably worth reproducing here.


He writes :- “It ought to be no prejudice to the credit and authority of this book that it has been rejected by men of corrupt minds, such as Cerdon and Marcion, and doubted of by men of a better character; for this has been the lot of other parts of holy writ, and of the divine Author of the scripture himself.


Ah but Jimcalagon writer of another best biblical commentary, in this thread on Manxforums wrote, and i quote;


"i have - and it is a load of bollocks"


So there you go, two biblical experts with conflicting views.

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I also think that if John of Patmos related his vision today, he would be taken for someone with a psychotic illness. I feel that with the Bible, as with all scriptures, you have to apply critical analysis, and learn from the elements that stand up to scrutiny. The rest, you should dismiss. It was written by many different authors, in days when scientific knowledge was primitive. To accept every word of it as the definitive word of God or the revelation of some sort of immutable truth just does not make any sense.

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So much criticism about Christianity from so many with such little learning let alone knowledge and understanding. Such a shame so many are condemning themselves because of their pride and ignorance that their foolish pride is stopping them from addressing.


Oh you're funny, really funny. :D

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