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It will all be well until the uk Army come in and claim it. If you are going to keep gold, silver, etc. have it in your possession.


I don't think confiscation of silver coins will be on the agenda somehow. It's much easier to steal someone's pension with the push of a button if the state needed quick funds.....should it ever come to that.


Having said that there's not a chance I'd keep my possessions in a third party location with a big red flag on it with my name on.

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How so?


Well think about it. Much of the loot which ended up in Switzerland at the end of the war would probably still belong to the survivors of the families it was stolen from if it had been safely stored in Switzerland to begin with.


Historically, sooner or later states will often decide that your stuff belongs to them. Today that extends to the IMF, and internationalists in general, who want it to give to the banks. Eg Lagarde's Rio agenda.


ETA: not meaning to equate the one and the other.

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Well think about it. Much of the loot which ended up in Switzerland at the end of the war would probably still belong to the survivors of the families it was stolen from if it had been safely stored in Switzerland to begin with.



Plenty of it was stored there to begin with but the Swiss didn't try too hard to trace the families of those who died. Big scandal about it some years ago. http://voices.yahoo.com/the-swiss-banking-scandal-its-holocaust-victims-1564677.html

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I don't think confiscation of silver coins will be on the agenda somehow. It's much easier to steal someone's pension with the push of a button if the state needed quick funds.....should it ever come to that.


Too late, that has already gone.

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I don't think confiscation of silver coins will be on the agenda somehow. It's much easier to steal someone's pension with the push of a button if the state needed quick funds.....should it ever come to that.


Too late, that has already gone.


Too true...and still most people don't realise what's going on. The nine steps below sum it up the recurring fiat currency monetary cycle in a nutshelll;


1. A nation rises to greatness and becomes wealthy based on sound principles and the hard work of initial generations.

2. Eventually, being wealthy becomes the natural expectation… an entitlement, rather than a goal to work hard for and achieve.

3. A nation begins living beyond its means to maintain the high life without the hard work, leveraging its credibility to trade tomorrow’s production for today’s consumption.

4. Living beyond its means eventually becomes unsustainable. Government begins to slowly, then staggeringly, devalue its currency.

5. The market (i.e. people) finally wake up to the fraud being perpetrated.

6. Financial repression usually follows– high taxes which steal from the productive, negative real interest rates which steal from the savers, etc.

7. Capital flight comes next. People take their money and run.

8. Governments implement capital controls, border controls, price and wage controls, and anything else they can do to maintain the status quo. People find out who the police are really there to protect and serve.

9. Capitulation (default) is the endgame; the system resets itself and begins anew.....and then we go again.

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Do I therefore buy silver and if so, where from?

Guernsey mint has very good prices and no VAT. However, silver does attract VAT so be careful. Gold does not attract VAT.

Silver is a better buy at the moment having dropped a lot in value recently. Gold sovereigns are a good, reliable and easily stored /hidden option at around £260 each at the moment.


When it comes to silver coins, if you know what you are looking for Ebay can be your VAT free friend.

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If the solids ever do really hit the fan and we have a complete financial melt-down I'm not sure how much use it will be to have a wedge pf gold or silver under your mattress. You can't eat the stuff and it will not be of much practical use.

Cases of baked beans and the like seems much more sensible.

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Yes EG, but if that situation happens, and when it finally turns around, at least you will still have some wealth with which to build a new life.


That said, I am not in the "tin foil hat brigade". I can envisage big changes in several years time, but until then the can will continue to be kicked down the road.

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I just think it's prudent at this moment in time to keep your wealth (if you are fortunate enough to have any) outside of the digital ponzi scheme called the global financial banking system. The whole thing is teetering at the moment, expect more 'events' like the Natwest/RBS fiasco and 'cyber bank raids' as they try and deal with the current situation. If you have nothing digital you have nothing to lose. Only my opinion obviously,which I derive from too much aluminium exposure due to my choice of headwear.

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If the solids ever do really hit the fan and we have a complete financial melt-down I'm not sure how much use it will be to have a wedge pf gold or silver under your mattress. You can't eat the stuff and it will not be of much practical use.

Cases of baked beans and the like seems much more sensible.


Neither can you eat your bank statement either. I get your point but a Mad Max apocolyptic scenario isn't on the cards in my opinion, however bank runs and other digital 'events' very much are.

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Neither can you eat your bank statement either. I get your point but a Mad Max apocolyptic scenario isn't on the cards in my opinion, however bank runs and other digital 'events' very much are.


One thing we do know is that the population is ageing and the state will not be able to care for everyone in their old age.

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Neither can you eat your bank statement either. I get your point but a Mad Max apocolyptic scenario isn't on the cards in my opinion, however bank runs and other digital 'events' very much are.

If the banking system really did melt down and currencies became worthless we would still need something to act as money i.e. be a medium of exchange. What might that be?

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One thing we do know is that the population is ageing and the state will not be able to care for everyone in their old age.

There are suggestions around involving local/alternative monies which would operate alongside national currencies. The advantage of these within communities is that the supply always expands to meet the demand. See Bernard Lietaer's "The Future of Money". Maybe Lxxx and Cambon would also find it interesting.

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Neither can you eat your bank statement either. I get your point but a Mad Max apocolyptic scenario isn't on the cards in my opinion, however bank runs and other digital 'events' very much are.

If the banking system really did melt down and currencies became worthless we would still need something to act as money i.e. be a medium of exchange. What might that be?



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