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Wikilieaks - 6 Months Under House Arrest Without Charge


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The five-minute video shows Mr Assange repeatedly signing in at a local police station near to where he is living in Suffolk.


One of his staff Sarah Harrison says: “I am British. And I have always been proud of our justice system – but this is just wrong.


“This is a man who has not even be charged and he is being treated like a caged animal.”


Does the law in the Isle of Man allow this kind of house arrest without charge?

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ermm? Lets not get taken in by the spin. He is wanted for questioning in Sweden on fairly serious allegations, these are extradition proceedings, so no he has not been arrested, he is on bail with conditions whilst he fights the extradition application. He has moved country in the past, so the alternatives were detention or bail with conditions whilst he and Sweden fight it out. Yes the law is practically the same here.

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ermm? Lets not get taken in by the spin. He is wanted for questioning in Sweden on fairly serious allegations, these are extradition proceedings, so no he has not been arrested, he is on bail with conditions whilst he fights the extradition application. He has moved country in the past, so the alternatives were detention or bail with conditions whilst he and Sweden fight it out. Yes the law is practically the same here.



But he has been arrested, according to reports The Grauniad


Can a European Arrest Warrant have effect in the Isle of Man, I thought that it didn't and that the Extradition Bill (which has been subject to recent consultation) was intended to allow a EAW to extend to the Isle of Man, following comments in the last IMF report.

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Does the law in the Isle of Man allow this kind of house arrest without charge?


It does far worse things than that. Remember what they did to Roly? Shocking abuse of the legal system to persecute a person. As far as the wikileaks guy goes, who knows? It's like that guy from the IMF, the one who raped the chambermaid, did he? would he really be that stupid? who knows? we'll never know, it's none of our business, they operate at a much different level to us.

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No we do not have EU Extradition or Arrest Warrants, but we do have extradition based on the previous system. Dr Dirk faces extradition to Germany as well as the IOM Criminal Charges as I understand it.


So yes you could be extradited from IOM and yes you could be on bail whilst the extradition process is ongoing, with curfew conditions, residence conditions etc.

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I doubt theres any substance to the allegations, more to do with the yanks marginalizing him, they yanks would abuse their anti-terrorism laws and jail him for donkeys years if they got hold of him, they dont like their propaganda and spin being shown up as bullshit.


Remember its all about hearts and minds, god bless american largess

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It's all manufactured theatre for the masses. The best way to control the opposition is to be the opposition, the guy is a plant, he has so many links to the establishment if you scratch beneath the surface. Wikileaks will soon be shown to be an excuse the censor the freedom of information and prosecute anyone who dares to stand up to the state apparatus. I wouldn't spend too much time on it, apart from worry about how society has become more fascist right before our eyes and we all stood by and let it happen....

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Society hasn't become more fascist. Possibly the State has in the UK. But I think the UK and USA I think the public are weaker at responding to threats to democracy than at any other time.


My mistake, wrong choice of terminology. Yes, the state has become more fascist, the totaletarian tiptoe has progressed apace and most haven't noticed, or haven't been bothered to notice, and won't notice until it smacks them right between the eyes.

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I am more concerned about the threat from corporate power and the response of the State to it. Not sure if goverment is becoming more totalitarian. The public have no more or less participation in their own affairs than (say) fifty years ago.


I'm more concerned about the increased collaboration between corporate power and the state. Of course it's always been there but now it's more blatant and overt and is increasingly going unchecked.

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