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Another Defeat For The Clarksons


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So, in other words, smartass G4 is wrong. Yes, ut sounds like that Blade Runner. I thought there was supposed to be more public consultation before they went ahead with that. By the way, I watched Blade Runner the film for the first time on Saturday. Was well impressed - especially Rutger Hauer's like tears in rain dying scene. Also found the world environment more believable than I thought I would. An all round 10/10.

I would imagine Ridley Scott is happy he made the film then ;-)

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Does Jeremy Clarkson still own the property now? It would be a shame if we had hounded another celebrity out of the island, especially as I agreed with his case.

We really are a bunch of inbreds sometimes tongue.png


Yes, at least he did recently. I see it's been repainted to quite a high standard, in fact puts many other properties to shame.

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It is a classic film, you may not know but it was one of the last science fiction films that used models, not CGI for the sets and effects, it is well worth a Google of how they did it.


CGI now makes things like Avengers possible and they look awesome but the storys are no where near as good and I doubt they will be still being talked about 25 or so years later like BR.


ps. Do you now understand my reference to electric sheep?


The Grauniad recently ran the critics choice of 10 best war films, 10 best action, 10 best sci-fi and so on. Blade Runner was third behind Metropolis and 2001.





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The enemy of my enemy is my friend.......it is weird how I am suddenly drawn to liking posts from my usual critics in our unified and unwavering pisstaking of TJ :D

Guess I am now on his ignore/court/rooftop with a highpowered rifle list as well :D

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It is a classic film, you may not know but it was one of the last science fiction films that used models, not CGI for the sets and effects, it is well worth a Google of how they did it.


CGI now makes things like Avengers possible and they look awesome but the storys are no where near as good and I doubt they will be still being talked about 25 or so years later like BR.


ps. Do you now understand my reference to electric sheep?


The Grauniad recently ran the critics choice of 10 best war films, 10 best action, 10 best sci-fi and so on. Blade Runner was third behind Metropolis and 2001.






I have not watched Metropolis, it has always just looked too old but I might make an effort now.


2001 I have seen a couple of times but never really enjoyed it, not my thing really, a bit slow for me but I appreciate that it is seen as a classic.


In addition to science fiction I really like the old vampire/ horror films like Hammer did, I really dont get this modern vampire/ werewolf thing, every other TV program, it seems at the moment and for the past few years, is a vampire/ werewolf/ thing and they are just not scary..............


Give me The Evil Dead II any day over a pretty boy with a fringe and a couple of fangs.

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The enemy of my enemy is my friend.......it is weird how I am suddenly drawn to liking posts from my usual critics in our unified and unwavering pisstaking of TJ biggrin.png


Guess I am now on his ignore/court/rooftop with a highpowered rifle list as well biggrin.png




You know what, I'm actually going to put Peel as my location. I'm going to regard it as a matter of pride just so you knob muffins will know how a real Manx person responds to amateurish assclownery.

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according to your file - you're really from Birmingham and was adopted as a baby


Even if that was true, someone from Birmingham can still come here and become Manx. Even Jeremy Clarkson could become Manx. Punching that twat Piers Morgan puts him in good standing in my books, although he'd have to stop being such a dick about coastal land.

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So all these comeovers you so despise can actually be Manx?




I'll have to agree with you on the punching Piers Morgan though


I've got nothing against comeovers. I only use that term to refer to knob heads who come here and run our island down and tell us how we should be more like where they came from. The ones who come here and make it their home and take pride in the place are very welcome.

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