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Wikilieaks - 6 Months Under House Arrest Without Charge


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Isn't the world amazing - a bloke decides to leak the secrets of the most powerful nation on Earth, becomes a celebrity, gets his leg over with too many women in too short a time in circumstances which cause some of the said women to use Sweden's very feminist-friendly definition of sexual assault to get an international arrest warrant issued against him, resulting in the bloke fearing the most powerful nation on Earth will extradite him to face the consequences of his actions if he is extradited to Sweden to face the consequences of his getting his leg over too often, and hence he hides away in an Embassy for years, gets the UN to investigate whether all this is unfair on him ... and the UN rules it is.


Modern geopolitics and sexual politics.


The world is mad.


Link for those interested.

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Isn't the world amazing - a bloke decides to leak the secrets of the most powerful nation on Earth, becomes a celebrity, gets his leg over with too many women in too short a time in circumstances which cause some of the said women to use Sweden's very feminist-friendly definition of sexual assault to get an international arrest warrant issued against him, resulting in the bloke fearing the most powerful nation on Earth will extradite him to face the consequences of his actions if he is extradited to Sweden to face the consequences of his getting his leg over too often, and hence he hides away in an Embassy for years, gets the UN to investigate whether all this is unfair on him ... and the UN rules it is.


Modern geopolitics and sexual politics.


The world is mad.


Link for those interested.

yanks do not like their dirty little secrets exposed,we have to thank Snowdon and lemange for having the balls to let EVERYONE know what the devious bastards are up to.

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My view is: A Man tries to emancipate his fellow man by leaking some dirty truth's about the most indebted and morally corrupt country on the planet, this pisses off the criminals hiding behind this war mongering and indebted fiction and they manage to convince the criminals acting in authority as the Mans country of origin to aid and abet it in a campaign to discredit the MAN, the plan is to trump up a sex allegation, in the hope of whisking him away which will lead to his imprisonment, torture and death, ultimately discouraging any one else from the role of whistle blower. Meanwhile the criminals here, known as the British Government spend 12 million pounds, trying to enforce this. Yes the world is indeed mad....

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So the UN has ruled that Swedish women have no right of protection under Swedish law.


Now what the f~ck has that got to do with the UN?


Only a cynic would suggest that certain elements of the UN like to embarrass the US of A...

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... the most ... morally corrupt country on the planet. You really have a very blinkered view of the world, the US's moral corruption is what it is, there are far far worse.


...trump up a sex allegation, I don't think the basic facts are disputed - he had "rough sex" with A - she says it wasn't fully consensual, the condom split and it was bad sex, he says it was consensual and doesn't know [or care?] about the condom or the quality; later he then had sex twice with B - once where she refused to have sex until he put on a condom, and once where he did not. She says on the second time she wasn't conscious of what we was doing and he was already inside her before she knew he wasn't wearing a condom - she had never had unprotected sex prior to this and she went straight to the hospital sexual health clinic afterwards. He says there wasn't an issue, denies she was asleep, but has presented evidence which says she was "half-asleep" when sex was initiated.


Is this a honey pot? Quite an unusual one to spring - going with the feminist consent angle would be rather odd - My view is that the women involved were known left wingers, and the spurned lover, sexual consent angle is consistent with their left wing views and Sweden's culture on sexual politics.




... in the hope of whisking him away which will lead to his imprisonment, torture and death, ... You really are delusional - the fact that Bradley (Chelsea) Manning will likely serve only 8 of his/her 35 year sentence and his offences include the fact he/her was a serving member of the US army when he leaked the stuff put an upper bound on what Assange might be facing - I've read quite a few opinions that as a non american simply distributing material received there is very little the US can charge Assange with.


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So the UN has ruled that Swedish women have no right of protection under Swedish law.


Now what the f~ck has that got to do with the UN?


Only a cynic would suggest that certain elements of the UN like to embarrass the US of A...


A cynic would see through the sham accusations and see it for what it really was...an attempt to set JA up for being lifted by the US.

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... the most ... morally corrupt country on the planet. You really have a very blinkered view of the world, the US's moral corruption is what it is, there are far far worse.


...trump up a sex allegation, I don't think the basic facts are disputed - he had "rough sex" with A - she says it wasn't fully consensual, the condom split and it was bad sex, he says it was consensual and doesn't know [or care?] about the condom or the quality; later he then had sex twice with B - once where she refused to have sex until he put on a condom, and once where he did not. She says on the second time she wasn't conscious of what we was doing and he was already inside her before she knew he wasn't wearing a condom - she had never had unprotected sex prior to this and she went straight to the hospital sexual health clinic afterwards. He says there wasn't an issue, denies she was asleep, but has presented evidence which says she was "half-asleep" when sex was initiated.


Is this a honey pot? Quite an unusual one to spring - going with the feminist consent angle would be rather odd - My view is that the women involved were known left wingers, and the spurned lover, sexual consent angle is consistent with their left wing views and Sweden's culture on sexual politics.




... in the hope of whisking him away which will lead to his imprisonment, torture and death, ... You really are delusional - the fact that Bradley (Chelsea) Manning will likely serve only 8 of his/her 35 year sentence and his offences include the fact he/her was a serving member of the US army when he leaked the stuff put an upper bound on what Assange might be facing - I've read quite a few opinions that as a non american simply distributing material received there is very little the US can charge Assange with.




I doubt Manning will live to see the outside of his prison...



there is very little the US can charge Assange with.


That hasn't stopped them before...

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rmanx - what parts of the allegations of sham?


Throwing a party for someone who supposedly raped you, and was essentially living in your flat after the crime had supposedly happened? Not at all suspicious to you?


Having your photograph taken with the accused at a public meeting and tweeting "hanging with the coolest man alive"? Yet he "raped" you two days earlier?





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Chinahand: I feel that if he were not the co-founder of Wikileaks and he had not exposed Government war crimes and corruption then these sex allegations would never have come to light, lets face it there are many in office now and in the past that have done much much worse than these inflated allegations. perhaps he should change his name to Lord Janner, Leon Britton, Jimmy Savile, Ted Heath, Cyril Smith, Andrew Windsor, or at the very least try and employ the services of the protection squads that these creatures have enjoyed the services of, and in many cases, still are.


It is clear that If you expose the corruption of any Government or so called authority figure here in the free world, then this is what will happen to you, if you are lucky and mange to get asylum as assange has done. A dozen people could approach the police tomorrow about a prominent member of the establishments involvement in much more sadistic crimes than these allegations and they would be swept under the carpet and the accusers would become the victims of the cover up squad...no denying this, its happened many many times.


I am not a total fan of Julian Assange, I think his ego is as much to do with his efforts as are his intentions to do good. But these whisle blowers need some protection from this kind of obvious persecution...

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The opinion of the UN working group on arbitrary detention is risible. The UK is not detaining Mr Assange, he is free to leave the Embassy at any time. He was initially detained under a european arrest warrant. That cannot be construed as arbitrary detention, and should never therefore have been within the scope of the working party. He was then released on bail, and chose to seek asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy.


If he has the courage of his convictions let him leave and defend himself in front of Swedish prosecutors. Sweden has a fair justice system.


He actually strikes me as a gutless, cowardly individual rather than as any kind of hero.

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The opinion of the UN working group on arbitrary detention is risible. The UK is not detaining Mr Assange, he is free to leave the Embassy at any time. He was initially detained under a european arrest warrant. That cannot be construed as arbitrary detention, and should never therefore have been within the scope of the working party. He was then released on bail, and chose to seek asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy.


If he has the courage of his convictions let him leave and defend himself in front of Swedish prosecutors. Sweden has a fair justice system.


He actually strikes me as a gutless, cowardly individual rather than as any kind of hero.

He speaks well of you laugh.pngflowers.gif

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If he has the courage of his convictions let him leave and defend himself in front of Swedish prosecutors. Sweden has a fair justice system.




I would suggest he is more afraid of the black bag over the head and the "Welcome to Gitmo" sign than Swedish Justice.

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