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Is This Your Cat?


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This little kitten has been visiting our front garden for the best part of a month and at first it was only in the evenings, but now it's most of the day too. He is constantly hungry and cries to be fed.


I have posted her photo on the Lost & Found Cats Isle of Man Facebook page and even spoke with the MSPCA who says its a female and she is 5-6 months old. She is a little nervous. The MSPCA have explained that we should stop feeding her and that if she lives nearby, then she will go home. But if anyone owns this kitten, please PM me.


Thanks in advance.


I am sorry if this is in the wrong forum, but does anyone own this little cutie-pie?

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mann cat santuary has been tonight and picked up the kitten

so if you hear of any one looking for her, please can you let them know, its only about 5 months old and female,it was realy sad to see her go but the road is busy and i was afraid incase a dog got hold of her,

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Well there has been no reports as yet of anyone missing her, some people just dont care they get kittens and then put them outside 24/7, there is a beautiful black cat that lives in the houses right by springfield grange, has a eye that keeps watering and is here every night in all weathers, i dropped by his house and there is no cat flap, so he cant be getting into the house as we see him in day time as well, they just dont care,

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Well there has been no reports as yet of anyone missing her, some people just dont care they get kittens and then put them outside 24/7, there is a beautiful black cat that lives in the houses right by springfield grange, has a eye that keeps watering and is here every night in all weathers, i dropped by his house and there is no cat flap, so he cant be getting into the house as we see him in day time as well, they just dont care,


We've got 2 who "live" next door but they never get fed and are out in all weathers 24/7, we reported it to the MSPCA umpteen times but they didnt seem to want to do anything as they knew we were looking out for them! We now have a shed with a cat sized hole cut in the door for them to shelter in and feed them once a day so at least we know they are getting one decent meal a day. It infuriates me but I'm not letting them suffer just cuz their owners are twats! Two beautiful animals as well :(

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lol there some one put a note in farmhill shop window . it sounds just like that cat. i seen it there on the 5th

Cats are fickle creatures, if you feed them they will keep coming back even if they have a home already. If they keep getting fed, and they decide that your house has better food / is warmer / more comfortable / open / gives more cuddles etc then they will try and move it. Most cats have no loyalty (although some do). If you find a cat that looks like a stray, the best thing to do is not feed it unless it really is skin and bone.


If you think that it is a stray, maybe put a collar on it with a note saying "if this is your cat please call xxxx". That way the owners will be given a chance to know that kitty is two timing them before they realise that kitty has disappeared and start putting up missing posters.

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Cats are fickle creatures

What is that old saying?


"People choose dogs. Cats choose people".

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