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American Police


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Did you see the thing on the internet the other week where a man was videoing the police doing a raid, they told him off and then decided they were going to arrest him? He went over to his car and locked his dog in it...the dog seeing his owner being man handled by the police decided to escape from the car (clawed the window down) to go and rescue his owner....the police shot his dog, it was not a clean kill, the dog writhed about before collapsing. I do not usually watch things like & quite wish I had never seen it, I only think about the poor dog 3 times a day. sad.png No need. My daughter watches 'Cops' programs, I hate them, I hate all the cops on them, the other day, there was this one who said "Criminals are like cockroaches, they crash cars and walk free" - and it's OK for you as a copper to think like that? No, it is not. Mental - the lot of them.

Did you watch the whole video?


The cops were in the middle of a hostage negotiation when that clown pulled up blaring his music from the car, he was asked to turn it down as the officers couldn't hear their radios properly. Instead of saying yeah no worries he gives them some shit and is arrested, he puts his dog in his car leaving the windows open. Dog jumps out yes to protect his owner. Dog then goes for the officers and is shoed off he then goes again and is shot. The dog was a massive rottweiller. Now if a Rottweiller was coming at me and I had a gun I would shoot it. The only reason that dog was killed was because of his stupid owner getting involved in something he had no need to get involved in.


Kinda siding with Thommo here. I did watch the whole thing and it was pretty obvious the guy was a twat and agitating the cops deliberately. The window in the car also looked like it was down, making it easy for the dog to get out. You can't blame a cop for fearing for his safety when a Rottweiler come towards him. It's a split second decision and you have to protect yourself and your colleagues. From the internet commenter investigation judge perspective, it looked like like legit use of force, and I used to have a Rotti and love those dogs. Owner seemed at fault there and looks like it was entirely avoidable.

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There are around 700,000 cops in America.


An estimated 26.2 percent of Americans ages 18 and older about one in four adults suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year.


Do the math, as they incorrectly say.


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:) The window was only down a little bit, the dog forced it down, they could have let the owner go, he was only videoing them, he could have taken the dog under control and then they could have carried on with the arrest, or do you suppose he would have set the dog on them?

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Why did the driver stop in the first place? why did he not stand back like all the other people were doing? I read he was arrested for obstructing police which if true would suggest he wasn't arrested for saying something to the police, if it was true his music in the car was stopping the police from hearing their radios properly and he didn't turn it down it down when asked then he can have no sympathy.

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Who's worried about terrorists when you have got these psychopaths with badges roaming the streets 'armed & ready'?


It's not so much the cops themselves as the toys they now have. The arms corporations must be wetting themselves now....


I can just see the three legs on the side of that baby. Can we have one for Douglas? Great spectacle going down Bucks Road.biggrin.pngbiggrin.png

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Who's worried about terrorists when you have got these psychopaths with badges roaming the streets 'armed & ready'?


It's not so much the cops themselves as the toys they now have. The arms corporations must be wetting themselves now....


I can just see the three legs on the side of that baby. Can we have one for Douglas? Great spectacle going down Bucks Road.biggrin.pngbiggrin.png


Don't jest, Longworth might want one for his empire next.


The Douglas police one will have the rainbow flag flying out it's turret though. To show diversity of course.

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Not sure what's better - US cops acting too quickly, or UK cops hiding behind H&S bullshit and not acting at all - apart from charging the victims afterwards:




I know it's Daily Wail fodder, but I have zero sympathy for burglars. They should have shoved that iron bar up his backside, broke his arms and legs and thrown him off the roof. If you enter someone else's property without permission and with intend to carry out a criminal act, then in my view you're relinquished any human rights you may have had and I should be perfectly within my rights to shoot you. Multiple times. Starting with the legs and working upwards.

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Not sure what's better - US cops acting too quickly, or UK cops hiding behind H&S bullshit and not acting at all - apart from charging the victims afterwards:




I know it's Daily Wail fodder, but I have zero sympathy for burglars. They should have shoved that iron bar up his backside, broke his arms and legs and thrown him off the roof. If you enter someone else's property without permission and with intend to carry out a criminal act, then in my view you're relinquished any human rights you may have had and I should be perfectly within my rights to shoot you. Multiple times. Starting with the legs and working upwards.

Very true. Why should someone who puts themself outside of the law then be allowed the protection of the law.

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