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Modern Warfare 3


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You could email, but ring customer services, they know all about the f**k up, they will be very apologetic, just tell them you heard they are offering 50% refunds and they will give you it.

Half an hour after getting off the phone I got a call in response to an email I sent to the asda ceo, this woman told me the same, was very surprised I still didn't have the game and told me how head office are giving 50% refunds.

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Anyone who buys a game these days solely for its single player aspect is going to be sorely dissappointed as all FPS games are becoming heavily MP biased.


From the feedback I have been getting from my clan, MW3 is comparable to MW2. BF3 however is light years ahead of BFBC2 in terms of graphics....on ultra settings it is nothing short of epic.

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  • 2 months later...

just open NAT mate


well just got the game on the pc


the bad


sad perks

too many challenges completed alerts so you cant hear whats going on

poor deagle

takes too long to get in to a server if not dedicated

high ping when not in a dedicated server

no console for changing config while in game


the good

dedicated servers

capture the flag

makes a change from cod4


i've not play the co-op or the single player it is making a nice change but with out lean it will die on the pc


looking forward to playing it LAN at the man arena

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