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Deleting Google Street View


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An image of your house? Why are you bothered about someone seeing an image of your home? What is it about your home that you think IT deserves some privacy because of its relation to you?


Is it because someone might see you peering through the curtains with a worried look on your face?

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An image of your house? Why are you bothered about someone seeing an image of your home? What is it about your home that you think IT deserves some privacy because of its relation to you?


Is it because someone might see you peering through the curtains with a tin foil hat on your head?



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I too have a problem with people seeing my house. Therefore I ask that everyone closes their eyes when they pass my house. As most of you don't know or care where it is, best keep your eyes shut at all times just in case.

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For one the Isle of Man Government has put a press release that's actually of some use:


Google Streetview - How to report a problem


I can't see why anyone would want to have a picture of their house on a database for all the world to see.


Question is . . . how do you delete the image of your house if you don't have an email address???

Can't see why they would but conversely can't see why they would care. Why worry? Life's too short for paranoia.

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I too have a problem with people seeing my house. Therefore I ask that everyone closes their eyes when they pass my house. As most of you don't know or care where it is, best keep your eyes shut at all times just in case.

Ah! That would explain a lot about local driving standards.

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Question is . . . how do you delete the image of your house if you don't have an email address???


Write to your local mhk and ask him to email them on your behalf. Probably best not to ask Earnshaw though.

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For one the Isle of Man Government has put a press release that's actually of some use:


Google Streetview - How to report a problem


I can't see why anyone would want to have a picture of their house on a database for all the world to see.


Question is . . . how do you delete the image of your house if you don't have an email address???


Easy - have your house demolished and simply wait for Google to update the streetview imagery. Job done.

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becauase while it is vary rare to happin in the isle of man, in the uk there is a hell of a lot of pikey scumbags that use Google Streetview in the uk to work out the best way in and out of a yard house etc with it.



hence the reason they offer to remove it,which i know a lot of yard owners farmers do get them all removed for this reason.


remember the little bubble we live in is not like the rest of the uk

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becauase while it is vary rare to happin in the isle of man, in the uk there is a hell of a lot of pikey scumbags that use Google Streetview in the uk to work out the best way in and out of a yard house etc with it.


Or they could just stand in front of the house and get a better view?



remember the little bubble we live in is not like the rest of the uk


Right, but this is Manxforums. We're not talking about the rest of the uk.

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becauase while it is vary rare to happin in the isle of man, in the uk there is a hell of a lot of pikey scumbags that use Google Streetview in the uk to work out the best way in and out of a yard house etc with it.


Or they could just stand in front of the house and get a better view?



remember the little bubble we live in is not like the rest of the uk


Right, but this is Manxforums. We're not talking about the rest of the uk.


why would you want to go out and view a house, chances of been seen before hand for a start,

and the fact you can sit at home and vire thoushands of homes in a matter of hours,

slim would not make a good criminal lol.


but the same still applys slim,

clever fookers can use it to find out info etc on places over here worth robbing,

the easyer the info to hand the more it can happin.

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I actually find streetview is useful if I am selling or buying on ebay that I can double check the other party to see if they at least look genuine, that the postcode agrees with the address etc, may not work all the time but at least reduces the odds of being rooked

... also very useful planning trips away, a few recent trips it was uncanny that I knew exactly where to make turns, what local landmarks to look for, which lane to be in at a roundabout etc. even before satnav kicked in !

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