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American Police


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There is something about the behaviour of the American police that somethimes disturbs me.


Every so often I've seen a video of their behaviour which so shocks me that I cannot quite comprehend it.


This is an




I've lived in the US, I've lived in Seattle where this shooting took place.


I know America is a violent place compared to the UK. But I've walked the very streets where this Cop shot this person and I cannot understand how a policeman can behave as though any remote threat must be considered a present danger to be reacted to with deadly force.


3 shouts of drop the knife to a 50 year old (who happens to be partially deaf) - 4 seconds after the first shout he opens fire firing 6 or 7 shots, hitting the guy 4 times mainly in the back and right side. Witnesses say the man hadn't done more than start to turn round to see who was shouting at him.


Never do anything remotely threatenning near an American cop*.


Don't whittle wood in public**


You could die.


*No criminal charges were ever pressed against the cop.


**Its debateable if he was even doing this - when the knife was recovered it was closed.

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No excuses for this. American police are frequently brutal.


Can't imagine that it helps their nerves though knowing that 90% of crackpots (and a fair proportion of non-crackpots) are armed.

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Sometimes I wonder why the USA is at the very bottom of the list of places I'd like to visit.

Sometimes I wonder why people make jokes about Americans being gun-happy and stupid.

This is the first time I've ever wondered how many cops are needed to take a closed penknife off a dead man.

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How do you know that something didn't happen off camera?

How do you do that the person wasn't known to police for being violent / wanted etc,

How do you know that all the video is true...

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  • 2 years later...

I read this the other day in the Economist about the militarization and violence of policing in America. And then I saw this. Dixon of Dock Green it is not!


The person in the video is a Police chief of a small town in Pennsylvania.

Bloody hell.

America really is one strange society.

If you want to see more incidences of the militarization of the police in the US try out Mark Perry's Blog Carpe Diem and his postings on the wrongs of the Drug's War. Be aware these links contain Libertarian views and should be considered carefully!
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Who's worried about terrorists when you have got these psychopaths with badges roaming the streets 'armed & ready'?



But you forgot to mention Churchgoing.


They have God´s mandate to protect everyone from everyone. Especially from one another. American fundamentalist Christianity is a big problem in the world.

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Who's worried about terrorists when you have got these psychopaths with badges roaming the streets 'armed & ready'?


It's not so much the cops themselves as the toys they now have. The arms corporations must be wetting themselves now....


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Did you see the thing on the internet the other week where a man was videoing the police doing a raid, they told him off and then decided they were going to arrest him? He went over to his car and locked his dog in it...the dog seeing his owner being man handled by the police decided to escape from the car (clawed the window down) to go and rescue his owner....the police shot his dog, it was not a clean kill, the dog writhed about before collapsing. I do not usually watch things like & quite wish I had never seen it, I only think about the poor dog 3 times a day. :( No need. My daughter watches 'Cops' programs, I hate them, I hate all the cops on them, the other day, there was this one who said "Criminals are like cockroaches, they crash cars and walk free" - and it's OK for you as a copper to think like that? No, it is not. Mental - the lot of them.

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Did you see the thing on the internet the other week where a man was videoing the police doing a raid, they told him off and then decided they were going to arrest him? He went over to his car and locked his dog in it...the dog seeing his owner being man handled by the police decided to escape from the car (clawed the window down) to go and rescue his owner....the police shot his dog, it was not a clean kill, the dog writhed about before collapsing. I do not usually watch things like & quite wish I had never seen it, I only think about the poor dog 3 times a day. sad.png No need. My daughter watches 'Cops' programs, I hate them, I hate all the cops on them, the other day, there was this one who said "Criminals are like cockroaches, they crash cars and walk free" - and it's OK for you as a copper to think like that? No, it is not. Mental - the lot of them.

Did you watch the whole video?


The cops were in the middle of a hostage negotiation when that clown pulled up blaring his music from the car, he was asked to turn it down as the officers couldn't hear their radios properly. Instead of saying yeah no worries he gives them some shit and is arrested, he puts his dog in his car leaving the windows open. Dog jumps out yes to protect his owner. Dog then goes for the officers and is shoed off he then goes again and is shot. The dog was a massive rottweiller. Now if a Rottweiller was coming at me and I had a gun I would shoot it. The only reason that dog was killed was because of his stupid owner getting involved in something he had no need to get involved in.


As for the cockroach comment it is spot on. You can pretty much guarantee if you were involved in a car crash with a person who had stolen a car that guy would walk away without a scratch where as you or your family member will receive serious injuries.

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